When you run out of ideas for how to shake up the meta.
- jdigiti
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Last active Wed, May, 18 2022 08:10:07 -
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RaptorWithWings posted a message on Year of the Dragon Card - Sludge Slurper UnnerfedPosted in: News -
Nicodemus posted a message on Year of the Dragon Card - Sludge Slurper UnnerfedPosted in: NewsIt's actually because for their next release in April the balance team has been mistakenly testing the balance with an unnerfed sludge slurper for the last 4 months.
YoHabloEspanol posted a message on Year of the Dragon Card - Sludge Slurper UnnerfedPosted in: NewsStupid nerf, predictable revert. What a waste of time blizz, nice job.
Roadie posted a message on Losing Rank vs Constant ProgressionPosted in: General DiscussionQuote from Pestilence_0 >>If you want to reach legend, then just playing better. If you want that card back, you need fight for it. Actually everyone who have a brain and a meta deck could reach legend with time. So it is exactly like IRL: you either need investing time(hardworking) or you born with superior skill. Obiviously i will lost incentive to play if i know legends rank was fill with nothing but loads of idiots. What then the point of reaching legend ?
This sums it up - the legend rank is a function of playing a broken meta deck and playing a lot of games. Not much else. They've thrown the skill and strategy out the window over the last couple years. Its gone. Forget it. Until they get realistic and STOP with unlimited card discovery, allowing classes access to cards that they shouldnt, allowing decks to end up with 4-6 copies of brutally powerfuls cards that break deck rules, printing super-cheesey/ass-saving cards & of course endless lackey generation.... this game aint gonna be abut nothing except for two factors:
- What matchup did my busted deck get matched against? If good = I win game. If bad = I lose game.
- Did me or my opponent draw our impossible to defend against crap first? Or if against Rogue, did they get the right lackey(usually they do)?
Thats it, kids. Facts are facts. Enjoy.
Feylog posted a message on Dean Ayala on Potential Battlegrounds Reward / Progression SystemPosted in: NewsI don't want to play BG, blizzard come on( don't tell me BG is your prime goal to make hearthstone better
arneankann posted a message on POLL: The deck you hate the most?Posted in: Standard FormatEvery deck. This game has become pure trash. I loved it back in the days but the developers has not idea how to keep it interesting.
Downvotes is coming <3
jdeacon88 posted a message on Ragnaros' Fire Festival - Tavern Brawl #108Posted in: Tavern BrawlThis brawl further confirms my belief that the community as a large cannot read. So freaking annoying.
ih8thekids posted a message on Importing Decks from Hearthpwn to iPhone - WORK AROUNDPosted in: General DiscussionI was unable to copy the deck to my clipboard when browsing Hearthpwn on an iPhone so I figured out a workaround.
1. Click on the red square "View Deck String" button
2. Copy the text from the pop up window
3. Open Hearthstone on your iOS device and create a new deck
It should ask if you want to import the deck from your clipboard
DudeVonDudestein posted a message on 72 % win rate Secrets mage (rampageddon)Posted in: 72 % win rate Secrets mage (rampageddon)Could people stop with this percentage winrate crap, it doesn't apply to literally anyone else but yourself.
joonjoon819 posted a message on [70%Winrate] Bloor's Pala-RENOPosted in: [70%Winrate] Bloor's Pala-RENOHate to say this, but 70% is hardly amazing. With just 70% you can barely get on a decent winstreak on ranks below 5 and will take an excruciatingly long time to get to legend from rank 5.
I like the deck tho. Just saying the truth.
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5 games, 0 wins in the rank 7 (now 8) range. Lul didn't get to play Kael once. Draws were terrible. Matchups were even worse. Yet other "free" card that will collect dust in my collection.
What rank?
Hunter main confirmed.
Bruh. You're trying to compare professionals to amateurs. That's like saying, just watch football on TV and you'll get better.
Obviously, some people are better at certain things and they have the time to invest in their craft. Joe Casual playing Hearthstone with their spare time shouldn't be compared to a professional that does this 8+ hours a day, as a job, not as a hobby.
You're takes in this thread are so elitist. Take a second and jump down off that high horse you're sitting on looking down at the plebs and understand that it's ok to be frustrated with something. I'm sure there's something you do that you can't put all you time in that frustrates you (and if you say no, then I know you're just trolling).
The issue is finding a deck that a) has a good chance and b) is enjoyable.
Maybe that's my issue, the decks I find in b) don't go with a) and vice versa.
How can any rational person experience a losing streak or a back and forth and feel like it's not their fault? The amount of swing this game has at any moment is absurd. Even if you're playing the same deck through these swings, you can't help but feel like you're doing something wrong.
And note, it's sad that if you don't want to play the tier 1 decks (mech pally/dragon hunter), it's a toss up. Just a sad state of the meta IMO.
Get ready for a long year of the BG.
It's not just rank 15. I'm back to rank 9 because of the same thing. Can't catch a break in match ups.
Enjoying Wild though. Much more balance there IMO.
Doesn’t make it any less frustrating.
This game becomes a bigger joke by the day if you don’t wanna play BGs.
I hear ya. The matchmaking leaves a lot to be desired.
I WAS 1 Star from rank 5 and lost 3 in a row. Now I’m in “win one, lose one” hell.
Cool game.