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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)



    Trade only, you go first (have been scammed before :( )

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    First two days of the expansion were fun, had loads of success with quest rogue and aggro highlander rogue. Now every second game is against a control warrior who generates multiple copies Zilliax, has 6 board clears, even more single target removal and probably will have more health than you for the entire game.

    It's not only doctor boom but the whole play style of just clearing everything turn after turn and then playing Elysiana or generated mechs (they have Omega Assembly as well)


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on (giveaway)[Fast Climb] Mech Druid 100% Broken

    These decks are everywhere recently. All the time somebody posts a deck that has probably been in multiple vS reports recently and name it "Best xxx XXX, easy legend/>60%winrate".

    Posted in: (giveaway)[Fast Climb] Mech Druid 100% Broken
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    posted a message on 73% Cyclone Mage

    Whoops, somehow had Astromancer in mind while writing this. Rabble Bouncer is the card I meant.

    Posted in: 73% Cyclone Mage
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    posted a message on 73% Cyclone Mage

    If you want to play non-Galaxy cyclone mage I'd suggest watching apxvoid on Twitch. He has also written a pretty extensive guide here on hearthpwn. I'm playing his list currently with one copy of Sandbinder, Frostbolt and Rabblemancer for Galaxy, Harrison and Alexstrasza who become very clunky in this deck without the cost reduction.

    All these cards are flexible though. You can add a Sn1p Sn4p, a second Banana Buffoon (currently very trendy, good vs warrior I'd guess), two Rabblemancers  (for zoo matchups) depending on what you're facing. Galaxy itself with Alexstrasza is just a tech option vs Warrior (also Harrison) as well but I'd say the matchup is winnable without it as well and depends much on who high rolls (shield slams vs giants for example).

    Posted in: 73% Cyclone Mage
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    posted a message on Roguebook - Roguelike Deck-builder from creators of Faeria

    Used HQA4I-BMZLV-BET6T. Thanks a lot! I'm looking forward to trying it out.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Heeljin Galaxy 7 Mage - RoS

    I watched both videos and the deck seems really fun and not even bad (considering it's more of a meme). I wanted to craft Galaxy either way and Doomsayers are never bad to have in you collection but would you say crafting 2 mossy horrors and 2s of both secrets is worth it? Those epics are the cards that cost me the most.

    Posted in: Heeljin Galaxy 7 Mage - RoS
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    posted a message on Pack Bundle Promotion: Back to the Wild!

    If I'd disenchant everything from rare to legendary and the duplicated I'd get around 6.600 dust. Legendaries weren't the best apart from Yogg but thats ok. Maybe I'll get to live the dream of putting 10 damage mines into my opponents deck in the future.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Roguebook - Roguelike Deck-builder from creators of Faeria

    This looks great. Like somebody else said it seems to me that this can become a more polished and extended version of Slay the Spire which I personally found rather lackluster and linear. More exciting cards would be really great in such a game.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on [Wild] Mørbeck’s #7 Legend Odd Rogue

    Hey, the guide and the fact that this uses some of my favorite old rogue cards makes me want to use this deck. Is Loatheb replaceable though? I sadly disenchanted him some time ago when Wild only had the first expansions.

    Posted in: [Wild] Mørbeck’s #7 Legend Odd Rogue
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    posted a message on Would you rather craft legendaries to have all for one class or fewer for many classes?

    Hey guys, I just got back into Hearthstone after a very long break (stopped playing before Frozen Throne came) and always loved (miss my old Deathrattle Jade Rogue and Sherazin Miracle Rogue) and still love (Pogo Rogue) as a class and have already crafted a few of the legendaries good in the decks. Namely Zilliax, Togwaggle, Hooktusk (which I regard as an impulsive premature decision honestly and kinda regret since I wouldn't have dust problems now if I didn't do it) and have drawn a Barista Lynchen and Electra. (already have Edwin, Thalnos and Leeroy)

    Atm I'm debating whether I'd rather craft Myra's Unstable Element and Captain Greenskin (classic set which is a pro) to have more options there or branch into shaman since I got Electra and potentially craft Kragwa or Zentimo (and there are still loads of rares and epics needed) for the more Miracle-esque aggro decks which I think would be fun to play for me. Would have to dust Glinda, Alkali and Gonk though which I'v sadly drawn. (still lucky though)

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [Legend 65%] Pogo Lackeys

    Hey, I really like your deck list and the explained cut of cards like Scheme, Tak, Myra's and Daring Escape. 

    However I wanted to ask you what you think about the list from vS. In their opinion Spirit of the Shark is bad and they cut cable rat, Togwaggle, Sharks and Blink Foxes for more draw like shiv, myra's, thalnos which support Togwaggles Scheme.

    Posted in: [Legend 65%] Pogo Lackeys
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