I'd remove mech discover from the pool of mad genius, so warrior can't generate infinite value from him, forcing him to have a less removal and more mech oriented build or sacrifying the potential of rush in mechs.
Depending on the meta, u could add Gluttonous Ooze, Spellbreaker or any other tech card, but don't expect the deck to be as effective as the original since Floop is a really strong card.
I find this as a really good idea, does nothing against aggro but neutralizes combo and control, still, it's really powerful effect, so maybe it's undercosted.
Raven Idol is just too good to not be included if u are planning to run Healing Touch. Also, with Aviana i would run some more big valuable minions like The Lich King(also has taunt) or Ysera. I don't know if innervate is worth a spot atm, so if u feel u underuse them, i would switch them out for them. But all of this is up to you, if u think u can finish games consistently and innervate works fine, keep em. And obviously, enjoy playing, this decks seems fun :)
Edit: Also Barnes should be fine in the deck, specially if u decide to include any end of turn effect minion
He is a safe craft, plus is also fun to play, in wild it goes well with rogue, shaman or druid, now hunter is an option as well(more likely in std).
I'd remove mech discover from the pool of mad genius, so warrior can't generate infinite value from him, forcing him to have a less removal and more mech oriented build or sacrifying the potential of rush in mechs.
Greater Healing Potion was a 4 mana heal for 12, and even if u would mostly heal ur face, u could heal ur minions too.
Also, was a good topdeck when searching for survaibility.
Guess how good is a 4 mana heal for 1.
For warrior i used a list with alarm o bot and a lot of big minions, it worked nicely as long as he doesnt remove it early
quests will rotate too
It's minion type is already 'all', so it would apply, they only need to change text whenever they launch something new
Depending on the meta, u could add Gluttonous Ooze, Spellbreaker or any other tech card, but don't expect the deck to be as effective as the original since Floop is a really strong card.
quests are spells
Eurovision Song Contest includes Israel and Australia, just to clarify
Farm them with Controllock in standard, or patron warrior in wild, and say thanks to this meta because u will get legend
I find this as a really good idea, does nothing against aggro but neutralizes combo and control, still, it's really powerful effect, so maybe it's undercosted.
Raven Idol is just too good to not be included if u are planning to run Healing Touch. Also, with Aviana i would run some more big valuable minions like The Lich King(also has taunt) or Ysera. I don't know if innervate is worth a spot atm, so if u feel u underuse them, i would switch them out for them. But all of this is up to you, if u think u can finish games consistently and innervate works fine, keep em. And obviously, enjoy playing, this decks seems fun :)
Edit: Also Barnes should be fine in the deck, specially if u decide to include any end of turn effect minion
I love secret hunter with barnes y'shaarj, its really fun to play for me, and not that easy(play rexxar or not, when to play flare, etc)