We all know Doomguard is most likely the number one candidate to go to hall of fame next year.
- leenpaws
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mikel1190 posted a message on Iksar on Naga Sea Witch: "We’ve Been Discussing a Variety of Changes"Posted in: News -
AlexHeinrichs posted a message on Three Free Kobolds Packs Now Available Through Battle.net GiftsPosted in: NewsPulled Temporus, fuck my life.
Xynot posted a message on Three Free Kobolds Packs Now Available Through Battle.net GiftsPosted in: NewsI got Spiteful Summoner, flippin sweet!
Griffindolf posted a message on [K&C] Dog Rin-MasterlockPosted in: [K&C] Dog Rin-MasterlockDon't be upset about crafting Oakheart, he's going to be a staple in a lot of decks in this xpac.
Soltarg posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!Posted in: General Discussionall i see is razakus priests,token druid copy and pasted from meta sites, and midrange hunters in casual.sad and pathethic users.
Fdp8 posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!Posted in: General DiscussionFor the people who are netdecking today: each one of you, go fuck yourself.
GreaBlood posted a message on New Legendary Card Reveal - Marin the Fox.Posted in: Card DiscussionToo much value, call the police because Marin needs to go to jail
LordMilan posted a message on Five Predictions of Mammoth ProportionsPosted in: NewsMaybe to gain as much gold before expansion release and not buying pack NOW in the middle of expansion? I have not spent a single gold (neither $) on packs since first day of KoFT and I have all good enough. So far 4k for next expansion. Think about that.
SubZero90Gaming posted a message on Five Predictions of Mammoth ProportionsPosted in: NewsStop it with pirates and goblins pleeeeease!
TOMAtheHAWK posted a message on Final Year of the Mammoth Hearthstone Expansion Being Announced at BlizzCon 2017Posted in: News*Traumatic flashbacks of Pirate Warrior dominated metas*
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Man I can tell you this deck is awesome. I have two tier 1 decks which almost never win against this deck. Barnes into obsidian statue or Y'Shaarj, instant concede. This is way more OP than jade druid.
Bolvar Fire Blood or if you are facing too many decks with the lich king in it, tech in a Black Knight or Big Game Hunter. :)
This card is OP af. Needs to be nerfed.
Kibler is one of my favourites. Excited for the stream. :D Please give us The Lich King as a leegendarryyy.
This, gnomish vampire and yogg saron are cards I just like having in my collection as they are so fun.
Can legit vouch for this deck because I've lost 99% of the games against it.