watch Shadybunny 's stream, he's the best to learn the basic concepts because he takes the time to explain the logic behind them. If he's offline, watch the VODS.
triple T1 only if they are economy or weaver (in general)
level whenever the gold fits or you feel strong enough (if you don't want lots of minions from the tier you're in)
only roll on a tier if you need more than 1-2 specific minions from it
buy minions that open up strategies (i.e. shields and taunts if quilboars are in)
don't go for weak (in combat) scaling units like Nomi if you are weak and it's past turn 7 or 8
watch what your opponent is playing for positioning (and tech accordingly from turn 8-9 and after)
don't plan too much for the future (but point 3 still applies), always try to win the next fight
I play on EU. You can add me if you want, I might come spectate now and then, but I'm only 8.5-9k mmr so far. I mostly play around 8pm/1am while watching movies with my girlfriend.
I actually liked the quests alot, they sort of balanced the heroes a little bit. Did they really have to go?
You could get a "meh" hero selection but if you get a good quest you could make up for it. Of course good hero and good quest is even better... but at least with quests you got a second roll.
Quests were also easier on requirements on bad heroes, most of the times. Hope they will do something with the balance changes to help it, other than adjust armor.
I am not sure it was a good idea to remove Whitemane from BGs while Uther/Quests are still around. Now Rivendare is not counterable at all. I guess the meta will be Baron builds for a while.
As long as cards like this exist they will have to keep adding hand interaction cards like theotar and mutanus to justify that "you could have a counter".
Hearthstone was always supposed to be a minion combat based game, that's why miracle rogue, force of nature and savage roar, freeze mage etc. were nerfed into oblivion. It was never meant to be a hand interaction game and I remember Ben Brode stating clearly that it wasn't the direction they wanted to be going.
Now the developers have ran out of ideas so they moved in the disruption direction to keep selling packs. That and the massive power creep have ruined wild and made standard a one dimensional game of Denathrius.
What? All secret mages in wild run Objection. That BS even works against eater of secrets, which makes the deck untechable for... as if it wasn't broken enough.
Oh, that makes sense & definitely takes away the annoyance.
Thanks - I don't mind helping in that. :)
Do you play on NA or EU? If EU, please feel free to add me.
I don't need a punching bag for quests, simply don't mind having nice people in my friend list for a challenge a friend quest.
If you want some help with ranked wild, I might provide some assistance (usually legend when I can), even though my time is limited, with a 9-18 job, a girlfriend, two dogs, and my own ranking to do.
There are some really good decks out there: Even Shaman, Pirate Rogue, Quest Mage, Reno Priest, Big Priest, Beast Hunter, Curse Warlock.
I'll add pillager Rogue, Quest frog Shaman, Quest Shudderwock Shaman, OTK priest, Celestial Druid, togwaggle Druid, enrage handbuff Warrior, aggro shadow Priest, quest shard Priest, disruption Warlock, giant windfury Warlock, renathal pirate Warrior, seed Hunter, quest Hunter, relic DH, are some other decks that can be successful on the ladder.
All can be susceptible to their counters obviously, and some are better than others, but it's fun to see these decks. I never lost an OTK shaman mirror (my build is the best and I'm the best at it :P ), but I admit I don't see alot of them.
I was looking to complete some quests last evening, as I already hit legend in wild I went on and tried to see what decks I could come up in standard... it felt so weird to have such a limited card pool, and possible strategies to build, that I went back to wild and made an infinite Azsharan Sentinel rogue to do my quests. Right after that, I made a Quest-Jade-Elemental-Murloc shaman for a different quest.
Granted both decks performed poorly in ranked, they still managed to get a few wins and were a good change of pace (I rank up with quest otk shaman or control warlock).
I can not go back to standard, honestly. It would feel too limiting, and boring. Even though wild is more collection-dependant, the matchups are alot more polarized, and the games can be very highrolly, it still feels like the most engaging format to me.
Honestly looking forward to it. Duels was always very feels-awesome or feels-awful for me. I LOVE the dungeon run solo adventures though so if we get more of those it'll be well worth it.
Lol. It's seems intresting, but mechpala, secret mage, big priest, doesn't cares about your C'ttun and jade golems. Without nerfs, most of these buffs are meangless.
He was probably the single most broken card in BGs - infinite pirates was damn near unbeatable and could transition into anything it wanted in one turn. The whole pirate tribe is shit except for one card that defines and breaks it, doesn't scream great design to me. That being said, wow the new pirates are awful.
It doesnt, as a Kingsbane player, this doesnt do anything, but a lot of people play Kobold Stickyfinger so that kinda ruins the deck. Either that or put a lot of taunts or use freeze like mage and your good to go
I believe I have played it only a few times if ever, still, there's people that like it... why remove it? Really because of money?
Duels players never ever spend money some other way in the game? I doubt this.
They know exactly what decks and cards are stronger, they have all the stats they can possibly want.
If they don't do anything it's cause it isn't worth it economically.
I play on EU. You can add me if you want, I might come spectate now and then, but I'm only 8.5-9k mmr so far. I mostly play around 8pm/1am while watching movies with my girlfriend.
I actually liked the quests alot, they sort of balanced the heroes a little bit. Did they really have to go?
You could get a "meh" hero selection but if you get a good quest you could make up for it. Of course good hero and good quest is even better... but at least with quests you got a second roll.
Quests were also easier on requirements on bad heroes, most of the times. Hope they will do something with the balance changes to help it, other than adjust armor.
I am not sure it was a good idea to remove Whitemane from BGs while Uther/Quests are still around. Now Rivendare is not counterable at all. I guess the meta will be Baron builds for a while.
As long as cards like this exist they will have to keep adding hand interaction cards like theotar and mutanus to justify that "you could have a counter".
Hearthstone was always supposed to be a minion combat based game, that's why miracle rogue, force of nature and savage roar, freeze mage etc. were nerfed into oblivion. It was never meant to be a hand interaction game and I remember Ben Brode stating clearly that it wasn't the direction they wanted to be going.
Now the developers have ran out of ideas so they moved in the disruption direction to keep selling packs. That and the massive power creep have ruined wild and made standard a one dimensional game of Denathrius.
Illuminate, Neptulon the Tidehunter, Wildheart Guff , Dew Process , Grey Sage Parrot , The Demon Seed , Objection! , are only a few examples of cards that have been thoughtlessly introduced in standard and ruined wild.
We all shall bow to our Blizzard overlords and play standard with a Denathrius and Theother in our decks. If we don't, then it's our own fault right?
What? All secret mages in wild run Objection. That BS even works against eater of secrets, which makes the deck untechable for... as if it wasn't broken enough.
Do you play on NA or EU? If EU, please feel free to add me.
I don't need a punching bag for quests, simply don't mind having nice people in my friend list for a challenge a friend quest.
If you want some help with ranked wild, I might provide some assistance (usually legend when I can), even though my time is limited, with a 9-18 job, a girlfriend, two dogs, and my own ranking to do.
There's no best, it's really rock paper scissor tbh. Unless turn 3 Neptulon, that usually beats everything.
I'll add pillager Rogue, Quest frog Shaman, Quest Shudderwock Shaman, OTK priest, Celestial Druid, togwaggle Druid, enrage handbuff Warrior, aggro shadow Priest, quest shard Priest, disruption Warlock, giant windfury Warlock, renathal pirate Warrior, seed Hunter, quest Hunter, relic DH, are some other decks that can be successful on the ladder.
All can be susceptible to their counters obviously, and some are better than others, but it's fun to see these decks. I never lost an OTK shaman mirror (my build is the best and I'm the best at it :P ), but I admit I don't see alot of them.
I was looking to complete some quests last evening, as I already hit legend in wild I went on and tried to see what decks I could come up in standard... it felt so weird to have such a limited card pool, and possible strategies to build, that I went back to wild and made an infinite Azsharan Sentinel rogue to do my quests. Right after that, I made a Quest-Jade-Elemental-Murloc shaman for a different quest.
Granted both decks performed poorly in ranked, they still managed to get a few wins and were a good change of pace (I rank up with quest otk shaman or control warlock).
I can not go back to standard, honestly. It would feel too limiting, and boring. Even though wild is more collection-dependant, the matchups are alot more polarized, and the games can be very highrolly, it still feels like the most engaging format to me.