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    posted a message on A Different way to play Aluneth?

    It’s not viable in quest, you usually need in hand: 2x Sorcerer, 2x Molten Reflection, 1 spell that cost 7 or less ( to activate Archmage, and you have to count the 4 mana discount and him being 7 mana, it leave you space to have spells that doesn’t kill your minions with 7 or less mana cost ) and space for the quest; basically your hand is halved and you have to draw Archmage, considering that The rest of the card are cheap card draw and card generation the inclusion of Aluneth is non productive, since it’s 6 mana and you have to leave enought space for the quest and additional generated card. For example, if u have the basic combo ( 5 card ) and a Cabalist Tome, and you are un,uciy and get only 6+ mana spells, you’ll have 8 cards and the next turn you’re going to burn one. Sorry but atm it seems designed for aggro/fast paced deck that will play at least 3 card per turn and who wants to close the game, by turn 6 ( if you play Aluneth on curve ) you’ll have drawn between 9 to 11 cards, with 4 card draw a turn, you need to end in 4-6 turn before you start to fatigue.

    And I'm not include card draw(except Arcanologist) because I need to get rid of my hand. not even Ice Block since you always die to fatigue.
    Ideal situation is (Hopefully) you play 4 card per turn. (all card in deck must be cost 3 or less)
    then you start drawing your whole deck until you have 4 or less card left.
    At this point you need 3/6 to 4/6 quest.
    now you play as usual play 2+2+2+1+1+(random-4)+(random-4)+(random-4)+1
    deck is full of low cost spell that can activate antonidas easily.
    so basically you have maximum of 5 dead card in your hand.

    from my test I'm struggle because I can't survive aggro or I can't find Aluneth in time.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on A Different way to play Aluneth?

    Is there any other way to play Aluneth than secret mage.
    I love this card it's voice it's art it's name everything is awesome.
    but it can only function in deck that can play 3+ card per turn.(Which is secret/tempo mage)

    Have anyone success with a different style of deck that build around this card?
    Share me some Idea.

    I've try Quest mage with Aluneth but it if you draw no Aluneth you just simply lose the game.
    (Survive to turn 6 Aluneth and draw your whole deck. and someday I'll be just like you)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Everyone is complaining about highlander priest...

    raza priest is just BORING.
    like Quest mage. He play with himself.

    Hearthstone is fun and interactive. lol bullsht

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on PSA: Bloodreaver Gul'Dan

    where'd you get that from?
    It's totally random

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on getting smoked using cubelock plz halp!

    the deck is doing fine.
    you may play test it around 5 match and start tech against meta atm.
    the deck is adapt around meta it's not the meta itself.
    you have to start think of what you will mulligan and which way you will play?
    play around all those silence, saving for more greedy defile and blah blah blah.

    but basic rule against aggro You play Voidlord, they concede. EZ(hope they've play silence though).

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 2

    posted a message on Budget Tempo Mage

    If you have Aluneth. you may craft Primordial Glyph to get competitive version of this deck.
    what are you missing anyway?

    Aluneth is best card in this deck, some match up are winnable only if you draw this card.
    PS. only down side of this deck is all those aggro paladin out there which rekt this deck real hard

    Posted in: Budget Tempo Mage
  • 0

    posted a message on Same Epic 6 time ?

    I'm currently open K&C hoping and I'll stop when get the next legendary.
    but that's not the point.
    I've notice that I've got Windshear Stormcaller like 6+ times since K&C came in
    about 20% from all Epic I've ever get was Windshear Stormcaller 
    I wonder if this was rigged?
    because some random in this game was hilarious.

    or should I post this on salt thread.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on [K&C] Dog's Cubelock

    80% of the time you'll find yourself holding stupid Voidlord in your hand at turn 4.

    Posted in: [K&C] Dog's Cubelock
  • 2

    posted a message on Thijs Cube OTK Warlock

    actually you just play on curve against aggro
    2 mana trade something get 3 armor (which can overheal max hp)

    It's good enough but still a replacible

    Posted in: Thijs Cube OTK Warlock
  • 2

    posted a message on Thijs Cube OTK Warlock

    It is that good?
    I have one but i can't find synergy.

    Posted in: Thijs Cube OTK Warlock
  • 0

    posted a message on So what will legendary card be in next Expansion?

    It start with tri-class.
    then Quest and Hero
    now we have Weapon.

    What can it be next time?
    A passive?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Psychoanalyses of the many mindsets of Hearthstone players

    This if pure joke.
    no need PhD to write all this.
    It's not even about psychology at all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Spiders & Ambushes

    I feel so stuck with all those aggro swarming meta right now.

    Posted in: Spiders & Ambushes
  • 3

    posted a message on The illiteracy deck (8%W/r Rank 25-20!!)

    normally minion stats must be about 2 time of it's cost for example 4/5 should cost 4
    But Snowflipper OMG, It's OP
    2*0 is what? yes 0
    but it's has 2  stat.
    That's inf OMG INFINITY

    Posted in: The illiteracy deck (8%W/r Rank 25-20!!)
  • 5

    posted a message on So... Mage has 4 fireball now?

    and 2 of it can be cast early game for free.
    No divine shield can block.
    any excess go to face?
    Is this Yu-Gi-OH?

    Why pushing so much face damage for that archetype.
    3 Dmg x 4 from Frostbolt and Medivh Valet
    5 Dmg x 2 from Fireland Portal
    6 Dmg x 4 from Fireball and Explosive Rune
    10 Dmg x 1 from Pyroblast

    it's 56 Dmg total.

    also having or not having a coin against Counter Spell is a huge different.

    I know it's still early but not too early to tell what's too good.
    Ignore a minion mean your opponent has to skip 1 turn also they take face damage and then they take another face damage.
    It's basically an early game time warp(with extra damage). 

    or how should i counter such a good starting hand secret mage.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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