- jbs984
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Last active Tue, Apr, 11 2023 12:43:45 -
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Tekdrake posted a message on Upcoming Card Nerf - DreadsteedPosted in: Card Discussion -
Infirc posted a message on Upcoming Card Nerf - DreadsteedPosted in: Card Discussionsuper bad, because the whole point of the dreadsteed interaction was to use Spiritsinger Umbra to have infinite fodder for things like sacrifical pact or Anima Golem, it's not tier 1 but it's definitely a fun and interesting deck that had all the potential to be fun and made 2 previously never seen cards into playable fun stuff, yes Anima Golem is playable in that combo
and i can't believe i'm the one saying this but this is the first time i want to see an AoE nerfed, let the steed be and change the wording of this dumb card to "if an enemy minion dies cast it again" because anyways the only time you'd be able to use one of your own minions to cast this again is with 1/1 tokens generaded from zoo decks, and zoo overall doesn't want to even be playing this card on the first place much less clear its own board,
this nerf just sends a lot of fringe warlock cards that "may have been played in the future in some meme niche decks that you could win some games with" into "will never see the light of day",
davidwizard posted a message on Today in Hearthstone: We Learn Nothing New About Card Pack Drop RatesPosted in: News70 packs is not even close to a large enough sample size to determine the average drop rate.
DarkArchon21 posted a message on I Want You! Help me Reveal the Plans of these Crazy Kabal Wizards!Posted in: NewsI would bet that it will be fully endorsed even if we didn't vote.
That's what Hillary Clinton voters said. -
gazarika posted a message on New Card Reveal: Rat PackPosted in: Newswith this new mechanic that could buff cards in your hands things will gonna change a lot guys, I'm expecting a battelcry card that have an aoe silence effect in the next reveals
YourPrivateNightmare posted a message on Lifecoach's - Tempo/DeathrattlePosted in: Lifecoach's - Tempo/Deathrattlebut he'd stll rope every turn to think about his next move
Sounder posted a message on The Angry Chicken #161 - Recruit Yourself a Murloc!Posted in: NewsQuote from DoubleSummon >>The patch notes had many quality changes to the game plus a slight card change (silihit swarmer-> beast).
This is one of the things that bothers me the most. I have not seen anyone anywhere asking for the swarmer to be changed to a beast. I have seen tons of people asking for buffs or nerfs to many other cards. It is as if the devs play this game inside a bubble and do not look outside of that bubble. To me this change feels like a "Screw you!" towards the player base.This is what game development done right sometimes looks like. When developers make changes overly or purely based on player demand things go off the rails (and Blizz has gone off those rails on occasions). Which is not to say they ignore feedback. But criticizing a change based on "no-one was asking for this" is meaningless. Some improvements to the game will be based on things that devs can observe and players cannot. (Such as relative win rates of heroes, relative selection rates of cards in "pick one" scenarioes, outcome research on games in which a given card was played...) -
Chuzzlee803 posted a message on [Standard] Aggro freeze magePosted in: [Standard] Aggro freeze mageThis is a tempo list, a "real" freeze mage isn't aggro, has Alex and Thaurissan in it, Ice Lances, etc.
Good deck, but the name isn't exact.
Xsoduss posted a message on Girls and tentaclesPosted in: Girls and tentaclesJust Rename it Hentai and you're set.
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That's a great idea. Would you be okay if I stole it? (I'll give you credit, I promise)
I agree with the post above me. This seems like it could be very problematic also, as it would be super confusing for new players, as well as making secret checking just kinda weird. It would also have an awkward interaction with cards like Acidic Swamp Ooze and Kezan Mystic.
Doesn't seem too OP, but would be pretty ridiculous in N'Zoth decks. You could get 2x Sylvanas + 2x Cairne Deathrattles from a body that is already a 10/10.
Patron Warrior
Yet in the Americas preliminary just this weekend there were more Druids than Hunters.
The problem was just that it was an auto include in every Druid deck, and having cards that are auto includes are problematic, especially when Standard comes out.
However, these have better stats for theither mana cost.
As a Johnny player who likes to play cards that must have decks built around them, my new list of 3 favorite cards is 1) Dreadsteed, 2) Nightmare Dragon, 3) Unearthed Raptor (rip #4 Grim Patron). This card looks awesome.
Of course, nothing can rival Dr. Boom, but at least with the card I've seen so far, this seems like the best replacement, even though it's not as good. I agree with everything that you are saying.