Certainly much more fun that the other archetypes right now. Secret mage is almost boring at this point. I'm curious why you don't include Frost Lich Jaina though, that seems like a no-brainer with the reliance on Ragnaros the Firelord. On the other hand, I'm not sure what I'd replace with it...*maybe* Tortollan Pilgrim (since I've yet to need/play it) but that's a great way to get Luna's Pocket Galaxy if you haven't already pulled it.
Battletag: johnnysee#11256
Region: NA
Trade only?: Yes, you go first
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region: NATrade Only?: Yes, you go first.0
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region: AmericasTrade Only?: Yes, you go first0
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region: NATrade only? Yes, you go first1
Varian was a warrior though. It'd be nice to have him as a hero, now that I consider it.
Except Mutanus is from the Nightmare, not related to the Old Gods. What kind of synergy would there be given N'Zoth, God of the Deep's battlecry?
Corrupt was Darkmoon, this XP would have Frenzy.
Certainly much more fun that the other archetypes right now. Secret mage is almost boring at this point. I'm curious why you don't include Frost Lich Jaina though, that seems like a no-brainer with the reliance on Ragnaros the Firelord. On the other hand, I'm not sure what I'd replace with it...*maybe* Tortollan Pilgrim (since I've yet to need/play it) but that's a great way to get Luna's Pocket Galaxy if you haven't already pulled it.
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region: NATrade only? Yes, you go first.0
Battletag: johnnySee#11256
Region: NA
Trade only?: Yes, you go first. I will show quest.
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region: NATrade Only?: Yes, you go first!Thanks!
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region: NATrade only?: Yes, you go first0
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region:NATrade only? yes, you go first0
Battletag: johnnySee#11256Region: NATrade only: yes, you go firstthis has been taken but game won't let me challenge my partner Dehoozy#1691, holding out for them