Why not just make it a +1/+1? That would make it a murloc version of southsea captain. In fact this card actually started out just giving +1/+1 to your murlocs before it got boosted to +2/+1. Strange nerf.
- jbagels1
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Truffles20 posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Murloc WarleaderPosted in: Card Discussion -
Psy_Kik posted a message on Synergy Picks in the Arena are Being RemovedPosted in: NewsRemove Deathknights. Remove Flappy Bird.
IMO, do something to force people to take weak cards if you want to balance arena - I don't know how exactly but you are clearly playing with idea of card pools, so maybe try that....pool all the 'bad' cards and force them into peoples decks, with say, 5 picks where you only get sub-par cards. Yes, people complain about getting bad picks right now - but that's because they fear they'll be matched against someone with no bad cards. BUT it's the bad cards that create they interesting play situations that you just don't see in constructed. We want to avoid curvestone, we want to avoid broken win-more cards, we want to avoid cards that are simply busted in arena format (DKs), we want to avoid power creep so that games end so fast decision making is reduced. Bringing all decks down in power level is good for arena, period.
HyperOrange posted a message on Let's explain why THE NEW CHANGES SUCK!Posted in: Card Discussionwahhh wahh wahhh that's all I see in that wall of text.
Thanks for your constructive comment. What, can't I disagree with the changes to my favorite game? Can't I think that they're a bad idea? If crying is all you see in my post you might need new glasses. -
Horkinger posted a message on Thoughts on my Jade/ C'thun DeckPosted in: ShamanAs a quick note:
- twilight elder (mostly only a +1 for your C'thun and then it's only an average minion)
- Tidal surge (you have Jade lightning for damage an Jinyu for healing; and then 4 cost for 4 damage and 4 healing seems too much to me)
- Doomcaller (How likely is it that you resurrect C'thun? not very in this meta. No executes, rarely shadow word: death (since the priests try to generate big threats instead). And after a transform, there is no C'thun to be revived. And then, Doomcaller is merely a pile of average stats that buffs your C'thun)
- 1 Volcano (since your deck is pretty much minion based and it is hard to play when you have some minions on the board as well)
+1 or 2 Spirit Echo (synergizes with Jade and C'thun)
+ Twin Emperor Vek'lor (one of the reasons to play C'thun in the first place)
+1 or 2 Maelstrom Portal (helps very good against aggro in the early game)
JustaMurloc posted a message on Whizbang's wonderful decks EARLY RASTAKAHN ACCESS? NOT CLICKBAITPosted in: General DiscussionThey always update the prebuilt decks when the expansion is added via a patch before the expansion can be purchased.
So in theory, Whizbang will allow you early premium access to Rastakahn Rumble decks! -
Magikurp posted a message on Mojomaster ZihiPosted in: Mojomaster ZihiA minion based deck that relies on a 9 mana engine that essentially does nothing the turn it's played. I like where your head is at but nah.
RaptorWithWings posted a message on Furbolg MossbinderPosted in: Furbolg MossbinderPotion of Madness now comes in Moss Flavor
WhatAChamp posted a message on New Rogue Secret - EvasionPosted in: Card DiscussionPeople who are calling this Ice Block are crazy. This is one turn of immunity, chosen by you. It is incredibly rare for a class to not be able to deal at least one damage to proc this so you can't just sit there with this up all game like mages do. I think it's well designed: not too strong but still a good effect.
water2770 posted a message on New Rogue Secret - EvasionPosted in: Card DiscussionQuote from Garlicnerd >>What the fuck are they doing? They gave Ice block to Rogues. The fucking psychopaths. It's all over now. Game Over
here's the difference. if you play this turn 2 and the enemy pings you for 1 then that secret did nothing. -
Lathy posted a message on Vote for your Favourite Community Created Immune CardsPosted in: NewsNo, the card designer (me) ment common and basic. Can't really see how this could be misinterpreted.
EDIT: If you should've missed it, this is exactly what makes it flavorful in my book. The High Horse feels like its better than the basic and common folk. Hencee it should get off its High Horse.
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I think this card is way overhyped. It's a great tech option if combo and control decks get out of hand, but most of them time it's a just a 6 mana 5/5.
Seems like a superior version of Void Terror to me. Everyone is saying Cubelock but is it better than Prince Taldaram?
I'm surprised anyone thinks this is good when Stormwind Champion sees no play. The conditional buff that comes out a turn later seems pretty bad. This card will only see play from the random Discover effect when it gives you lethal or just a really good board state. It's not worth actually putting in your deck. If it gave Elementals +2/+2 then I think it would be considered good.
Glacial Shard is interesting.
This deck destroys Razakus Priest.
But unless you're able to follow up with a board clear, you just delayed losing by a turn. You pay 6 mana, and do nothing to your opponent. The other effects allow you to kill a minion or generate a board that can help you fight against their minions.
3/4 are pretty good, while the gain 10 extra armor is pretty bad. Maybe that makes it worth running?
Another custom card come to life. I'm sure most people have had this idea in their heads for Rogue. Thought personally I think gaining Stealth would be a bit more flavorful.
Mal'Ganis the Eternal has nothing to do with Immune, unless the hero power does, but it is not shown here.