Agreed, faceless is usually dead card in hand against most decks. Dr.4 is great even though it doesn't have taunt, but you can play this on turn 6 with ancestral if you know for sure your opponent's class doesn't have hard counter (ie druid, paladin, warrior etc...). This is one turn earlier than earth elemental, and you get overloaded less. Even against class that have hard counter, you can just drop this on turn 4 and force the hex/polymorph/sap out, so you can drop your more valuable stuff later.
None, he is how you turn the table against aggro (heal to 30 + clear the board). You basically win 100% against aggro every time you get to play this combo.
I replaced 1 arcane blast with deathwing, I find you'll often need a "dead" dragon card in your hand to ensure activation of dragon synergies. Also it can work as a last resort full board clear when you run out of steam.
Forbidden Shaping does not provide any advantage, just playing a random minion on curve. If you wanted such minion, you can just put it in your deck and be much more consistent. Thoughtsteal give you card advantage. Sure there's luck involved, but so is Forbidden Shaping. Chance of getting useless cards is actually pretty low, even if I got shield slam, sometime I get/steal armor smith too, and shield slam actually became useful.
I agree, definitely Doomcaller is better. Ancient of War has no place in this deck since we already got a shit ton of big taunts, getting a silenceable 5/10 taunt for 7 mana is just too risky. Twin Emperor is a much better deal. Having a doomcaller means you can potentially play C'thun twice in those control games, helps a lot against control warrior, since one C'thun can barely scratch his armor.
Yes, combo druid works very well. All other aggro though, is actually slightly disadvantage against anyfin(except secret paladin), because all the board clear + heal this deck runs. My win rate against aggro shaman is 12-10, zoo is 36-23, face hunter 17-12, tempo mage 34-27, secret paladin 28-37
Well usually priests with 2 entombs run Elise. Even if you don't DO NOT EVER Play the murlocs if you managed to entomb them. The pala can anyfin also the murlocs that died in your graveyard. You re Lucky enough to manage 2 entomb the 2 murlocs. Don't fuck this up by playing the murlocs. Just use them As Elisespareparts or just lesbar them As grad cards on your Hand. If you manage to get it to fatigue you won anyways. Die to quite alot carddraw the pala should BE in fatigue before you anyways.
I play anyfin on ladder a lot, over 500 games with anyfin paladin. This won't work, I just kill my own murlocs and priest have no chance to entomb them (pyro+equality to kill warleader, and just charge into something big for the others). I kill my own murlocs whenever I'm against a class that can transform (shaman/mage/priest). My record against priest is 52-6, priest have a VERY hard time to beat anyfin paladin.
In my experience, the deck I fear most is Combo Druid. I'm 12-26 against them. Second is freeze mage, almost no chance against freeze mage too, good thing there isn't a lot of them. Secret paladin is not that bad if you draw well, sure anyfin is slightly disadvantaged, but doable, they only have maximum of 4 big threats, I run 3 "set attack to 1" type cards to slow things down. Two big equality turns and they are out of ammo.
Its just a 4/4 with a superbad version of taunt. why the fuck call it OP?
It's a different form of taunt. Your taunts doesn't do anything against a spell based combo face deck, like freeze mage/malylock etc.... This minion will potentially stall for a turn, or 2.
If you were able to draw your entire deck, at that point why not just do Mecha'thun combo? which is 100% guaranteed OTK
Thanks, great deck, first try win
Agreed, faceless is usually dead card in hand against most decks. Dr.4 is great even though it doesn't have taunt, but you can play this on turn 6 with ancestral if you know for sure your opponent's class doesn't have hard counter (ie druid, paladin, warrior etc...). This is one turn earlier than earth elemental, and you get overloaded less. Even against class that have hard counter, you can just drop this on turn 4 and force the hex/polymorph/sap out, so you can drop your more valuable stuff later.
None, he is how you turn the table against aggro (heal to 30 + clear the board). You basically win 100% against aggro every time you get to play this combo.
Antonidas isn't even in the list...
I replaced 1 arcane blast with deathwing, I find you'll often need a "dead" dragon card in your hand to ensure activation of dragon synergies. Also it can work as a last resort full board clear when you run out of steam.
Tries to do too much, loses to virtually all tier 1 ladder decks
Forbidden Shaping does not provide any advantage, just playing a random minion on curve. If you wanted such minion, you can just put it in your deck and be much more consistent. Thoughtsteal give you card advantage. Sure there's luck involved, but so is Forbidden Shaping. Chance of getting useless cards is actually pretty low, even if I got shield slam, sometime I get/steal armor smith too, and shield slam actually became useful.
I agree, definitely Doomcaller is better. Ancient of War has no place in this deck since we already got a shit ton of big taunts, getting a silenceable 5/10 taunt for 7 mana is just too risky. Twin Emperor is a much better deal. Having a doomcaller means you can potentially play C'thun twice in those control games, helps a lot against control warrior, since one C'thun can barely scratch his armor.
My anyfin paladin is 52-6 against priest. I see priest I think "free win".
thanks got it first try
Great combo with COH, it's basically a 5 mana 2 card combo that requires your own minions to have 3+ hp (not a big problem with priests).