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    posted a message on What am i suppsoed to do?

    I quit hearthstone a while ago, back when it was nothing but jade decks, mage exodia decks, basically nothing but one sided, non-interactive decks that needed half a dozen legendaries per deck to even make it into ranked play.


    I foolishly came back to hearthstone, and even more foolishly dropped $140 on packs, one $70 bundle on each of witchwood and kobalds, and now im even more pissed off then when i left.  Out of those 140 packs i got 7 legendaries, none of them useable, i got enough dust to craft 1 legendary, whcih i decided to craft shudderwock with, and i regret that becuase since doing that ive hit nothing but cubelock, and i was lacking the final piece of shudderwock decks, the elemental that made the cost 1.


    Im now sitting here, i nearly put my fist through my monitor becuase it feels like im getting shafted in every single game, like it doesnt matter what i build, in standard or wild i ALWAYS get the worst possible matchup.  Im on a losing streak of like 50 games now, and it isnt based on skill, The opponent always gets the exact answer they need.  I had an impossible lead with an aggro deck i built, opponent dropped possessed lackey, sac'd it with coin+dark pact, then hit voidlord and i couldnt come back from it.  Went into wild, hit a shudderwock cthun deck who, instead of just ending the game, queued 10 full shudderwock trigegrs, whcih took 45 minutes to expire, then the next turn one shotted me with a 600 damage, double battlecry cthun.  Then i had to play against a rogue who was dead on board, had burned their weapon to kill my lich king... then topdecked her hero card making her un-attackable, then topdecked her stupid weapon AGAIN and one shotted me...


    I could go on and on, but the point is, im getting stuck paired agasint decks i cant beat because i dont have the required legendaries to win with.  And yeah, people will argue that its not about the legendaries, but if that was true then why do almost all decks run half a dozen?  It feels like blizzard is actively punishing me for not buying packs.  I dont know why i thought the game had changed, its still punishing and impossible to grind for packs/gold/dust.  I mean jesus, the games been out for 4 years and i still dont even have a full classic set, AND it turns out they actually REMOVED some of the free card quests, and the cards they gave werent even good.


    So i dont know what to do now.  I shouldnt have spent the $140 i spent, it feels bad, and has actually sent me into a depression, games are supposed to help me relax, but instead i jsut want to throw my computer out the window.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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