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    posted a message on Gadgetzan Auctioneer Nerf soon?
    Quote from Gurkvatten »

     Even though I disagree that it's particularly hard to remove a stealthed gadgetzan (I made a list in some other thread, dont feel like repeating it) it seems obvious that there needs to be neutral cards to remove stealth.

    Hell, if people complain about 4 health stealth at 6 mana drawing cards to set up future OTK, shaman could play a tiger at 5 mana and next turn rockbiter+rockbiter+flametongue+windfury for 26 damage at turn 6.

    I whole heartedly agree with you. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a neutral card introduced in a similar vein to The Black Knight that destroys a minion with stealth, rather than with taunt. Considering there isn't a huge array of stealth minions being played, that would be a pretty situational card. But, that's not to say there won't be an introduction of more stealth type cards. I think there is already another stealth minion announced in the naxx set that looks pretty nice.


    In fact a 4 mana 3/3 drop that has "Destroy an enemy minion with stealth" would probably be a reasonable balance as a counter card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Gadgetzan Auctioneer Nerf soon?

    Miracle still loses games. And wins them. It's probably a 65% win rate deck AT BEST (which isn't crazy high, probably nowhere near the win rate of prenerf hunter) even with a good player using it. There's only so much you can do if you don't draw into the auctioneer, or if a certain situational spell isn't cycled into your hand in time for usage. I have lost games where I had the miracle in hand, but no sap or removal spell to give me the open shot at face.  I have lost games where my Leeroy was literally card 30 or both auctioneers were zapped out almost instantly after providing only a couple of extra draws each. 

    Then again, I have won games without ever drawing into the auctioneer as well. A concealed board with a 6/6+ VanCleef and an Azure drake to be buffed with a cold blood and a couple of Eviscerates can still provide approx 20+ burst. My three favourite decks would be Miracle, Control Warrior and Token druid but I think the most frustrating thing to see is a turn 1/2 coin/innervated yeti or druid of the claw and I don't see that shit being witch hunted for nerfing.

    I really enjoy this game, but it pains me to see how the community reacts to a difficult matchup. Let's whack everything with the nerf stick and take all the fun out of the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizz needs to get rid of OTKs and nerf Molten Giant

    Where's the option in the survey to "NOT" have rogue cards nerfed? I've lost probably 35% of games on my Miracle rogue. It's not like Miracle is some silver bullet deck that you can ride to legendary without losses. There are plenty of times I have lost to a zoo on turn 4 or 5. Wait, I'll start a thread on nerfing all 1 drop minions to 2+ so warlocks can't flood the board before I draw any clears.

    Getting Miracle'd is kind of annoying, sure. But so is playing Miracle and seeing 1 too many taunts stopping you from getting to that tasty tasty face damage. As I'm sure many other players have already stated (I haven't read because these type of QQ threads are tl:dr) just adapt to the meta and play something a bit different until the streamers decide to play only legendary control warrior (making it Flavor of the Month), then you can cry to blizzard about shield block being OP or some other BS.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Got got 4 legendarys in 40 packs and one of them is golden.
    Quote from flexr »

    It doesn't matter how many Legendaries you get in packs, it's what you get that matters. You could be opening 4 x Milhouse ManaStorm and brag about it but will soon realise you are at no better position than a guy opening only 1 x Ragnaros.

    Atleast you could disenchant those Millhouse's and buy a Rag though :D

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!

    Mulligan for a Hellfire and mortal coils / senjins / farseers against zoo, rush mage etc. Generally against control classes and midrange (miracle) etc you can mulligan for senjins and removals for their yetis / senjins / insert 4 drop card here. 

    Against control matchup its generally safe to tap a couple times early, hide your loot horder behind your void walker if you can. See how you go, its similar play to miracle really. Use your spells to survive to turn 8 onwards whilst drawing when you can and then OTK the heck out of them with a big silly grin on your face.

    Posted in: Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!
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    posted a message on Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!

    No replacement for faceless. Can run an argent commander or another arcane golem until you get another leeroy, but argent throws the mana off and you can't faceless with it.

    Posted in: Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!
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    posted a message on Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!

    Jaraxxus might be a bit slow, but if you got it, go for it!

    Posted in: Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!
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    posted a message on Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!

    You can tap early, probably not advised too much against rush decks though. Typically you have enough draw to get through your cards, by turn 10 you have normally drawn at least 15/20 cards. You always have games where you can be unlucky and your faceless is card 30, but the beauty of this deck is the fact you can use 4 different minions for 20+ burst damage with faceless // overwhelming and soul fires.

    Posted in: Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!
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    posted a message on Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!

    You're right, thats a lot of damage for not much mana. But you need to activate the Worgen for that combo. A lot of times the worgen gets removed the turn after you play it. Good luck with your murderous warlock deck and your ladder climb! :)

    Posted in: Kolento - Rank 1 Legend warlock "Tactics" deck. Updated info!
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