What does it mean to have a location? Where is the explanation of this term? To have location? What location? Where location? Location for a minion? 1/7? All field? Maybe a location in your deck? Maybe this is a location in your telephone?
- let4be
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MardyVain posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)Posted in: Wild FormatHi folks,
Long time no see. After a six months break I started playing HS again. Being a player since March 2014, I often climbed the ladder in wild rather than in standard.
I mostly play homebrew, not refined deck so the key point of this discussion might be here. Nonetheless, this month I climbed until d5 and I decided to try reaching legend.
Well, it didn't go so well as I was stuck between d5 and d2, facing mostly big priests which were able to summon Neptulon on turn 3-6. And here's where my trouble began: I truly cannot answer to a such early Neptulon, even adding tech cards (that virtually reduce my win rate against other decks but w/). I do believe that Neptulon within this context is truly overturned, and here's why:
If you play a fast, aggressive deck, an early Neptulon just obliterate your board and I did not find a reliable way to recover.
If you play a control deck, the issue is that if you kill Neptulon's body, the priest can resurrect it the turn after (and you have to face 4 arms). If you kill the arms, the priest can easily summon a copy of Neptulon's body and you take tons of damage giving that all the arms attack when any Neptulon attacks, not just the one that summoned them.
On top of that, priest has many spells that can search through the deck (illuminate among all the others) so that cheating Neptulon early is a reliable strategy.
Priests have always cheated big minions, however I do believe that one that is so versatile (that can decimate the board and almost threat for lethal the turn after by itself) is significantly ruining the wild format.
But these are just my 2 cents. What do you think? Do you have issues facing an early Neptulon? Or are you having success against it? Any help appreciated, obviously.
Posted in: ImmolateThis is the worst card ever printed. Why the hell would they think this is a good idea? Play this on any turn, but especially on turn 4, and you basically just win the game. The fact that you can run two of these is just even more insane. I probably won't be playing Hearthstone until this is nerfed in a major way because everyone will be playing warlock and using this.
ISeeAliens posted a message on Isn’t it about time they nerfed warrior?Posted in: General DiscussionWhat I cannot possibly understand is why they felt like they needed to BUFF those three Pirates when they KNEW they were releasing Mr. Smite and Defias Cannoneer in the mini-set. Like wtf?
LordCheesus posted a message on Isn’t it about time they nerfed warrior?Posted in: General DiscussionRemember when Blizzard said they were gonna back off of "charge" as a keyword? Me too.
Remember when Blizzard said they were gonna back off of card generation? Me too.
I remember when Blizzard first brought in "Rush" and oh how they peddled that it was basically gonna replace "charge" in the long term.
fabjx posted a message on Isn’t it about time they nerfed warrior?Posted in: General DiscussionWith the new cards, it’s become even more cancerous
what the fuck is this? Did they need even more pirate support?
EulersApprentice posted a message on Mr. SmitePosted in: Mr. SmiteHow on earth did this get greenlit...?
MNKubaKonieczny posted a message on 17/1 Quest WarlockPosted in: 17/1 Quest WarlockLost every match to a minion heavy opponents, which this deck is meant to keep up with I guess. Paladin, Hunter, Druid. Everything just outnumbers you. Do not recommend.
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blizz devs are borderline retarded
HS is just a pile of worms and bugs, devs && their managers are just absolute worthless human garbage unfortunately
THe most bugged expansion of all! Check youtube, all kinds of shit is beyond broken(game breaking bugs) not even talking about wild balance which went to total shit...
Mage and shaman got so many good AOE spells this deck gets demolished pretty quickly and by turn 6-7 they always complete the quest and your face explodes to burn damage(while having absolutely no board because it gets demolished by spells every turn)
HS went to total shit this days... oh yea and there's still quest warlock but he at least rarely survives due to lack of proper AOE in standard
This deck always falls short in something - draw, damage, mana... Feels like it neefs more "oomph" in general or a lot more "oomph" in one area to be viable...
lol this deck is hilarious
Finally, I can reliably draw the uther!
A card that completely obliterates the control?
Well fuck this game definitely not buying anything from this expansion and probably getting out of this game all together.
Even more outraging than divine favor which btw should have been nerfed years ago.
I run a similar deck and it's far from being meme - viable competitive deck with otk as early as T5 which is pretty insane
I'd go as far as to completely remove ALL charge mechanic and replace it with rush!
Game would be in a much healthier state than it is right now.
Playing vs rogue just feels broken - I run shitton of healing, remove most of his threats but endup dying anyway
either due to weapon+leeroy bounce, or just due to leeroy shadowstep leeroy or because of edwin
Right now the only semi-viable control counter to rogue is control warrior(with 2x weapon project and harrison) and even this fails sometimes because rogue can tutor his weapons and warrior can't tutor his removals...
Playing just warrior stone is boring as fuck. And blizzard killed pretty much every other control deck with so many cards rotating out.
edwin should give +1/+1
raiding party should cost 4-5
prep be at 1 mana
leeroy should go to HOF