Why is the art so bad?
Why is the art so bad?
speak for urself bitch
These cards are super boring.
Boring ?
Traps are litterally the soul of hunters, i can't believe you say it's boring. And instead what do you want, an infinite value generator ? Actually i'm not even surprised, you are like most people writing on this website a Pepega stuck at low elo, obsessed with value and having 0 clue about the importance of tempo.
In 2021 you still think hunter can have different wincons ? 7 years of Hearthstone and you think the devs didn't try ? But it always fails because hunter with its hero power is by nature agressive, midrange sometimes and that's it.
"NOOOO, I can't stop consooming and BUYING THINGS!!!!!"
Whales deserve nothing but the harpoon.
Consider yourself lucky.
Find another game to play.
so Wild is officially dead for control players for the LONG time. Only Questfiesta (Warlock, Hunter, Warrior - repeat) and aggro is allowed for at least next 3 months. With 1 day they killed all Reno decks (mostly Reno Priest, LPG Mage, Control Warlock), all Old Gods decks, all Mill decks (ok, I only faced Rogue Mill but still), all BIG decks (Big Shaman, Big Priest, fat Druids versions).
Ok, they didnt kill these decks, you can still play them if you are fine with winratio 20%. So all Control players are masochists now. Ok I reached 7 times in the row legend this year, and August Legend with Tax Palladin (1st time Legend with Aggro this year) and then switched to Celestial Druid because this is the only viable Combo deck to beat Combo Quest decks. But it feels extremely boring to play coin flip games: if I ramp up and have Celestial then Me Win, if dont Me Not Win. Coinflip games. And when I try to play some control like Quest Priest or other then I'm being fucked by the Army of Quest Warlocks again and again.
These meta is totally disgusting. The worse ever meta which I played since 2014 October. They killed on purpose long term known archetypes with 1 bullshit Warlock card. Now they wanna to force Wild players to play Mercenaries? Fuck off Blizzard.
It was easy. Heres my plays.
any doubts , ask me. im a pro to beat the ai.
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and name it Adolf, lmao
i don't care, i stopped spending a single coin in this game for a long time ago
i dont need useless legendary cards, thank you
how about no?
This thread is dead without Kaladin
I will miss this thread and your salty posts, Kaladin
When will they nerf the fucking stupid big priest deck ?
Where is the fucking adventure ?
finally i meet my idol, and yes he is not allowed to have fun
I'll never spend a single coin in this stupid game until they nerf big priest deck