Topic Latest Post Replies Views
16k excess coins >>
by kwikill
17 5,614
WARNING! Hard lock-out after patch >>
by kwikill
5 1,076
thoughts on Murky? >>
by kwikill
5 1,885
Trigore's Backlash >>
by kwikill
1 799
Worst ability >>
by kwikill
10 2,460
Worst task? >>
by kwikill
90 34,676
Do NOT complete the Mi'da bounty! >>
by kwikill
5 2,392
Wat do? >>
by kwikill
12 1,703
Mercenaries Mt. Rushmore >>
by kwikill
10 1,338
I'm upset >>
by kwikill
19 3,164
Mini-set speculation (mercenaries) >>
by kwikill
3 1,713
22.2.2 boss nerfs >>
by kwikill
1 2,309
The double standard of portraits >>
by kwikill
16 3,740
Iceblood Garrison >>
by kwikill
3 2,049
Mercs PVP will die (unless the coins issue is addressed) >>
by kwikill
1 1,082
Potential maxed merc solutions >>
by kwikill
9 1,990
Why does Natalie have Holy damage as a treasure? >>
by kwikill
9 2,337
What's with the taunt warrior bots? >>
by kwikill
6 2,231
Do "Year of the X" packs have a pity timer? >>
by kwikill
1 1,284
Turn 1 10/10 godhand >>
by kwikill
19 3,223