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    posted a message on Dr. Boom, Mad Genius in numbers
    ThQuote from Deck_Fiend >>
    Quote from ingame1HS >>

    Blizzard has stated already that the card is fine cause the hero power is random. Kappa.

     that was a long time ago. things have changed now. there's no odd paladin and Hunter lost Rexxar. there isn't really anything that can do much to Control Warrior at the moment. Well other than Hunter, Hunters mid Range decks seems to anihilate it, but then they suffer against rogue for the most part. 

    It's not easy to build a deck that doesn't get trounced by one or the other. 

    still I'm totally against the nerfing policy in this game. it doesn't happen nearly enough for it to be fair, and some classes seem to get decimated just because their OP-ness is derived from the classic set. This is completely nonsensical from a point of balance, and only makes sense to sell the newer packs. 

    They'll leave unbalanced messes in the game because the OP part is derived from newer cards. They left Odd and Even in for ages, knowing fine well that these archetypes dominated the game. They only took them out once they were on their last year, to make way for new OP cards in sets with 2 years left, thus selling more card packs. 

    I think it's quite rare they nerf new cards. corridor creeper was an exception as it was used in absolutely everything. but saronite chaingang and that one that made a taunt with 4/4 were not nerfed nearly as quick. 

    I don't know, maybe they are getting better at balancing  the game, but to me it always looks like the nerfs are centred around selling specific sets of cards over anything to do with balance. 

     I'm sorry to disappoint you but they said that recently, can't find a link but I think it was during the AMA session on the official forum.

    That said, my comment was clearly sarcastic, I do think that warrior is a bit too much atm (I mainly blame Omega Devastator for that), but rather than nerfing stuffs (usually they end killing cards / classes / archetypes) I would buff a bit everything else that now sucks in order to better compete.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Dr. Boom, Mad Genius in numbers

    Blizzard has stated already that the card is fine cause the hero power is random. Kappa.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Why people are saying elysiana needed an nerf?

    Elysiana is killing the specialist tournaments structure, with warrior mirrors lasting even up to 2 hours and the whole event sometimes over 16, so yes, I guess there's a big issue with this card.

    Dunno about the value she adds, vs warr I usually win or lose before she's played.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Game is completely unbalanced in tournaments right now
    Quote from kitox_me >>

    specialist format is broken right now, but the real problem is that it always will be broken, no matter what they nerf. i think they might revert their decision after the first GM tournament, specially since they didnt test this crap before implementing it.

    damn, conquest format was great (just look at worlds again)

     Yea, I enjoyned World's final stage too.

    Posted in: Tournaments
  • 1

    posted a message on Game is completely unbalanced in tournaments right now
    Quote from wg15 >>

    And in the end in the HCT this weekend the Control Shaman was the deciding factor in most of the games for hunterace. What does it mean?
    That there is no difference between ladder and tournaments, most people tend to play highest winrate, in tournaments and ladder.

    Then someone very intelligent thinking beyond the meta is coming with a nice deck and is ruling them all. And boy, his deck was criticised the whole tournament but it was so goddamn perfect.

    You will NEVER have a balanced ratio, this is nothing blizz can change in any form. There will be always some stronger decks, even when it is just a difference of 0,2%, these decks will always present the majority.

    HCT was based on Conquest format, bring 4 different decks with the option to ban one for your opponent, so it's a completely different scenario.

    In Specialist the only variable is a small sidebar, switching up to 5 cards in order to adjust your strategy according to you opponent, and that's clearly not enough at the moment.

    I agree that perfect balance is a chimera and we'll never see it, but the gap between top tier decks/classes and the weakest should be limited, right now you have like 0 chance of competing in Specialist with some of them.

    Posted in: Tournaments
  • 3

    posted a message on Game is completely unbalanced in tournaments right now

    Over 200 events to qualify for Las Vegas were played in the last 2 months, let's look at the stats of class distribution in the top 8:

    • Rogue 40.2 %
    • Warrior 32.1 %
    • Hunter 12.5 %
    • Mage 9.3 %
    • Druid 3.6 %
    • Priest 0.9 %
    • Shaman 0.9 %
    • Paladin 0.4 %
    • Warlock 0.2 %


    There's not much to say about it, numbers speak for themeselves, if Blizzard doesn't balance classes this format is going to be the most boring thing ever.

    It's not only about nerf this or that card, is about giving each of the 9 classes a fair amount of chance to compete with others in a format, Specialist, where you are supposed to pick one and stick with it from the start to the end.

    Game balancing is not my job so I won't call out any nerf, but developers are clearly not very good at it at the moment.


    Posted in: Tournaments
  • 1

    posted a message on Does Omega Devastator seem too pushed? I think the card is too good.

    4 mana 4/5 dealing 10 damage to a minion starting turn 10 is already good by his own, add the discover mechanic which allows you to play more of 2 copies in a single match and the auto rush effect from Boom and you have something objectively broken.

    Don't like to be mean to devs but this didn't require any testing tbh...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Eager Underling

    Assuming you have a board a turn 5 play with this + Grim Rally could be something, or drawed with Betrug in play, but already too many IF for a 4 mana 2/2...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Legendary incoming in 3 hours

    Forsaken = Sylvanas, for priest, summoned by this (or another) minion. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Card - Shadowy Figure

    Who knows, maybe we'll be able to copy a Sylvanas summoned via Battlecry in Ragnaros style...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Paladin Legendary Reveal - Nozari

    Tools to deal with massive amount of armour waiting room.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Walking Fountain

    Crazy AF.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Card Predictions.

    Priest will get a powerful card with an effect similar to Sylvanas Windrunner, maybe Sylvanas herself through another minion in the same way Jan'alai summons Ragnaros.

    My guess is not based on the preview images but on a rumor that emerged yesterday during a stream.

    Who knows, maybe it's just speculation, maybe it's not. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 16

    posted a message on New Priest Spell - Mass Resurrection

    Recycling is strong in this expansion.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New card - Rafaam's Scheme

    Unless they add some insane sinergy this card is bad, but as a warlock main I can say that we are used to receive a few useless cards each expansion. Bah...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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