Contrary to common opinion, I thought the secret pally meta was the best. It truly wasn't just secret pally, so many decks easily destroyed the deck that the meta was fairly balanced. IMHO nothing will be more cancer than 4 mana 7/7 shaman and pirate warrior. I feel the only reason it could be considered decent is because it is vastly better than the gadgetzan cancer meta.
I think the best meta was about a month before TGT came out.
Paladin is pretty easy to counter, either you're an aggro deck like pirate Warrior, Combo deck like Quest Mage or Hard Control Deck like Quest Priest. But as a Paladin player I recommend the Aggro decks, Paladin is so easy to beat til round 8, when paladin reached round 8 the percentage that you as a aggro deck or midrange deck wins is pretty low because of cards like Rag. Lightlord or Tirion. Maybe tech your deck with Hungry Crabs and Coldlight Oracle ( Paladins have most of the time 8-9 Cards in hand so make him overdraw)
Hope I could helped you :)
I have used a Midrange Paladin deck since the start of Un'Goro and having more than 6+ cards in hand is a pretty rare ocurrence.
Midrange Paladin is a true nightmare for Quest Warriors. I spawn so much Silver Hand Recruits that their Hero Power becomes negligible. Plus you have Sunkeeper Tarim, double Equality, you can adapt your Recruits into Poisonous or even Discover a Repentance or Eye for an Eye from Hydrologist which are both game winning against them.
I felt it lacked draw power so that's what the Acolytes are for. This decks does pretty well against Quest Rogues, you just stall them until turns 7-8 when they run out of cards and clear their whole board.
I think this is an innate problem with the counter-less system of Hearthstone and similar games. While non-interactive combo decks exist in Yu-Gi-Oh , MTG and the like, one can use counter cards or discard mechanics to stop them in their tracks. This simply isn't possible in the current form of Hearthstone, other than using RNG-based cards like Dirty Rat or delaying tactics like Loatheb or Ice Block.
I think the same applies to things like the Rogue Quest deck or Heavenly Aegis in Shadowverse: the problem is not that they are too powerful, but that there is no way to counter or interact with them once they get going, and that isn't very fun.
While I love combo decks (my favorite decks in Hearthstone before the rotation were Malygos Shaman and OTK Priest, and currently Quest Mage, and I almost exclusively play Dimension Shift Runecraft and Ad Nauseam in Shadowverse and MTG respectively), I do think Blizzad has to make some way to effectively interact with such decks for the game to stay healthy.
I stopped playing Shadowverse for about 2 months and suddenly realize a new expansion came out, imagine my surprise when I get queued during my first match against a Heavenly Aegis Havencraft haha (midrange Swordcraft and Daria Runecraft player).
You could say that this Brawl truly deserves a 5 for Awesomeness due to the kind of plays you can make butthe rest is just absolutely terrible. You could easily go 10 games without getting your first win in this god awful brawl (thankfully I got it on my third try).
You could say that this Brawl truly deserves a 5 for Awesomeness due to the kind of plays you can make butthe rest is just absolutely terrible. You could easily go 10 games without getting your first win in this god awful brawl (thankfully I got it on my third try).
This deck tries to recreate the feel of the TGT days of Midrange Paladin when you had some awesome board control battles vs Control and Patron Warrior. Only deck that I seem to have trouble beating is Quest Rogue.
133 packs and only 6 legendaries. and I have screenshots of all of them... feelterribleman.
I don't know if I can justify this kind of spending in HS anymore considering the number o expansions and legendaries I want versus how many I get for my money.
I love this game and I love Ungoro, but all my dust is going away when I decide which decks I will make and next expansion I'll rely solely on packs. If I don't get enough out of them I'll seriously consider stop playing. Ungoro seemed like a dirty cash grab for me.
1 legendary every 22 packs is actually pretty good.
Double Twilight Summoner the first day of WoTOG for N'Zoth Paladin.
Midrange Paladin is a true nightmare for Quest Warriors. I spawn so much Silver Hand Recruits that their Hero Power becomes negligible. Plus you have Sunkeeper Tarim, double Equality, you can adapt your Recruits into Poisonous or even Discover a Repentance or Eye for an Eye from Hydrologist which are both game winning against them.
Raza the Chained
This is the midrange variant I'm currently running from ranks 18-8 atm:
I felt it lacked draw power so that's what the Acolytes are for. This decks does pretty well against Quest Rogues, you just stall them until turns 7-8 when they run out of cards and clear their whole board.
I've been pretty tempted to try Stonehill Defender too.
Deck is lots of fun.
You could say that this Brawl truly deserves a 5 for Awesomeness due to the kind of plays you can make butthe rest is just absolutely terrible. You could easily go 10 games without getting your first win in this god awful brawl (thankfully I got it on my third try).
You could say that this Brawl truly deserves a 5 for Awesomeness due to the kind of plays you can make butthe rest is just absolutely terrible. You could easily go 10 games without getting your first win in this god awful brawl (thankfully I got it on my third try).
This deck tries to recreate the feel of the TGT days of Midrange Paladin when you had some awesome board control battles vs Control and Patron Warrior. Only deck that I seem to have trouble beating is Quest Rogue.
Just came in here to say that I love this card and the almost infinite value it provides.
I drag the packs several times in a circle before letting go of them.
Open the Waygate looks badass in golden
4 legendaries out of 58 packs opened so far ALL of them free packs (coins+rewards)
1 Legendary every 14.5 packs
1 Epic every 4.8 packs
Dedicated to all you conspiracy theorists.