• 6

    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Grave Horror

    Spell priest doesn't need a top end, it needs the middle. The thing the entire strat revolves around is simply not there. In Resurrect Priest, you can start landing biggies between turns 4 and 6 and it only goes downhill for the opponent from there. But even in Wild, spell priest is atrocious, because you're essentially twiddling your thumbs until you get Lyra or perhaps Auctioneer (which requires you to have a definite and surefire way to win the game cause you lose the fatigue game). Your early game is nonexistent and when you do start doing something, you're already so behind that drawing cards, generating spells, or even spawning one or two 5/5 dragons is not enough to catch you back up. A big dumbo with lots of stats is not going to make that deck a reality. Wild already has Arcane Giant and spell priest doesn't even get a word in. There needs to be another spell engine besides Lyra to make that deck happen, or the deck needs a guaranteed way to control the board against all comers in turns 2-5. With what Priest has right now, they aren't even close to stopping Even Shamans or Odd Rogues which automatically pushes them out of the meta (in Wild).

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Raiding Party

    Oof, this one hurts. Thankfully, Kingsbane Rogue doesn't usually want Pirates with the exception of Greenskin, so the deck thinning potential of this still doesn't quite match a Coldlight, though it might replace or second for a Shinyfinder. The big issue with Pirates for Kingsbane Rogue is that pirates tend to be exclusively aggressive and Kingsbane operates as a control deck. Sure, Naga Corsair is a thing, but Wild has access to much better tools to upgrade Kingsbane. If the expansion somehow manages to combine to two or just gives us another weapon that an aggro pirate deck might want, we be in biiig trubla, man. Alternatively, Thief rogue might use this to tutor Spectral Cutlass and both Swashburglars, so it's less likely to become a dead card compared to Shinyfinder in that strategy. Either way, it's a draw 3 for the right Rogue deck. If there is a deck that can even remotely use this, it will find a home without question.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Mage Legendary - Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
    Quote from Kaladin >>
    Quote from lMarcusl >>
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    However, every quest: "Do X number of things."  You don't invalidate Awaken the Makers when you summon an 8th deathrattle via Twilight's Call, for example.  

    I will craft whatever golden legendary you want if I'm wrong. 

     Well of course it doesn't "turn off". It's a persistent effect that ticks down one by one until a criterion is met. Once that criterion is met, no matter what happens after, the Quest triggers, giving you Amara, at which point any quest progress tracking turns off. Notice that playing Twilight's Call will resummon the minoins one by one, and Awaken the Makers triggers on the first summon, with the second no longer being tracked if that's what took you to 7 deathrattles. Jan'alai does not have this off switch. It continues to track until you play it from hand.

     There's a very small percentage we're all wrong, and you're right, and if that's the case, I will craft whatever golden legendary you want. 

     There's probably a bigger chance I'm wrong if people say it worked differently on stream, like I said, didn't have a chance to watch it yet. But my point still stands. If it did work like that, it shouldn't, based on the wording.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Legendary - Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
    Quote from YJHS2000 >>
    Quote from lMarcusl >>
    Quote from Kaladin >>
    Quote from lMarcusl >>

    Oh good god is this an awful card. Wording is key here. It says if you hero power did 8 damage this game. Not 8 damage or more. EXACTLY 8 damage. You ping one damage over 8, this shit does nothing. So you draw this late after taking some high value pings and you get a glorious 7 mana 4/4. This isn't Spiteful Summoner. This is Star Aligner. Except you can't break this in Wild either. You trigger this on curve, sure, it's awesome. But anything beyond that is just straight up unplayable, cause you'd have to withhold pings hoping this isn't in your bottom 10 cards and you actually get to use it. In other words, you have to play poorly to make this turd of a card work.

     Jokes on you, they have yet to reveal the 1-mana 1/1 with Battlecry: "Your Hero Power deals -2 Damage this turn." 

    If i'm being serious, you are almost certainly incorrect.  No card that required you to do a certain number of things was made invalid if you surpassed the required number. 

    Did you watch the livestream?  The card even has indicator text telling you how much damage you have left to deal, and it changes to "Ready!" when you hit 8.  

     No, I didn't watch the livestream, but you are incorrect in saying that no card ever turned off once you surpassed a number. Firstly, the absolute majority of them specify "or more" in their text to ensure exceeding the number does not deactivate them. See, for instance, Jungle Giants, which requires the minions to have 5 or more attack, or Mind Control Tech, which requires the opponent to have 4 or more minions. When a card does specify a number without the "or more" clause, it does actually turn off if you go over, though the only example we have of a card with that woring that can think of is Star Aligner, as I alluded to in my original comment. Notice Star Aligner's wording. "If you control 3 minions with 7 Health, deal 7 damage to all enemies." Now, here we get to the interesting part and this is where I might be wrong, but more due to Team5's inconsistency in wording rather than my incorrect reading. Star Aligner will turn off if your minions do not have EXACTLY 7 health. You have an 8 health minion, Star Aligner won't consider it for its trigger. It's either exactly 7 or nothing. However, and this is where the inconsistency creeps in, Star Aligner will still trigger if you have MORE than 3 minions with 7 health, even though the text doesn't state that's the case (it should be "if you control 3 or more minions with 7 Health" but it isn't). If I am incorrect in the effect of the card, I wouldn't be surprised if the card gets reworded before release to specify as much, because with its current wording, it should turn off once you go over 8.

     Lol. What do you do for living? I'm gonna guess not programmer or lawyer. It's not hard:

    1. Hero power dealt 7 damage this game. Did your hero power deal 8 damage this game? No.
    2. Hero power dealt 8 damage this game. Did your hero power deal 8 damage this game? Yes.
    3. Hero power dealt 9 damage this game. Did your hero power deal 8 damage this game? Yes. It also dealt 1 more.

     Shouldn't have brought this up, dude. You're right, I'm not a programmer by profession, though I have done programming in the past. What I am is a translator and a linguist. So yeah, semantics is kiiinda my job. But if we're going to go over the programming aspect of this thing, it's really a very simple question. Did your hero power deal 8 damage this game is NOT the equivalent of the equation If x 8, summon Ragnaros, like you're suggesting. It's the equivalent of If x = 8, summon Ragnaros. So I reiterate, once again, unless the wording has "or more" in it. It. Does. Not. Trigger. If you go over. If you're going to bring up programming as an argument, at least get your equations right. Next you're going to tell me that if you have 2 Branns in play, Kazakus triggers 4 times because triggers twice and triggers twice equals triggers four times. That's not what the card text says.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Legendary - Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    However, every quest: "Do X number of things."  You don't invalidate Awaken the Makers when you summon an 8th deathrattle via Twilight's Call, for example.  

    I will craft whatever golden legendary you want if I'm wrong. 

     Well of course it doesn't "turn off". It's a persistent effect that ticks down one by one until a criterion is met. Once that criterion is met, no matter what happens after, the Quest triggers, giving you Amara, at which point any quest progress tracking turns off, because the card "Awaken the Makers" ceases to exist. Notice that playing Twilight's Call will resummon the minoins one by one, and Awaken the Makers triggers on the first summon, with the second no longer being tracked if that's what took you to 7 deathrattles. Jan'alai does not have this off switch. It continues to track until you play it from hand.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Mage Legendary - Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
    Quote from Bandit >>
    Quote from lMarcusl >>

    Oh good god is this an awful card. Wording is key here. It says if you hero power did 8 damage this game. Not 8 damage or more. EXACTLY 8 damage. You ping one damage over 8, this shit does nothing. So you draw this late after taking some high value pings and you get a glorious 7 mana 4/4. This isn't Spiteful Summoner. This is Star Aligner. Except you can't break this in Wild either. You trigger this on curve, sure, it's awesome. But anything beyond that is just straight up unplayable, cause you'd have to withhold pings hoping this isn't in your bottom 10 cards and you actually get to use it. In other words, you have to play poorly to make this turd of a card work.

     Please tell me you're joking...

    You can't possibly be that stupid to think they would suddenly change how countdown cards work without even the slightest mention of it.

    No, it doesn't become null if you go over 8 damage.

     Give me an example of another countdown card that doesn't have an "or more" wording in it. Or you know what, I'll do you one better. I'll give you one myself. Star Aligner requires you to have minions with 7 health to trigger. It won't trigger if you have minions with more than 7 health. Know why? Cause it doesn't have "7 health or more" in it. Yay! Reading comprehension!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Mage Legendary - Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
    Quote from Kaladin >>
    Quote from lMarcusl >>

    Oh good god is this an awful card. Wording is key here. It says if you hero power did 8 damage this game. Not 8 damage or more. EXACTLY 8 damage. You ping one damage over 8, this shit does nothing. So you draw this late after taking some high value pings and you get a glorious 7 mana 4/4. This isn't Spiteful Summoner. This is Star Aligner. Except you can't break this in Wild either. You trigger this on curve, sure, it's awesome. But anything beyond that is just straight up unplayable, cause you'd have to withhold pings hoping this isn't in your bottom 10 cards and you actually get to use it. In other words, you have to play poorly to make this turd of a card work.

     Jokes on you, they have yet to reveal the 1-mana 1/1 with Battlecry: "Your Hero Power deals -2 Damage this turn." 

    If i'm being serious, you are almost certainly incorrect.  No card that required you to do a certain number of things was made invalid if you surpassed the required number. 

    Did you watch the livestream?  The card even has indicator text telling you how much damage you have left to deal, and it changes to "Ready!" when you hit 8.  

     No, I didn't watch the livestream, but you are incorrect in saying that no card ever turned off once you surpassed a number. Firstly, the absolute majority of them specify "or more" in their text to ensure exceeding the number does not deactivate them. See, for instance, Jungle Giants, which requires the minions to have 5 or more attack, or Mind Control Tech, which requires the opponent to have 4 or more minions. When a card does specify a number without the "or more" clause, it does actually turn off if you go over, though the only example we have of a card with that wording that can think of is Star Aligner, as I alluded to in my original comment. Notice Star Aligner's wording. "If you control 3 minions with 7 Health, deal 7 damage to all enemies." Now, here we get to the interesting part and this is where I might be wrong, but more due to Team5's inconsistency in wording rather than my incorrect reading. Star Aligner will turn off if your minions do not have EXACTLY 7 health. You have an 8 health minion, Star Aligner won't consider it for its trigger. It's either exactly 7 or nothing. However, and this is where the inconsistency creeps in, Star Aligner will still trigger if you have MORE than 3 minions with 7 health, even though the text doesn't state that's the case (it should be "if you control 3 or more minions with 7 Health" but it isn't). If I am incorrect in the effect of the card, I wouldn't be surprised if the card gets reworded before release to specify as much, because with its current wording, it should turn off once you go over 8.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Mage Legendary - Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk

    Oh good god is this an awful card. Wording is key here. It says if you hero power did 8 damage this game. Not 8 damage or more. EXACTLY 8 damage. You ping one damage over 8, this shit does nothing. So you draw this late after taking some high value pings and you get a glorious 7 mana 4/4. This isn't Spiteful Summoner. This is Star Aligner. Except you can't break this in Wild either. You trigger this on curve, sure, it's awesome. But anything beyond that is just straight up unplayable, cause you'd have to withhold pings hoping this isn't in your bottom 10 cards and you actually get to use it. In other words, you have to play poorly to make this turd of a card work.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveals - Bwonsamdi, the Dead & Spirit of the Dead

    Obviously comboes with the previously revealed Priest card that gives minions in your deck +2/+2...but at that point, who the hell cares that your minions are bigger? If the opposing deck hasn't killed you yet, they're probably a control deck, which means they have 5+ ways of clearing your board, often regardless of size. So unless this set has enough cards in it to carry this whole strategy on its own, I'm not seeing it.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Belligerent Gnome

    Are people really this dense? It's body paint, obviously. He's painted in the colours of the team he's cheering for in the arena.

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Why is everyone hating on hir'eek?

    Well, I mean look at the card. You slam it down onto the board, it fills up the table, and looks menacing. It's a big dumb beater, that's all it is. Like Alana, or...like Doppleganster would have been in handbuff Warrior, had it worked. Let me put it this way: why is Mountain Giant a threat? Because it's a big dumb beater? Yes, but why? Because it comes out early. It locks up what options your opponent has because they got to draw so few of their cards to find an answer and they have so little mana, it takes them almost the whole turn to answer it, IF they can answer it.

    Hireek comes out turn 8 at the earliest. And that is assuming you even had the opportunity to buff him by that point, which means he had to sit in your hand for a while, being useless and taking up your mana to make him stronger. Mana you'd rather have spent playing efficient, powerful things. By turn 8, most aggro decks will have killed you six ways till sunday, and most control decks just openly laugh at you as they sweep your board. Hell, a damn rogue Vanishes you and your hand is full of 8 mana 1/1s.

    So you play cards like Soul Infusion and other potential handbuff cards, you invest resources into building this thing up and then it dies to a Twisting Nether, Psychic Scream (well, you wish it died, but no, you get to draw the 1/1s again), Dragon's Fury. Pick your poison. Either way, even if you just Soul Infusioned it and played one other card that buffs your hand, you just 3-for-1'd yourself by playing this thing. And you spent 8+ mana to do it.

    Posted in: Warlock
  • 0

    posted a message on New Rogue Spell - Cannon Barrage

    Aw fuck so now Rogue doesn't even have to go Odd to blow me up with aggro? Bucaneer + Patches turn 1, Weapon turn 2, Captain turn 3, the new pirate that summons a pirate on attack turn 4 with reweapon, next turn, another pirate prep this and you can take anything from 3 to 15 damage from this thing depending on how many of the pirates are still on the board. Seeing the popularity of Cold Blood in Odd Rogue now, win more cards definitely have their place in all-in decks.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Paladin Minion - Immortal Prelate
    Quote from Indomitos1 >>

    This will be an auto include in every control Paladin for the simple fact you can dodge fatigue for only 2 mana 

     If you're playing control Paladin and this is your solution to control vs control matchups, then you're playing a bad deck. You put this in a buff paladin deck that draws hyper aggressively to keep throwing this down over and over and over to beat the opponent up. In control, you'll just keep playing until the opponent eventually silences it or transforms it and then every control deck beats you because you don't have a Bloodreaver Guldan, or a Cube OTK, or endless waves of Hadronoxes and Taunts.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Spell - Surrender to Madness

    Wait this is a priest spell? Just reading the effect the first thing that popped into my mind was Zoo Warlock. Annihilate your crystals but tap your heart out to recover tempo through sheer brute force...sure, a stretch but it could work. But in Priest? I mean...how do you take advantage of this? You'd have to have a Wild Pyro Northshire Circle combo already in hand just ready to spring it. I can't see how Priest benefits from this realistically unless they get Druid levels of card draw. In which case, we'll likely have a lot more to worry about than this (namely Maly Velen Priests). I applaud the effort to take Priest in a different direction but this is so out of left field. It would make a little bit of sense with the Warlock legendary (though you don't want to delay your 8 drop by 3 turns)...but Priest?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Login During BlizzCon To Get Free Cards and Boomsday Pack

    Wow, someone's not been keeping up, lately.

    Posted in: News
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