Unpacked a gold copy of the quest with my bundle and I’ve been having a blast. Guff is the best and I just love the silly bastard. While I haven’t tried your list exactly yet, I agree with the Northshire Farmer choice. The list I came up with also is running Mark of the Spikeshell for immediate copies playable in the next turns, what are your thoughts on the card?
Thanks for the list and giving this quest some love!
This is going to be really irritating with Starlight Groove and librams (which are holy). Once Groove is up, Libram of Divinity lets you re-set divine shield every turn. This could enable a sorta-control list for paladin, in addition to their aggro archetypes that have been doing so well.
If this were an epic card, I would 100% agree and be happy with the card. It just feels bad as a Legendary given the current powercreep.
And it's a buff in some lists, as you can now run 8 drops while making sure that he is the most expensive card in your deck, increasing the consistency in drawing him.
Whizbang turned this entire lobby into a clown show and caused a GIANT pirates board to annihilate itself, without killing a single minion on my board (final fight). I mean, there is no beating this in a stats lobby, and anybody I faced was dead before they could pivot.
I opened 63 Badlands packs, 2 catch up packs and 12 standard packs saved from tavern brawls and got a crazy one legendary per 11 packs rate.
Kingpin Pud
Velarok Windblade (golden)
Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher
Snake Eyes
Thorim Stormlord (golden)
Golganneth the Thunderer
Warrior just got a new minion called Steam Guardian, which draws a spell and reduces the cost of a fire spell in hand on a 3/3 body for 3. It's an entirely reasonable card until you realize that Blackrock 'n' Roll is a fire spell, and so you can create a deck that has only one spell, which means that you can super-consistently curve a turn-3 Guardian into a turn 4 Blackrock n Roll, then just drop haymakers for the rest of the game. I've been playing this shell for a while and it makes the old Prince Keleseth days look pathetic by comparison.
I've come up with a truly stupid Warrior deck with Steam Guardian and Blackrock 'n' Roll. You play only one spell in your deck, so you can super-reliably play Blackrock on turn 4 (Guardian reduces the cost to 4), at which point you just spend the rest of the game dropping nukes. It's Prince Keleseth levels of stupid.
Oof, sorry to hear that.
I just got the most insane pack opening I've ever seen. I got 50 packs and 5 free packs--in these, I got 2 golden legendaries (Algalon, the Observer and Sargeras, the Destroyer) and 4 normal legendaries (Helya, The Primus, Aman'Thul, and V-07-TR-0N Prime).
Is this a common thing for people this release or did I just hit the jackpot here?
Nagas need some serious toning down. This is the third time I've done this today--you pick a tempo hero, rush to 5, and, if you triple and hit the 6-drop, you just win, as every spell gives +4/+4--this includes all of the spells that you automatically play each turn due to the 4-drop. With only one of the 6-drop, any 3 spell creatures, and the end of turn naga, this is a passive 24/24 each turn. With both the 4 and 6 drops golden, it gives you +72/+72 each turn passively, without taking into account the spells themselves.