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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Captain Hooktusk

    I mean, you put this together with Ship's Cannon at 10 mana and....hahaha. Sorry, couldn't finish typing it with straight...fingers(?) Pirate Rogue with 8 drops. Nnnnnaaah. It can give you a final hurrah if you got maybe a coin + prep + cannon barrage but who are we kidding, you're not putting a Sky Captain Krag just to charge someone down for 4 damage with this, and you're not putting coin generators and prep in your aggressive rogue to pair with an 8 drop either. Especially not an 8 drop that will mostly pull a bunch of 1-3 drops instead of something meaty.  This would require a brand new style of pirate-based Rogue to be created, and I'm not seeing it.

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    posted a message on New Druid Card Reveal - Wardruid Loti

    I can't imagine this not seeing play. Not breathtaking, not deck-defining, but a solid worker, sort of like Thalnos. At worst it's a 3 mana deal 4 which has seen play before in the form of Feral Rage, so it's never useless, and in a pinch it can protect your injured minions, give you a pseudo half-Swipe by boosting your spell damage, or lock out your opponent's next big drop through Stealth + Poisonous. The last one in particular is extremely important I'd say. You don't want to run Giant Wasp in your deck because there are a lot of occasions where it's awful, but bundle it with a bunch of other effects to cover up its dead draws and it's a really good lockout play. The opponent has to AoE your board which might otherwise only consist of large minions that don't die to the AoE, because anything they play, be it a Lich King or what have you, is just straight up dead for 3 prepaid mana, i.e. 0 mana investment the next turn. This is gonna be really obnoxious if the board-centric Beast/Attack Druid becomes a thing, but even if it doesn't, this is the Ziliax of Druid...simply omnipresent. Which is kinda worrisome to be honest. It's not like Druid is lacking for cards that are just universally useful. This smells like another autoinclude, only not from the classic set.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - Farraki Battleaxe

    Such an epic artwork for...so much disappointment.

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    posted a message on New Druid Card Reveal - Spirit of the Raptor

    I dunno, maybe there are desirable ways for Druid to get attack without spending mana on their hero power or playing trash like Claw and Bite? If not, the first draw is just compensating for you playing the damn spirit in the first place, the second compensates for playing the attack-granting card if the card doesn't develop something else on its own. Ergo, the only way this will be worth it in an aggressive, board-centric, hero attack-based deck, is if there is a way to get attack on your hero while developing a board. Like Savage Combatant, but as Battlecry instead of Inspire. Or a minon that grants your hero attack as long as it is on the board. You develop a board and draw deeper into your attack synergies at the same time. But with what we got so far, we aren't even close to that. I wouldn't compare it to Nourish or cards like that, as its role is very different. If you're aggressive, you don't want to spend your turn 5 just drawing. You want to grow your board. So the card makes sense by providing your cheap draw with potentially buffable body in one package. But so far, the archetype it fits in doesn't exist due to lacking triggers. I'm glad they're trying something to support it though. Druid has had attack-boosting cards since the beginning yet it never amounted to a strategy, and it's like 1/3rd of Druid's starting identity (1. ramp, 2. versatility in a) attack or b) defense modes...we got support for the defense in form of armor and spellstone but nothing good for the attack).

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    posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal - Blast Wave

    If token style decks like Odd Pally are popular, it's obviously insane. Notably, it also nicely synergizes with Dragon's Fury, unlike Volcanic Potion, and buffs up your Dragoncaller Alana in the process. In some respects, the higher cost is a benefit for big spell mage. In all other circumstances this is obviously pretty weak. You want your board clears to clear the board, not hurt a few things and generate card advantage when you're about to die.

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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Walk the Plank

    Shadow Strike gently sobs in the corner.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - High Priest Thekal

    Well, it's not the same as Naga Giants. Firstly, you only got the Molten Giant to rely on, so getting these on curve is not as likely as having any of the myriad Giants with Naga Sea Witch. Secondly, Pally has a hard time drawing in a non-agressive deck. They don't have Book of Spectres, nor Life Tap, nor Nourish, so while you will be getting high-rolled now and then, it won't be consistent and it won't end the game on the spot like 5+ 8/8s used to. I'd liken it to turn 4 Barnes in Resurrect Priest or Mountain Giant on turn 3 against Even Warlock. It sucks to end up in that situation, but it isn't insurmountable. In fact, the strategy might be sufficiently inconsistent that including Molten Giant might actually straight up lower your deck's winrate because it will be stuck in your hand so often (either because you don't draw this, or because you've already healed back up).

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - High Priest Thekal

    Ok, Blizz, you got me convinced. Now heal Paladin is actually a thing. It's not the upside I was hoping for but chunking down your health this much makes all your heal cards work for the rest of the game, not just once or twice, making heal synergies really easy to accomplish. And yes, Molten Giants will make me weep in Wild. Hopefully we're not making another Naga Giants deck here.

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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Gurubashi Hypemon

    You might want to re-read the card. You don't get any "plain stats" out of a useless Tess Greymane battlecry. You discover 1/1s not full sized minions for 1 mana. So this is a total of 8 mana 6/8 of stats. The battlecry is all you care about.

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    posted a message on New Card Reveals - Likkim & Amani War Bear

    Ah yes, the ultimate in frogification technology! This might revive non-even Wild Midrange Shaman. I'd rather it stayed dead.

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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Gurubashi Hypemon

    The issue here is that it synergizes with Spirit of the Shark yet only offers you battlecries. As it so happens, Rogue isn't exactly overendowed on good class-specific battlecries and they are what you're going to be discovering most frequently. If you could also get Combo minions, this would be a different story, but since you don't have anything the caliber of a Fire Elemental or Kalimos in the battlecry pool, what exactly are you hoping to get out of this to affect the board and make up for the lost tempo?

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    posted a message on New Legendary Card Reveal - Hakkar, the Soulflayer

    It's nice to know Blizzard can come up with more and more creative ways to kill people. Irl. I'm sure someone's gonna come up with something crazier, but you could just try to get this deathrattle copied by Seeping Oozeling in Hunter, then try and Track past your Corrupted Blood while they can't get rid of theirs. Let's not dwell on the details of how you're going to survive until fatigue as a Hunter, ok? I'm really trying here.

    Realistically, this is at its most effective when fatigue hits, so you don't have to rely on random chance of this popping up and duplicating itself to pollute the enemy's deck enough that they'd die from it before they can kill you. At that point, you're just accelerating the death by fatigue by a few turns, which is most definitely not worth 10 mana and the risk of this not triggering due to silence and such. Not to mention the risk you're putting yourself in along the way to accelarate the fatigue. However, there might be some fun to be had with Quest Priest, which can spit this out via Cloning Gallery, force it out early via Coffin Crashers and is able to recover any lost health via Amara. Notably, this can also screw over opposing control Reno decks that think they got the game in the bag, as this ensures they will die at a rapid pace and Reno gets deactivated in the process, so you're the only one with the full heal. Come to think of it, Priest with their Quest, Cloning Gallery, Greater Healing Potion etc. might actually have some small chance to make this an actual deck. Just heal like crazy and watch them die...and hope they don't run Skulking Geist.

    Also, this might put a stop to people wanting to generate random 10 drops like Tyrantus via Spiteful Summoners, Yips etc. It ain't no Majordomo but it can still blow up in your face.

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    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Reveal - Gral, the Shark

    If you build your deck the right way for this or you highroll, it can be a 10/10 or something for 5 with card advantage which is obviously nuts. The damage you'd have to do to your deck to make this consistently good...that's another thing. However, even in Wild Deathrattle Rogue that runs little piddly guys like Mad Scientist, Barnes, Umbra and Kobold Illusionist, your low-rolls will end with a 5 mana 5/6 with Deathrattle: Put a Barnes in your hand or 5 mana 4/4 put a Mad Scientist in your hand. That's still not terrible and it only gets better from there. All will depend on how prevalent silence or transform is in the meta, but unless you literally run a deck with tons of tiny one- and two-drops, this can be a monster in your Rogue.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - Spirit of the Tiger

    Eh, not that nice since you don't benefit from the taunt while it's stealthed. You will have spent 10 mana only developing a 6/6 for the turn, which can get you overrun if you're on the defensive, which, as a spell Paladin, you probably are.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - Spirit of the Tiger

    Well...shit. The spirits are really dependent on being able to live a turn, so if AoEs at the level of Hellfire are good in the meta, these things will be absolutely awful to play. On the other hand, if this does live a turn, you get to land a Steed and get a 6/6, largely compensating for the loss of tempo you suffered the turn you played the Spirit. From there onwards, it's just plain nasty. Play A New Challenger and getting a meaty taunt divine shield and a 7/7 behind it is all sorts of crazy. Goes to show how bad Dragon Soul is in comparison.

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