Carnivorous cube should be a candidate for nerf as well, as it is a really strong card for just 5 mana and plus it can be used in all classes. Just makes the game boring. Because we all know how cube games end.
So Im trying to get to at least r 10 with murloc paladin, mostly because I like murlocs but on the side because it has some great matchups in the meta (smashin priest, druid and hunter). But for some reason every time I almost hit the next rank I face a fucking tempo rogue that has the greatest curve imaginable... Or I face one other of my 3 bad matchups. I can beat priest (if they dont topdeck every fucking answer like what is happening to me as im writing this), hunter, other paladins, every rogue that isnt tempo, every warlock that isnt zoo, every paladin that doesnt have amazing topdecks. Warriors are breakfast, Druid is for lunch. Its just tempo rogue, token shaman and zoolock that kill me. And every fking time I am 1 win away from hitting the next rank I am faced with those. Just frustrates me
Btw I beat that priest I was talking about
It's very easy to reach at least rank 5 with murloc paladin. The main winning factor is your mulligan and game strategy. Good luck to you on the ladder :)
Man I can tell you this deck is awesome. I have two tier 1 decks which almost never win against this deck. Barnes into obsidian statue or Y'Shaarj, instant concede. This is way more OP than jade druid.
I reached rank 5 from rank 20 in a single day. Played 55 games. :) Great deck. For the people who don't have The Lich King, substitute it with Bolvar Fireblood/The Black Knight/Big Game Hunter as you seem fit.
Carnivorous cube should be a candidate for nerf as well, as it is a really strong card for just 5 mana and plus it can be used in all classes. Just makes the game boring. Because we all know how cube games end.
Umm I think Carnivorous cube needs a nerf as well.
I'm playing my Wurm Mage and trolling people on the ladder xD too much fun.
Lol exodia is almost always annoying to play against but fun to win against
Man I can tell you this deck is awesome. I have two tier 1 decks which almost never win against this deck. Barnes into obsidian statue or Y'Shaarj, instant concede. This is way more OP than jade druid.
I reached rank 5 from rank 20 in a single day. Played 55 games. :) Great deck. For the people who don't have The Lich King, substitute it with Bolvar Fireblood/The Black Knight/Big Game Hunter as you seem fit.
Bolvar Fire Blood or if you are facing too many decks with the lich king in it, tech in a Black Knight or Big Game Hunter. :)
This card is OP af. Needs to be nerfed.
Kibler is one of my favourites. Excited for the stream. :D Please give us The Lich King as a leegendarryyy.
Reached Rank 11 with 4 stars with the 25-10 deck this season, had to make a few changes though.
-2 ravasaur runts | +2 vicious fledglings
-1 savannah highmane | +1 gladiator longbow
-1 alleycat |+1 explosive trap
-1 blooden raptor | +1 eater of secrets
-1 acidic swamp ooze | +1 eaglehorn bow
This, gnomish vampire and yogg saron are cards I just like having in my collection as they are so fun.
Can legit vouch for this deck because I've lost 99% of the games against it.
This is a good card. The number of times it helped me with that one health hit to the opponent is not even funny.