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    posted a message on Order in the Court doesnt work properly

    Is there a reason this card isnt working properly? I used it in a recent wild duel and the DK plagues are all 1 cost...which should have stuck all the plagues at the bottom of the deck but it didnt do this....further more one of my 8 cost cards were still sitting at the very bottom of the deck when i did a dredge on them....so this card is not reordering everything as it states it will in the card and seems to not be functioning as intended

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Blood Magic Warlock

    this deck is awful 5 losses b4 i got a win i got beat on turn 2 by every other deck i faced

    Posted in: Blood Magic Warlock
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    posted a message on Jailer druid decks need some nerfs here

    So i came across this druid build that involves a jailer card destroying an opponents deck making their monsters immune....but at the same time they are able to silence their own minions to reverse a deck swap thus destroying an opponents deck while keeping their own intact yet nothing i do can actually kill these minions? for one....if they can silence an IMMUNUE minion....other people should be able to silence one or all of them.....2nd there is no reason that even silencing a battle cry minion should be reversing this deck swap when its not even listed in the cards tooltips....Tony, King of Piracy should have this effect be a 1 time thing as this is wildly unfair to combo this with Anub Rekan and simply destroying the opponents deck while keeping theirs....now my issue is....AGAIN they are capable of altering an IMMUNE minion to reverse this deck swap....yet opponents arent able to do anything of the same? something needs a rework and Tony needs to be made a battlecry only not a reversable thing or something....being on turn 8 or 9 to have your entire deck destroyed by this combo seems like its just simply destroying the fun factor in this game for me crap like this is why i havent even tried to push ladder content at all in a couple years thinking things had changed but nope....yall still have some stupid cancer decks that you do nothing about except let em run rampant with no way to counter it at all

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Unkillable Deathknight duel deck

    Just came across a deck with a deathknight hero where it was 100% unkillable with a 1dmg at a time card....this card is wildly unfair as he went well into fatigue  some 15 turns b4 i did had all of 8 cards but with 1 card(and 2 other copies) he is able to prevent death...self heal to full on every turn....and ignore fatigue dmg as well as constantly throw out the same 3 minions every turn for health instead of HP....thus taking 0 dmg and preventing anyone doing any real fatal damage....this deck is wildly unfair and a cheat of sorts and anyone coming across it is doomed to lose regardless how the match starts....if a player is SET TO 10 health....why then are they able to later increased their HP to 50....and take all of NO DAMAGE thru the entirety of a duel.....something needs to be done with this card synergy as its way too over powered to be in a casual duel setting....Deathbringer Saurfang combod with some sort of Dmg reduction card i can not find atm(most likely one of the duel specialties) ultimately will kill you unless you have some kind of silence to counter these things...which i guess i am about to start running

    Posted in: Duels
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    posted a message on Come and troll people....thats all they do on this forum anyhow....farewell toxic community

    This new 8 cost rogue pirate is 100% garbage.....take 5 cards from a deck to shadowstep it 2x for a total of 15 cards removed from a deck that he cant even hold.....like wtf kind of balance are you thinking these cards are.....they cant even hold the 15 cards they take but they still get removed from the deck like they can.....your game has gone so far downhill since its launch but crap like this is why i have stopped playing....you guys make cards so STUPIDLY over powered and people cant to ANYTHING to counter these combos like seriously fix this game or lose more business

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Xyrella The Devout

    So i just faced a rather odd priest deck.....but he summoned all these 7/7 clams that he then silenced and killed.....only 1 of the 8 or so that he killed actually triggered a deathrattle from not being silenced but when he played this Xyrella card the card still triggered all of the deathrattles as if they were cast normally.....not sure if this is intended but it definitely seems broken.....there is no reason deathrattles that didnt trigger in the game should be triggering from a separate card effect as the minions themselves died normally when that was never the case.....

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hattrik - Big Beast Hunter

    i dont have a tracker active but i have steadily used this deck to go from bronze to platinum in ranked play 

    Posted in: Hattrik - Big Beast Hunter
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    posted a message on Hattrik - Big Beast Hunter

    i find this deck most enjoyable thanks for the list m8

    Posted in: Hattrik - Big Beast Hunter
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    posted a message on 0 dust brawl deck

    lost 4 in a row not an ez win by far

    Posted in: 0 dust brawl deck
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    posted a message on 10k free dust ?

    i got no dust even tho it said i received 8400 dust....i personally give 0 fucks about this but if something like this was AWARDED to multiple players there is no reason to do a retraction and take it all back....call it a happy accident and move on....stop whining and bitching that you didnt get what you wanted for free....either play the game or dont....100% up to you...but dont whine and cry about something that you didnt earn to begin with 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 10k free dust ?

    i logged in and was told i got 8400 dust but the dust was never put into my inventory =(

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Innkeeper Returns!

    way to be a jerk to someone i havent played in a couple months or so and so you link a thread i had no idea about and call me stupid? good job....go troll somewhere else

    Posted in: Innkeeper Feedback & Support
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    posted a message on The Innkeeper Returns!

    i just uninstalled and reinstalled innkeeper but it WILL NOT update my collection or let me do anything really with it....not sure why i cant sync anything to it any help would be appreciated


    Posted in: Innkeeper Feedback & Support
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    posted a message on KRIPP Bomb Midrange Warrior

    this deck loses to burn mage and mech hunter also

    Posted in: KRIPP Bomb Midrange Warrior
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    posted a message on FIX THE ROPE TIMER TO BE ACCURATE

    I am tired of seeing these stupid priest decks and rogue decks who take turns well beyond the rope timer expiring to ultimately kill you i just watched a priest one shot me some 40-60 seconds after the rope timer should have timed out and he just kept restacking these stupid goblin things and just kept killing them repeatedly but the timer was well beyond expiring for him to boost a 1/1 boar to a 32/1 minion? that whole turn took more than 90 seconds on up to over 2 min and 30 sec for him to finish everything all the while the other player on the other side cheesing and spam emoting like a dick new full well he wasnt gonna get timed out.....this shit needs to be fixed or yall can refund me all the money i have been putting into this game over the years and shut my hearthstone acct down cuz this is garbage hacks that need to be resolved.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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