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Please follow these steps to complete a proof challenge:
1. Check the blacklist.
2. Player 1 challenges adding user to prove they have the quest.
3. Player 2 declines the challenge.
4. Player 2 challenges posting user to prove they have the quest.
5. Player 1 accepts and game #1 is played.
6. Player 1 challenges adding user and game #2 is played.
7. Profit!!
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4/3+ isn't low stats for a 3-drop. The only 3-mana minions that have better stats than this have either conditions to get those stats, down sides for having those stats, or have the stats broken up into smaller bodies. None of them are more sticky.
If hand full of seven Mana cards happens that often, I would think the Overgrowth draw would be helpful so you can get to playing them quicker. Otherwise, it probably means you have too many cards that are that expensive. I'm definitely not an expert on Ramp Druid decks, but with how powerful Overgrowth is in the Spell Druid lists, I don't see any reason not to run two of them.
I'm sure everyone would like to be winning 80% of the time, but obviously the math on that doesn't exactly work out.
I'd say there's still room for experimentation. Quest Warlock basically just popped up recently, so it's not like everything has been set in stone for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if some other decks popped up as well.
Well, Zephyrs is half the reason to play the deck, but you can play without him. (He is an excellent craft though.) You could move away from the typical build of the Highlander deck and go toward a Highlander quest deck. Not having Zuljin is fine for that build since you don't need to worry about replacing the hero power.
The best adjustment I've heard so far is to have the battlecry be "Give all mechs in your hand and deck rush."
At least it seems you got some pretty good ones.
Reborn minions also give an opportunity to restore health so I think this may be easier to do than past experience might imply.
Well, maybe you should have specified bad aggro players then. It didn't sound you were talking about that specific group though.
Ah, Aggro definitely has bad draws. Having nothing to play until turn 3 or 4 usually makes them lose the game. It may be less common then Control drawing all their lategame stuff and not removal, but it isn't nonexistent.
Also, Aggro is not a single player game. They need to account for how their opponent will try to defend themselves to play around removal or set up to get through taunts. A lot of the time, they need to apply just the right amount of pressure by not vomiting all their resources to force removal from their opponent so they don't just lose if their opponent has the removal. Just look at some pro games for examples of this. If you want to argue that Aggro is a single player game, then you could make the same argument for Control being a single player game of just surviving and removing what the Aggro player plays.