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    posted a message on Kael'thas Sunstrider Mage

    5 games, 0 wins in the rank 7 (now 8) range. Lul didn't get to play Kael once. Draws were terrible. Matchups were even worse. Yet other "free" card that will collect dust in my collection. 

    Posted in: Kael'thas Sunstrider Mage
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    posted a message on Kael'thas Sunstrider Mage

    What rank?

    Posted in: Kael'thas Sunstrider Mage
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    posted a message on State of the Game, future design limitations
    Quote from Roadie >>

    Are they going to do something about fucking Rogue?  Like like set card generation limits to 10 cards a game MAX.  Or just delete Lackeys altogether.  Im so sick of them having unlimited card draw every single turn.  It never ends.  Why is this allowed?  Whos in charge of this crap?  No matter what you do you cant possibly deal with it.  They have removal, boards, healing, whatever.  And they steal a bunch of cards they shouldnt have access to.

    Theres your "design limitation" argument.  Please nerf Rogue into the ground so it sucks for like 2 years.  Please.  Thanks.

     Hunter main confirmed. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cannot leave rank 15 anymore
    Quote from -Sparhawk- >>

    confirmation bias vs. actual monthly matchup data


    so here’s my question for the excuse crew;


    why do the top players manage just fine? they all make it into legend without issue, without jamming 3000 games.


    how many games do you have on that tier one deck and many times have you played the mirror, would you even know what and how to tech?


    watch some top player streams that play the deck you are using you will immediately see how differently you would play and what you could improve. if you don’t want to do that just play the decision reduced on curve decks there are always those every meta.

     Bruh. You're trying to compare professionals to amateurs. That's like saying, just watch football on TV and you'll get better. 

    Obviously, some people are better at certain things and they have the time to invest in their craft. Joe Casual playing Hearthstone with their spare time shouldn't be compared to a professional that does this 8+ hours a day, as a job, not as a hobby.

    You're takes in this thread are so elitist. Take a second and jump down off that high horse you're sitting on looking down at the plebs and understand that it's ok to be frustrated with something. I'm sure there's something you do that you can't put all you time in that frustrates you (and if you say no, then I know you're just trolling).

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Cannot leave rank 15 anymore

    The issue is finding a deck that a) has a good chance and b) is enjoyable. 

    Maybe that's my issue, the decks I find in b) don't go with a) and vice versa. 


    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Cannot leave rank 15 anymore
    Quote from Mackie264 >>

    Your problem is that you keep switching decks thinking they are the problem but YOU are the problem. And no I'm not on the git gud vibe but that's all there is to do.

    You are playing very good decks, both Gala Warrior and Quest Druid are like Low tier 1 - High tier 2 at worst and you can climb to top 1 legend with either if you're skilled enough so the decks are clearly not the issue, there won't be a magical deck that will make you climbto 10 or 5 or legend out of the sudden, it's just about the decisions you're making, your misplays. You can literally get even to rank 5 with like super budget decks so trust me, it has nothing to do with the decks you're playing.

    Unexperienced player often think that when they start losing it's the deck's fault or just 'oh never lucky, I keep getting the exact counter to my deck every game' but that's usually just a way to justify their misplays. Changing decks does nothing, one of the most important skills in any card game is learning match-ups, learning the ins and outs of your deck against every single opponent (which also allows you to know proper MU btw) and if you keep jumping between decks every time you lose then you'll learn nothing. If you0re playing a tier 1-2 deck that has been proven to be good countless times then you're definitely the problem, start looking at how you could improve as a player and not for a magical deck that will make you climb.


     How can any rational person experience a losing streak or a back and forth and feel like it's not their fault? The amount of swing this game has at any moment is absurd. Even if you're playing the same deck through these swings, you can't help but feel like you're doing something wrong. 

    And note, it's sad that if you don't want to play the tier 1 decks (mech pally/dragon hunter), it's a toss up. Just a sad state of the meta IMO. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Dean Ayala on Potential Battlegrounds Reward / Progression System
    Quote from Feylog >>

    I don't want to play BG, blizzard come on( don't tell me BG is your prime goal to make hearthstone better

     Get ready for a long year of the BG. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Cannot leave rank 15 anymore

    It's not just rank 15. I'm back to rank 9 because of the same thing. Can't catch a break in match ups. 

    Enjoying Wild though. Much more balance there IMO.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Roadie >>
    Quote from jdigiti >>

    Ugh, the “first of the month” ladder reset. Nothing is more frustrating than getting bumped back.

     Means nothing.  The game doesnt change from start of month to end of month.  Its pure luck.  You're just running into more chimpanzees milking broken decks.  Its not you.  There is no skill.  Please understand that fact.

    Doesn’t make it any less frustrating. 

    This game becomes a bigger joke by the day if you don’t wanna play BGs. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Nibsor >>

    Guess it's faster to shoot myself rather than face any direct counter on the verge of rank 5 anymore. Fuck everything.

     I hear ya. The matchmaking leaves a lot to be desired. 

    I WAS 1 Star from rank 5 and lost 3 in a row. Now I’m in “win one, lose one” hell. 

    Cool game. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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