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    posted a message on buying cardbacks with gold ?

    New update: Own the Hearthstone LEGEND cardback for just $49.99, who says legends can't be bought :)


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from PPoison >>

    Rigged pos game standard, wild, and battlegrounds. You know it’s funny that it’s always impossible to get first and it’s infinitely second for me cuz oh im just a bad player. Beat someone’s ass before top two to one but damn right he has to win four games in a row to win and of course he does. Doesn’t matter if you built something immensely better. The battle rng which of course has absolutely no rhyme or reason just 100 percent goes his way four games in a row. Taking lines that should never happen. Oh look second place despite the odds 1000 percent in my favor. Wow such a fun game. It’s ok guys just look at those streamers with 10000 plus mmr. You can be just like them if you try hard enough. And by trying hard enough I take it you mean suck the company dick so their account has rigged rng right Bli$$? Fuck you you sack of shit husk of a company that survives on your monopoly and name only now.

     going second usually wins me games in wild, the coin is huge impact

    also, mage, fucking class is pure cancer, secret mage gets that little fuck 2 drop that does aoe over and over while u don't draw your any of your battlecry or spell damage.  meanwhile quest mage discovers counter spell and ice block, so in essence they have all their spells as quest mage.

    DH is now a shit class, i only played 50 games or so just to learn the class, but it is now dog shit.

    Hunter is the worst fucking place in wild, he's absolutely garbage, any aggro stomps on this fucktard and any value deck will easily beat this horseshit class.

    finally, fuck you rogue, i'm glad your just as shit as hunter, eat dog shit you discovering game winning cards cunt.

    The rest of the meta and classes i like, disco lock is good now, odd warrior is good, otk decks are back :)



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on It Is Only Me Or Hunter Is Broken As Hell?

    in wild, Hunter is total garbage class.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on [Odd DH] BUDGET TOP 10 LEGEND in Under 12 Hours!

    HELL NO, this build is dead now.  both weapon and metamorphosis is trash now.

    Posted in: [Odd DH] BUDGET TOP 10 LEGEND in Under 12 Hours!
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    posted a message on Agree or Disagree? Metamorphosis sucks now.

    DH keeps big priest from coming back in wild.  #SAVEDH #Kappa

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How is this card balanced?

     Dr. 8

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Advance after str bonus expires
    Quote from YesmanLakers818 >>

    Hello All, The last 2-3 months, my bonus stars expire at like plat 10 and I literally get stuck. No matter what deck I play or I switch decks, I get countered where its a battle, which is fine, but then it becomes impossible to advance. Any advice? Is everyone in the same boat? Is it me and I play bad maybe? Just wondering from other players as literally sometimes I feel helpless and it kinda takes the fun away.

     Greetings friend, *I've made wild legend first time, though I've hit 12 wins arena many times on multiple accounts.*

    You are making incorrect tempo decisions if you are not advancing in rank.  Since you are in plat 10, in my opinion, you are incorrectly using your mana, your not playing the optimal cards to win you the match, and finally you maybe are missing lethal countless times but you don't notice.  If your a standard player, you should definitely watch a top player that plays your deck type on twitch or youtube to see how they play.  If you are watching on youtube, or past twitch video, try to pause the video and guess what the streamer might play on that turn. 

    P.S. This will take you maybe 2-4 months to hit legend. Depending how fast you learn.  Also,  it's just a game, you need to give your mind some time to digest things.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Patch 17.6 - Battlegrounds, Nerfs, Pre-Order, New Weapon Frames & Game Improvements

    there should be with the amount of nerfs happening recently

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Worst ever reveal

    this was entertaining af to watch, look at that polymorph card for 1 mana LUL

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Scholomance Academys Pre-order Contain Leak

    -HS wild player here

    this mage portrait is a real bummer and I like kel'thuzad, but Quest mage/Reno Quest/Secret mage are all snoozefest decks.  As long as we get hero cards, then its a wash.  Also BG bonuses LUL, BG ranking LUL

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Asia excreted double wrenchcalibur highlander warrior

    perfect deck, perfect name, perfect strategy: "Just do it" -asia god deck maker-

    Posted in: Asia excreted double wrenchcalibur highlander warrior
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    posted a message on Asia D1 6-1 Budget free Tempo rogue

     world class deck making right here and its easy to craft.

    Posted in: Asia D1 6-1 Budget free Tempo rogue
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    posted a message on Hottest Decks for Ashes of Outland - Community Favorites - Standard and Wild!

    Yeah except for the priest, these are the memes lol

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Forever stuck on Gold 9-8 for 2-3 Month now

    Update: I made legend first time.  Yeah it was a lot of micro decisions made right and learning form mistakes and not tilting.  So in essence, it is the same as winning in Arena, just you have to play much more games as people have said. I used mecha'thun lock from D5 to D1 with no bonus stars.  80% wr vs priest, 60% vs all other classes, and 30% wr vs mages.

    hello friend, yeah it has to be your skill level.  I used to take forever to get to diamond 5 in any season, now its just a few hours, 4-6.

    HS is more than just playing cards, you have to outplay ur opponent, what they're likely going to play and what is going to make you win games.

    I'm made 12 wins arena on multiple accounts, so I might not be giving best advice.


    Posted in: Standard Format
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