I've been playing HS since 2015 and I can confirm that sometimes the RNG is not really random.
I really think that the "randomness" in HS is actually a controlled rng. This means that your chances to win/lose increase, or decrease at certain points of the game.
What joke is this, she's not developing anything, just giving ideas. Developers are programmers, you can't become an experienced programmer just like that
Who need stupid and annoying achievements, we need gold! Maybe they gave us triple much amount of achievements instead of gold as new boosted reward for playing.
You know 5000 MMR is dumpster MMR and you are playing against all bad players, right?
At 5000 MMR, the players do all sort of goofy things that make your head spin like play Ysera and stay at level 2 getting tons of fire-breather triples.
Dafuq are you talking about?! How can you buy a TV with achievement pointsI wish I could monetize my 20k points as well(and my HS account in general lol)
Too slow
6300 gold atm. I only play ranked till legend and then I switch to Battlegrounds
Whoever did the AI on this brawl is an imbecile
I've been playing HS since 2015 and I can confirm that sometimes the RNG is not really random.
I really think that the "randomness" in HS is actually a controlled rng. This means that your chances to win/lose increase, or decrease at certain points of the game.
Sorry, but this deck is crap
Is there anyone above 10k mmr who is able to play with friends?
I've tried several times and it always throws a message that there is a higher ranked player in lobby.
My friend is only 500 points below me
Why do people ask stupid questions?
HS "Developer" Cora...
What joke is this, she's not developing anything, just giving ideas. Developers are programmers, you can't become an experienced programmer just like that