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    posted a message on Ranked Should Not Allow Mirror Matchups

    Lol no.  This is the only justice in the world for non lock/hunters.  Enjoy your days of mirror UTH/Leeroys.

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    posted a message on Lack of Diversity In Hearthstone, and in games in general
    Quote from xadrox »

    With more cards u will see more types of decks, thats how things roll in tcgs. Also i do agree that facing hunter/zoolocks 90% of time in ranked is boring but  u also need to check up the other side. They are cheap and among best decks atm so its quite normal that alot of ppls is going to play them. Whoever plays ranked is there to win games so ofc its going to roll with best decks atm,no? If u want to see diversity play arena, or some casual games and test things out. Thats what i am doing after hiting legend and its quite fun.

    Oh and btw this *new* midrange hunter started seeing masive play like what, a week - two ago, and atm i dont think it has pure counter, and the game is like 6-7 months old. So there are probably more strong decks outhere waiting to be dicsovered :)

    Total nonsense.  Unleash the hounds was over-buffed 3.5 months ago.  Was nothing but hunters 3 months ago, nothing but hunters when I quit 1 month ago, and nothing but hunters the last few days since I came back.  It's true that they have changed from pure face/charge to this houndmaster/highmane deal, but there are still several hunters for every priest paladin shaman and mage combined, and they are still using their hero power for half the damage.  3.5 months of that is a bit inexcusable, imo. 

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    posted a message on Lack of Diversity In Hearthstone, and in games in general

    Guess I disagree that the game is new, laugh, but I joined early in the beta.

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    posted a message on Lack of Diversity In Hearthstone, and in games in general

    It's not really that these rush decks aren't beatable.  They are.  I skyrocket to rank 5, where everyone is all piled up, every season.  But I don't play that much each day and when 8 out of 10 games the other guys are drawing, throw card, drawing throw card x6-7 hoping you run out of hps before they do.  Well.  I don't know.  I guess it just gets old.  So then there's arena, but I have every card, so it seems equally pointless.

    I'm honestly surprised there's so many apologists here that don't mind facing the same decks month after month.


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    posted a message on Lack of Diversity In Hearthstone, and in games in general

    It was a rush heavy meta one and two months ago too.  That was my point.  It hasn't changed.  Not so interesting.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Lack of Diversity In Hearthstone, and in games in general

    Who said anything about strong or weak?  Nice straw man argument, bro.

    I think there are plenty of strong decks, but people flock to the most skillless ones.  Anyway, if it is true that people are only playing the strong decks now, and there are only a few of them, then that really is a fundamental problem with the game.

    When I did most of my playing between Nov and Jan, there were tons of decks. Several classes with OTKs.  Regularly saw pallies and priests.  Not so anymore.  I find that sad.  I guess we disagree, so play on, player.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Lack of Diversity In Hearthstone, and in games in general

    I took at least a month off.  Almost every game was mindless-rush hunter or anti-rush druid.  I'd say 9 out of 10 games were one of those two.  

    Came back a couple of days ago to slog to rank 5 and very little has changed.  Few less druids, few more locks, still about 50% mindless rush hunters.  Last 3 hours of play have not seen a single priest or paladin.  Maybe one mage and shaman.  Somewhere around 30 hunters.  

    Will check back in another month.


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    posted a message on Do people add you to flame?

    Very common.

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    posted a message on Hunter is ruining this game for me

    Can't say I have ever seen a turn 3 rag druid in all of my games.

    Sure do see mindless hunters in half of them, though.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Is there a matchmaking MMR for ranked constructed with no relation to your rank?

    At rank 4-5 I routinely get more legend opponents than opponents of my rank.  I also frequently get 5-6 legends in a row.  Consecutively.

    By contrast, it is rare that I get that many ranked 4-5s in a row.

    Is it simply that most players are legend now? 

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    posted a message on [Puzzle] Priest vs Priest riddle

    Nice work, Mr. Puzzle.

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    posted a message on Current Meta is fantastic

    Rank 3 is nothing but druids.  Never see the rest of this "meta."  

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    posted a message on Nothing but druids and hunters.

    Just registered to say that I've been  playing every day for two or so months now, and this last week is the worst I have seen in this game. In the last 2-3 days, at rank 4, around 25 of my 30 games were against hunters or druids.  Don't think I saw one mage, shaman, or warrior in all of those games. Every druid with exactly the same deck. Every hunter doing the identical bumrush. Guessing the druids are just in response to the hunters, but whatever. Whatever meta this is is way worse than the reign of mages or murlocks.  

    Alright, /qq

    Posted in: General Discussion
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