• 2

    posted a message on We can officially say that getting Legend is nothing right now

    i don't understand these threads nor why they show up so often....

    some decks are more powerful than others, so getting legendary is easier with some decks than with others...so what?

    also, quest rogue is not that powerful, it feels powerful when it comes out perfect and you lose to it, but play it a bunch and you'll find it is OK but not great...the players who pilot it to top ranks in legendary are so good/lucky they could get there with almost any deck.

    and then, what did getting to legendary ever mean? it means the same thing now that it always did, you reached rank 5 and then you had a stretch where you went 25 games over .500.  Maybe you went 25-0, maybe you went 1025-1000, they mean the same thing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Why does no one greet back? A Talk about Courtesy

    i think it is rude of you to emote a greetings at the start of the match and force me into a social interaction.  i'm playing a video game here, don't make me have to read or hear a greetings emote and then think about whether i should respond and if so, what emote i should use and if not, do i need to squelch you before you freaking emote greetings at me again and make me have the entire debate in my head all over again when i'm trying to decide if i have n'zoth's first mate in my opening hand or not.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    i had about 85 MSG packs sitting around from arena runs, decided to open them up and see how many STB's i could get before it gets nerfed....opened 2 regular patches and 1 golden patches...what the....why isn't patches getting nerfed!??!?/ 

    so then i decided it must really want me to play pirates....i already have golden shaman, so i guess i'll play pirate warrior even though pirate warrior actually sucks....and it makes me play 7 straight shamans and lose to them all, wtf.  Guess i'll go back to arena.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is it right to kill Totem Golem with jade claws?
    Quote from KronosLizard >>


    I have this situation a lot and still do not know the right play. 


     if you have that situation "a lot", you need to decide if that is the right play for your deck.  when you hit the totem golem and take 9 damage, do you still win more than half the time? or do you lose?
    If you find that that is your only play (and its a bad one) a lot, then perhaps the answer is to modify your deck to have a better answer to early game totem golem than smashing your face into it twice.
    Posted in: Shaman
  • -1

    posted a message on Hearthstone China Releases Personalized Yearly Stats, And They're Kind Of Awesome

    i voted no because while i like the idea of interesting/cool stats i wasn't interested in most of their stats in the bullet list, so, No, i don't want to see that over here, come up with something better.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    the meta has become so lame, dominated by just a few things,  where is the diversity?  it seems like 60% of the salt thread is schrutebucks, Maukiepaukie and thepoxbox. i'm tired of reading posts by the same old people, blizzard needs to do something to shake up the salt thread meta

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on They nerfed BGH because of design spaces. Now Ooze is the auto include

    you guys read it wrong, he's not actually calling for ooze to be nerfed.  What he is saying is, dr boom was the problem that caused everyone to include BGH in their deck.  Blizzard didn't like BGH being an auto included, so they nerfed BGH.  The OP is saying that was nerfing the solution and not the problem.  I'm not saying he is correct, i'm saying that is what he was trying to say.  So, the relationship then is, there are many pirate decks with weapons in them (the problem), so many people are running ooze  (the solution) as an autoinclude to destroy the weapon, so blizzard should do what they did with the drboom/BGH relationship and nerf ooze.

    So, he's not promoting nerfing ooze, It is actually just a different way of whining about patches and pirates.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Drakonid Operative: Pushing Priests to Dragons One Last Time

    but...i don't win every game, so everything is NOT FINE

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Arena rewarding system is a joke.

    The only problem with the arena reward system is winning 4+ games, then losing that 3rd game and then already being annoyed at losing a 3rd game, clicking on the stupid reward bags and having a common pop out and slap you in the face.  Especially when you win 7, get a pack, 150g and a freaking common.  Just remove the common from the reward pool if i win 3, or 4, or more games...i'm ok with getting a common if i go 0-3, i deserve the slap in the face at that point.

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 0

    posted a message on To all legend players(past and current): how long did it take for you to get legend (Plus statistics)?

    last time i reached legend, right before the MSG release, i went 32-7 after reaching rank 5...sure it was with midrange shaman but i still sleep like a baby at night

    i know you just wanted stats, but other people's stats are meaningless, there is very little skill in any one game, or even in 40 games.  Play 40 games and pay attention each time to how much of an impact you really have.  You're playing renolock, so yeah you get rolled sometimes by rogue/warrior/shaman decks, and you also get outlucked by other reno priest/lock/mage decks.  i was playing combo renolock at rank 4-5 earlier this week and 3 consecutive games the other reno deck played dirty rat with a 50% or less chance of pulling leeroy from hand, and all three times it pulled leeroy, severely dropping my chances of winning thru no fault of my own.  So, sure, sometimes there's nothing you can do.  But watch for the opposite games, the ones where it didn't make that much difference which one of your cards you played, you were going to win no matter what.  People like reno decks because they trick you into thinking you are a special snowflake that brilliantly piloted your deck into victory...but if say 40% of the time you lose no matter what you do, wouldn't it make sense that 40% of the time you win no matter what you do?  

    Anyway if you're capable of getting to rank 2 or 3, you can reach legend but sheer variance may make you lose your way back to 6 before you hit that block where you are 25 games over .500

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on What is your most satisfying thing to do in Hearthstone?

    games of hearthstone are never satisfying so i have to keep clicking play and hating myself

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on I have enough dust to craft three legendaries...

    don't craft anything, this set blows if you're playing ladder.  there is only extreme aggro (pirate warrior/shaman/rogue) or extreme(ly boring) control, all reno decks, some priest nonsense, jade druid yawnfests....keep your dust, keep collecting, and hope the next expansion/adventure rotation causes something fun to happen on the ladder

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Remove/nerf Ditry Rat

    It makes me sad that the OP is member of the competition I play against in HS...it probably matched us up once and made me lose, so sad

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Will we see a movement of cards between sets come the new HS year (post Kraken)

    reno can't leave fast enough, worst card they ever made

    i know, i know, everyone thinks its so great, you can go from being dead on the next turn to 30 health and punish aggro or overextended players, but its actually the worst possible example of 'oh look you won because you drew that one card'...in renolock its borderline acceptable because at least they draw a lot of cards, but when a reno any other class plays reno on turn 6, 7, 8, with 15 cards left in their deck, yeah that is just stupid

    but then renolock is super boring to play against, let me make sure to play around the aoe and large single target removals while putting on pressure but not overextending, and hope one turn comes by where their answer isn't quite perfect and then i can snowball into winning in a turn or 2, as long as they don't draw reno in that time....yawnfest, i'd rather play vs 1000 consecutive mid range shamans

    this is my opinion, i understand people disagree, but you're all wrong

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 35

    posted a message on What Legendaries should be instantly disenchanted?

    this site needs a link on the front page that says 'new players click here' and has directions on how to start off playing HS

    this is how you play HS:

    1. Play ranked up until rank 20, 19, 18 or so where you get crushed by a control warrior with all the legendary cards.  Bitch about how unfair that was when he shield slammed your boulderfist ogre and then he played rag.  Decide (incorrectly) that you need legendary cards to rank up.

    2. Go to your collection to see what legendaries you have.  Realize the only legendary you've opened are Lorewalker cho and Herald Volazj.  Bitch about how unlucky you are at opening packs. 

    3. Look into crafting some legendary cards. Realize they cost 1600 dust and you have 325.  Bitch about why legendary cards are so expensive. How can you win when you can't play rag on turn 8 every game?

    4. Look online and see that people say you should build up your collection by playing arena and winning free packs. You just have to average 7 wins, 6ish if you count quest gold.  Start playing arena with intent of average 6 wins.  Go 0-3.  Try again. 1-3.  Ok getting better.  Try again. 0-3 again.  Bitch about how lucky everyone else is with their drafts/draws.

    5. Watch some streamers play arena while letting your daily quests build up so you can get some quest gold to arena again. Bitch about how every play they make works out for them and they are rarely punished for misplays or taking chances.

    6. Watching streamers helped you draft, at least now you pick Piloted Shredder over Conceal.  Play arena for while, average 3-4 wins. Enough to keep going, building up dust and some cards.  Bitch about how if whatever algorithm controls hearthstone drawing and drafting didn't hate you, you could average 7 wins.

    7.  You've made it, you have acquired some cards and some dust.  You've opened Baron Geddon, not great but maybe playable.  And then you open Grommash Hellscream.  Now you have to play control warrior!  Craft some cards to go with him to fill out a netdecked control warrior, two Brawls,  a Ragnaros. Disenchant your Herald Volazj and Lorewalker Cho so  you can also craft Sylvanas.  Legend, here we come!

    • Click play! Get crushed by tempo mage spells by turn 8 while Rag and Grom sit in your hand.
    • Click play! Get crushed by mid range shaman by turn 6.
    • Click play! Get a slower mid range shaman, this time you get rag out! It is hexed immediately.
    • Click play! Get a mirror control warrior match up. The game drags out to fatigue, you play grommash to try to go for the win, he executes it and plays the Golden Monkey.
    • Click play!  You get a priest, priest is a weak, a good match up for you! Turn 6 you play Sylvanas, she gets Entombed.  Turn 8, you play rag.  He plays the Sylvanas he just entombed.
    • Click play!  Shaman, concede.
    • Click play!  Shaman, concede.
    • Click play!  Shaman, concede.
    • Click play!  Secret Hunter.  Control the board with weapons while slowly dying but he's running out of cards, you should be able stay ahead of him.  Then he plays an eaglehorn bow which ends up with 5 charges but there's nothing you can do because you couldn't afford to craft Harrison Jones.  Eventually lose to 12 damage on turn 7 from Bow , Quick Shot into Quick Shot into Kill Command.

    Bitch about how ridiculously stupid it is that you went to all this effort to acquire these legendary cards and you still can't win.

    8.  Come to the Hearthpwn forums and post about how the meta is stale and lame because its all shaman and aggro and netdecks and control doesn't have the tools to succeed, and when will blizzard learn how to make a good balanced game?  The first response will be a link to the group therapy salt thread.  

    9. Keep playing even though it drives you crazy.  Play ranked, win a few, move up to the low teens, maybe up to 10.  Play arena when you get tired of ranked.  Always win at least one Brawl for the free pack.  When the Brawl is mildly entertaining and has quick games, farm it for some easier gold, like the Miniature brawl.  Lose to a priest who plays Rag, Faceless Manipulator, Faceless Manipulate, Herald Volazj for 6 rags on the board hitting you for 48 hilarious damage to the face.  Open up your collection so you can make that brawl deck.  Bitch about how you dusted your Herald Volazj for stupid Sylvanas which never really won you any games anyway.  Say oh whatever, and craft Herald Volazj again just so you can play the brawl.


    TL:DR: Never dust legendaries, they are too expensive to craft and almost every legendary has a moment, either in brawls or some crazy casual deck, where they are funny or useful.  Pay cash to build your collection, or just be patient and collect packs/dust.  If hearthstone is really for you, two years will have gone by and then you realize you have every card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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