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    posted a message on Is Hearthstone too competitive....for me: YES
    Quote from LexDefalt »

    I don't get too salty. BUT the fact that I can't play a game where people don't play atleast 4 good legendaries and lots of epics, pretty much a top-tier deck at rank 20 and even in casual (while back in April-May we had homebrew party all the way to 12), just takes all my will to play, as I don't have but 1 legendary, no epics and such, and with not being able to win I can't get any more. The vicious cycle of having to win to get better cards, but to win I need better cards. 

    Hunters are dominating the ladder now with a single legendary (leeroy). And there's very strong hunter decks that do not use it at all.
    Still, I understand your feelings 'cause I felt the same for a long time when I started playing, but imho it's just a question of learning how to play. Take a look at Trump's F2P videos on YT to learn the basics of trading and board positioning and you'll become a much better player.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Leeroy and Buzzard glithces on NA?

    I believe hunter deserves a nerf, but a 5 mana buzzard is definitely overkill. Especially sinte the Buzzard/UTH combo has already been nerfed a while ago.
    Still, it's funny how hunters were complaining after the Eaglethorn bow nerf about their class being unplayable, and two months later they're all over the ladder. Back to square one I suppose.

    Oh, and imho Leeroy would still be playable at 5 mana. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Save the Pagle: a petition to Bliz

    Well, if this petition goes unanswered, I'm dusting my golden Pagle for a Bloodmage Thalnos
    Who, incidentally, is almost an auto-include for many decks.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Save the Pagle: a petition to Bliz

    Blizzard, please do something about Nat Pagle.
    You nerfed it because it was, and I quote, "almost an auto-include for many decks".

    Well, now it's always an auto-exclude for all decks. So do something about it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Easiest way to get dust!?

    This is both a good and a bad Idea, if I DE cards from other classes I'd probably find it hard to complete missions, which translates into lost gold, which translates to NO arena, which lastly translates to no dust (probably) + expert packs from arena keys. 

    Actually, you should choose a number of classes (2 or 3) that you don't want to play, and DE all cards for those classes. Try to have at least 6 classes that are good enough to complete your dailies (possibly in casual mode) so you can earn gold, buy packs/arena and get those epic cards for your chosen deck.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Calling All Deckbuilders!

    Care to play my Rattlelock?  http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/71863-rattlelock

    Feels pretty weak to be played in ranked atm, but I was wondering if it could be a viable starting point for exploiting deathrattles in Naxx.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Savage Roar magic

    What is the magic of this card, that it's ALWAYS in my starting hand?
    I don't even discard it anymore, as I'm 100% sure to get another one if I do.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on 1600 dust: what to craft?

    Yeah I already have Cairne, Rag and Leeroy, who fit in many different decks, guess I'll take a couple of epics first and save the rest for TBK or Thalnos. It's just that everytime I play against someone who is down to 1/2 health and plays Alexstraza I wish I could do the same... :D

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Motivation to reach Legend.

    Just watching the amount of time it takes people like Kolento and Trump (who are WAY better players than me and with WAY better decks) to climb from rank 4 to 3 makes me lose any interest in climbing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1600 dust: what to craft?

    I have almost 1600 arcane dust. I own all of the commons, about 70% of the rares, and still miss a lot of epics and legendaries.

    Last time I've had 1600 dust was like two months ago and I crafted Leeroy without a second thought. This time it's more difficult. I am wondering if it would be better to spend all dust on a single legendary (one between Ysera, Alexstraza or Thalnos) or on 4 epics, or something like 3 epics + 4 rares.

    I miss essential epics for druid (2 Force of Nature, 1 Ancient of Lore), paladin (2 Avenging Wrath, 1 Lay on Hands), warrior (1 Brawl), and I have only 2 giants. I feel the epics would improve my decks more at this stage, but then, saving again 1600 dust for a legendary will take a lot of time.

    Any advice?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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