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    posted a message on Swamp King Dred as Tech against Quest Mage and others

    I don't know of any super slow hunter decks, at least in standard since i saw a post about control hunter being potentially viable in wild due to a combo between Unstable Ghoul and Toxic Arrow. I was thinking more any slower midrange decks or maybe the play dead decks, although I don't know how slow those are compared to the typical midrange hunter. If it's an issue that they don't have quite enough time to beat those decks with all the board clears they run, even a standard midrange deck could tech it in for surprise. I'm thinking it could be decent since after Anduin is played and the one Death is used, I can't think of much that would easily remove it as a nice finisher. Same for mage since they typically freeze the whole board in my experience without too much big single target removal.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Swamp King Dred as Tech against Quest Mage and others

    So, I was trying to think of how (slower) hunter decks could compete with the decks that would otherwise kill them if they didn't win soon enough. Exodia mage and Razakus priest were the two decks that came to mind as the most common ones assuming that you could either establish a good enough board against  Jade druid or tech in the geist. Swamp King Dred came to mind as an option to delay when mage could play their combo or when priest could play Velen. It would even work against the Exodia paladin or others. Has anyone tried this out by chance or had an success with other counters?

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on New Warlock Spell - Lesser Amethyst Spellstone

    While I see potential in a control deck, what about a midrange demonlock?

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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Windshear Stormcaller

    So I'm realizing that this might actually be really hard to pull off since you only can have one other minion other than one of each of the 4 totems on the board when you play it so you actually have space to summon Al'Akir. Given that Kobold Hermit is already another body, Primal Talismans summons random totems which could be duplicates, and Wicked Witchdoctor does both, it would take a lot of setup and trading off other minions or duplicate totems (which you usually somehow need to give attack to) to work. The hero power would be the most consistent way to finish getting all the totems. And maintaining that big of a board to do so seems like it would be really difficult and you could just win with Bloodlust at that point.

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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Kobold Hermit

    So I'm thinking that this might not be the best activator for Windshear Stormcaller since you can only have one minion other than the basic totems in play if you want space for Al'Akir.

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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Windshear Stormcaller
    Quote from Shinkan_pl >>

    Fast advance for totems. Summon Al'Akir and then 2 Thing from Below for 0. Next turn Legendary to bounce Al'Akir to hand for 1 mana.

     You don't have the board space for this, assuming that the totems aren't destroyed to summon Al'Akir.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Spell - Primal Talismans

    Unfortunately, this card gets hard countered by Psychic Scream since the deathrattles wouldn't trigger and if they do, now you draw a totem some turn. I do agree that it would be helpful for keeping a board for Bloodlust. I kind of don't like it with Flametongue Totem though since you wouldn't be able to trade multiple minions in a row after playing it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Windshear Stormcaller

    I can see this being decent if Shaman gets another totem generating card. Otherwise it seems a bit too hard to pull off. Still, not horrible stats though if you just need to play it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Windshear Stormcaller
    Quote from JaredM7 >>

    I have a feeling the legendary for shaman will be a totem

     It was already released. It's an elemental.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [KFT] Keleseth Noble Quest

    I like the creativity. I won't be playing the deck at all though since i don't have Keleseth.

    Posted in: [KFT] Keleseth Noble Quest
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    posted a message on New Priest Spell - Psychic Scream

    This plus Archbishop Benedictus to get everything back.

    But it actually seems like decent removal since you can trade your own minions into their board to prevent your opponent from getting them. That plus deathrattles not activating would be good.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Grand Archivist

    I guess I see this card having the most potential with Big Priest, non-Aggro Druid, or Control Mage. I don't think that it would necessarily be worth cutting cards to include this though.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Grand Archivist
    Quote from richarq >>
    Quote from TrevoRaven8 >>
    Quote from richarq >>

    It is a good card for control warlock. 

     ...How? I think you would like to control precisely when your Defiles, Hellfires, and Twisting Nethers are cast, not to mention the Trolden possibilities from this casting Blastcrystal or Siphon on itself.
     Yes exactly in this way. You will lose the spell as it is written in the description (but you might not have a solution in hand against aggro) so for control warlock it is not a bad card.
     You realize that instead of putting this in your deck (which you could play finally turn 8), you could just add more removal. And why assume that it would play the right removal? With the spread of removal that is often played in control warlock, I would find it unlikely, especially with the possibility of targeting itself with single target removal.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Legendary - Temporus

    So there are a few things I think would be helpful to note that I haven't seen anyone mention yet. One is the synergy with Duskbreaker which would allow whatever deck this goes into to survive aggro decks and keep the board relatively clear so they don't die immediately to damage from minions on the board attacking twice. Also, it's worth noting that Duskbreaker also has synergy with Malygos. So a combo of Malygos for the first turn (you can throw in a Holy Smite just because for a little extra damage) the Faceless Manipulator and double Mind Blast for the second turn would be 30 damage (or up to 49 damage playing a Holy Smite each turn). That's also not including using Shadow Visions to get more damage and playing Radiant Elementals.

    Also, for TTK combos, Temporus likely wouldn't be played on turn 7 due to insufficient mana to pull off the combos other than Inner Fire (though those it's less likely that you have all the cards you would need by that turn), so in response to a few posts I saw, decks would not have to aim to win by turn 7 (or 8/9 really) and there is also the possibility of your opponent having played more than just a 6 cost minion the turn before that could hit face twice.

    Also, random other thought: if your opponent isn't thinking, this card could be used to bait your opponent into playing as much on the board as possible to push face damage since they are expecting a TTK then just wiping their board and developing your own and winning off of that.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Secret - Wandering Monster

    You realize though that you took more or equal damage from Leeroy (assuming the reaper wasn't double buffed) so either way, you would have been saved with either.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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