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    posted a message on HearthPwn's Adventure Creation Competition Begins!

    That's a great idea.  Would you be okay if I stole it? (I'll give you credit, I promise)

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition - Season 3 Finale and Champion Poll!

    I agree with the post above me.  This seems like it could be very problematic also, as it would be super confusing for new players, as well as making secret checking just kinda weird.  It would also have an awkward interaction with cards like Acidic Swamp Ooze and Kezan Mystic.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 3.19 - Submission Topic


    Doesn't seem too OP, but would be pretty ridiculous in N'Zoth decks.  You could get 2x Sylvanas + 2x Cairne Deathrattles from a body that is already a 10/10.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Any idea of what to do with Hogger, Doom of Elwynn?

    Patron Warrior

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Druid now the worst class

    Yet in the Americas preliminary just this weekend there were more Druids than Hunters.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Card Nerf - Keeper of the Grove

    The problem was just that it was an auto include in every Druid deck, and having cards that are auto includes are problematic, especially when Standard comes out.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Shifter Zerus
    Quote from BloodySundae77 >>
    Quote from Zergo66 >>
    Quote from BloodySundae77 >>
    Quote from Razzagod >>
    Quote from BloodySundae77 >>

    To all the "unplayable", "trash" etc. naysayers of the present thread: I expect you to raise your hands in approximately a month from now, and have the courage to admit you severely underestimated the tempo gain it provides and the public's need to have some fun outside of a strictly predictable and god-awful boring way your deck is supposed to be played. Ok?

     Or it's too rng and too unreliable. It will be fun yeah , like in casino mage,  but its better to place a guaranteed card. There will be clips of course getting that perfect minion.
     Its mana cost is such that according to my previous arguments, it gives it a tremendous boost in playability. I could understand the criticism if its cost was 3, 4 or higher - it would be "too slow" and could give you lower mana minions, but with a cost of 1??? Like they say in the mafia movies, "fuggedaboutit"
     The thing is, as soon as he transforms into a Ragnaros for example, his cost increases to 8, he doesn't cost 1 all the time. The only time he costs 1 is when you draw him and you can play him as a 1 mana 1/1 or if he transforms into a 1 mana minion.
    If he costed 1 no matter the minion he got turned into this card would be obviously OP.
     Of course his cost will increase to the actual minion he transforms into, but the overwhelming majority of them are going to be better than a 1 1/1, and due to the fact he will be changing, you can afford to choose him when he fits you best.
     problem is that usually won't be on curve.If you could put a random minion in your deck or one of your choice, very rarely will this card actually be the right card at the right time. You could get turn 2 Rag and turn 3 Tirion, but you can't play either, and by turn 5 you could be stuck with a Webspinner or even a Chillwind Yeti turn 5 would not be great.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Blood of The Ancient One

    However, these have better stats for theither mana cost.

    Posted in: Blood of The Ancient One
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    posted a message on Scaled Nightmare

    As a Johnny player who likes to play cards that must have decks built around them, my new list of 3 favorite cards is 1) Dreadsteed, 2) Nightmare Dragon, 3) Unearthed Raptor (rip #4 Grim Patron).  This card looks awesome.

    Posted in: Scaled Nightmare
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] WOTOG Patron Warrior

    Of course, nothing can rival Dr. Boom, but at least with the card I've seen so far, this seems like the best replacement, even though it's not as good. I agree with everything that you are saying.

    Posted in: [STANDARD] WOTOG Patron Warrior
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