Week # | Brawl Type | Participants | Decks | Reward |
186 (Jan 2-6, 2019) | Random PvP Just a Hallucination (WK 104 & 139) |
Player v/s Player | Random Decks | 1 Rastakhan's Rumble Pack |
187 (Jan 9-13, 2019) | Player Constructed Brawl Block: Old and New |
Player v/s Player | WK 187 DECKS | 1 Classic Pack |
188 (Jan 16-20, 2019) | Random PvP A Chance Encounter (WK 148) |
Player v/s Player | Random Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
189 (Jan 23-27, 2019) | Random PvP Shiftcon West |
Player v/s Player | Random Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
190 (Jan 30 - Feb 3, 2019) | Player Constructed The Void Singularity (WK 129) |
Player v/s Player | WK 190 DECKS | 1 Classic Pack |
191 (Feb 6-10, 2019) | Random PvP 'Servant of Yogg-Saron' Tryouts (WK 57, 77, 98 & 134) |
Player v/s Player | Random Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
192 (Feb 13-17, 2019) | Pre-Made Boss Brawl of Champions Round One |
Choose a Class | Pre-Made Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
193 (Feb 20-24, 2019) | Pre-Made Boss Brawl of Champions Round Two |
Choose a Class | Pre-Made Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
194 (Feb 27 - Mar 3, 2019) | Pre-Made Boss Brawl of Champions Grand Finals |
Choose a Class | Pre-Made Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
195 (Mar 6-10, 2019) | Player Constructed Brawliseum - Miniature Warfare | Player v/s Player | WK 195 DECKS | Rewards Depend on Success |
196 (Mar 13-17, 2019) | Player Constructed BY THE POWER OF RAGNAROS (WK 115) |
Player v/s Player | WK 196 DECKS | 1 Classic Pack |
197 (Mar 20-24, 2019) | Player Constructed Battle of the Bans |
Player v/s Player | WK 197 DECKS | 1 Classic Pack |
198 (Mar 27-31, 2019) | Player Constructed Brawl Block: Year of the Mammoth |
Player v/s Player | WK 198 DECKS | 1 Classic Pack |
199 (Apr 3-7, 2019) | Random PvP Randomonium (WK 18, 28, 39, 59, 67, 103 & 156 |
Player v/s Player | Random Decks | 1 Rise of Shadows Pack |
200 (Apr 1014, 2019) | Player Constructed Your Standard Brawliseum (WK 151, 166 & 182) | Player v/s Player | WK 200 DECKS | Rewards Depend on Success |
201 (Apr 17-21, 2019) | Random PvP Dr. Boom's Ignoblegarden! |
Player v/s Player | Random Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
202 (Apr 24-28, 2019) | Pre-Made Decks Hall of Champions (WK 136) |
Player v/s Player | Pre-Made Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
203 (May 1-5, 2019) | Pre-Made Boss Showdown at Blackrock Mountain (WKS 1, 22, 111 & 143) |
Nefarian v/s Ragnaros | Pre-Made Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
204 (May 8-12, 2019) | Pre-Made Decks Henchmania! |
Player v/s Player | Pre-Made Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
205 (May 15-19, 2019) | Random PvP Cloneball! (WK 52, 89 & 154) |
Player v/s Player | Random Decks | 1 Classic Pack |
206 (May 22-26, 2019) | Player Constructed Clockwork Card Dealer - Standard (WK 80) |
Player v/s Player | WK 206 DECKS | 1 Classic Pack |
207 (May 29 - Jun 2, 2019) | Pre-Made Decks The 207th Brawl Spectacular! |
Player v/s Player | Pre-Made Decks | 1 Rise of Shadows Pack |
208 (Jun 5-9, 2019) | Pre-Made Co-op Nefarian Rises! (WK 62 & 137) |
Co-op v/s Boss | Priest Shaman |
1 Classic Pack |
- ileus
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neonangel posted a message on Tavern Brawl TrackerPosted in: Tavern Brawl -
Horkinger posted a message on Card Nerf - Ancient of LorePosted in: Card DiscussionWow, what a pity. From Hero to Zero.
5/5 Body for 5 mana (just acceptable) and 2 Cards for 2 mana (pretty good)
5/5 Body for 5 mana (still acceptable) and 1 Card for 2 mana (overpriced).
Not a staple any more. And a bad decision in my opinion.
Flood posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting GuidePosted in: Card DiscussionA New Legendary Crafting Tier List Has Appeared!
The ratings in the thread are more than my opinion, they are opinions of people I know, myself and popular Steamers such as Trump, Reynad, Sjow, etc. I am ranking the Cards in Tiers/Brackets I am doing this because it is impossible to rate them from 1 to X.
This is not a tier list of the best Legendaries, this is a Crafting Tier list. This list is used to find out which Legendaries to craft and Disenchant. Arena and non-competitive play have no bearing on this list.
I have arranged the Legendaries this way to not only show their importance in constructed but also to inform readers on how/why they are useful. If you have any questions about the tier list ask them, if you believe the tier list should be changed in any way, PM me.
Remember: If you would like to know what Legendary to craft, please include the decks you play and the decks you are going to play. This is necessary and someone can help you a lot easier.
Press Ctrl + f to find in page!
Strongest Legendaries used in a variety of decks or are staple for competitive play. (The ones to craft)
Expert Set
- Alexstrasza
- Lord Jaraxxus
- Malygos
- Grommash Hellscream
- Tirion Fordring
- Bloodmage Thalnos
- Edwin VanCleef
Old Gods Expansion
Tech legendaries that can be replaced. (Craft for Specific reasons)
Expert Set
- Baron Geddon - Control Warrior Tech (Increase winrate VS aggro and midrange)
- Harrison Jones - Tech for weapon classes
- Leeroy Jenkins - Tech for aggro (Increase winrate VS control)
- Deathwing - Control tech
- The Black Knight - Tech against Druid mostly (Increase winrate Druid and taunt heavy decks)
- Cairne Bloodhoof - playable in all control decks and tempo warrior
- Al'Akir the Windlord - Midrange Shaman Tech (Increase winrate VS slower midrange)
- Archmage Antonidas - tech in tempo and freeze mage
Old Gods Expansion
- Xaril, Poisoned Mind - Tech for Miracle Rogue(increase winrate VS control)
- Yogg-Saron, Hope's End - techable for druid, mage and warrior
One Night in Karazhan
- Medivh, the Guardian: - Usable in Control Mage and Warlock decks
- The Curator - Used in many Midrange decks such as Dragon Priest and Taunt Warrior
- Moreoes - Used in Quest Rogue as control tech.
Cards that are usable, but see little play and can be replaced easily(keep for specific reasons)
These Legendaries are usually out of meta and weird tech choices that you probably will not see anymore but are still viable options that may be playable later.
Expert Set
- Cenarius - Ramp Druid (Increase winrate VS slower midrange)
- Ysera - Playable in many control and dragon decks
Old Gods Expansion
- Soggoth the Slitherer - playable in control paladin and ramp druid
- Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound - playable in ramp druid
- Malkorok - playable in tempo warrior
- Hallazeal the Ascended - playable in midrange shaman
- Hogger, Doom of Elwynn - Playable in patron
- Princess Huhuran - playable in midrange hunter
One Night in Karazhan
- Barnes - Playable in midrange decks with strong minion effects
Legendaries that are too weak to see competitive play (Disenchant)
Expert Set
- King Krush
- Nozdormu
- Onyxia
- Gruul
- Hogger
- Illidan
- The Beast
- Captain Greenskin
- King Mukla
- Tinkmaster Overspark
- Lorewalker Cho
- Millhouse Manastorm
- Nat Pagle
- Prophet Velen
Old Gods Expansion
The Boogeymonster
Shifter Zerus
Nat, the Darkfisher
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale
Herald Volazj
Deathwing, DragonlordOne Night in Karazhan
Prince Malchezaar
EzRocky posted a message on Shaman is too broken. What was Blizzard thinking?Posted in: ShamanShaman is absolutely dominating the ladder right now. Aggro shaman has almost no counter play to it at the moment. It almost boggles my mind that Blizz didnt nerf doomhammer..but on top of that they create a 4 mana 7/7 while nerfing BGH to 5 mana to guarantee there 0 counterplay to an obviously broken card...and to add on top of that take away all good healing and defensive minions. This has 100% ruined my experience so far because I know 1 week from now the ladder is going to be all aggro shamans because there is no reason to play anything else because it cant be stopped. Anyone else feel the same???
arounet posted a message on Twin Emperor Vek'lorPosted in: Twin Emperor Vek'lorGuys, I have tested it out, and I think I just found a new easter egg !
If you play Brann Bronzebeard and Twin Emperor Vek'lor right after, your opponent will immediatly concede !
Try it, it really works !
raykin1234 posted a message on Fandral StaghelmPosted in: Fandral StaghelmI got a golden one from one of my packs! :D And indeed it is awesome :D Sadly it is a soft taunt which people will try to remove asap. Otherwise if you can pull it off, it's good.
Pravlad posted a message on Twin Emperor Vek'lorPosted in: Twin Emperor Vek'lorwell black knight kills only one of them...
ZamperHs posted a message on Twin Emperor Vek'lorPosted in: Twin Emperor Vek'lorWhen you crafted The Black Knight just before it became irrelevant and no longer saw play They laughed at me Well who is laughing now ;)
bajcli posted a message on New Mage Card - Cult SorcererPosted in: Card DiscussionKobold Geomancer... Power creep
Except- this is a class card
- this is a rare card and kobold geomancer isn't even an expert common
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thats so sad, my number one site regarding to hearthstone, thats a piece of hearthstone history thats "dying".
Awesome time, i will miss it
explosive trap solves :D thx for the deck
3rd try, but lucky as fuck!
this guy will get pretty popular, those freakin new druid taunts..
crafted a golden one, auto include in every C'thun deck. looks awesome.
:D :D
so you have all 6 pirates?
hm that is strange :/
original pirates are enough. expensive though, crafting capt. greenskin sucks^^
antonidas is too strong :(
so thats some dust i guess :P
such bullshit!