Quote from Whateverwithu >>The card is not being nerfed. Get over your salt, you fucking thieving Priests. As a matter of fact, Rogue was due for something viable and now that you have nothing worth stealing, you're bitching.
- fonetikli
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KitsuLeif posted a message on The Rogue Quest, The Caverns Below, is OP. Nerf it already.Posted in: Card DiscussionI'm playing Priest most of the time and don't have a big problem against Quest Rogue. Well, at least in Wild. Sure, it is annoying to lose against a Gang-Uped Patches but that does not happen all the time and so really fun games do in fact happen. Heck, I even lost one game with my 40 life due to 7 5/5ers mostly with Charge and an Eviscerate after sapping my Amara. Am I salty? No. It was well played and a bit unexpected.And yeah, definetely Charge is the issue. In a game where only three classes have access to "counterspells" in form of Secrets, something with Charge is not healthy. You can't react immediately to it? Well, you are dead most of the time.On the other hand, if Charge is being nerfed, the Quest Rogue deck will be unplayable because then every deck could handle it somehow, I guess... -
TallAr92 posted a message on The Rogue Quest, The Caverns Below, is OP. Nerf it already.Posted in: Card DiscussionWithout a doubt this quest requires a serious nerf.
3 games in a row against rogue. turn 6 max quest is done and how can you deal with 5/5 for 1 mana?
Cmn we all know its op and unfair. Like what the actual hell?
Its the most cancer ive literally ever seen... Most of the time you stood greater chances against pirate warrior.
This is just insanse and ridiculous.
Another archetype which makes meta aggresive as there is no other way to beat this crap other than strict face dmg.
I know its just the beggining of ungoro but i tried paladin and druid. Both failed against everything that is played right now. I aint gonna play broken retartded face decks only to beat rogues which are like 30% of the games i play.
Nathanandhishat posted a message on Gwent is Absolutely AmazingPosted in: Other GamesAs a student of Game Design, it'll be interesting to see if Gwent, allegedly skill-focused and balanced as it is, manages to reach or surpass the same level of popularity as Hearthstone. It certainly sounds like it'd provide a better basis for a competitive game than Hearthstone. As much as I love the game, it's emphasis on emotional highs and lows delivered through random chance and big, swingy effects doesn't mesh well with a consistent competitive scene in my opinion. It does, however, make for an excellent spectator game, with it's clear, polished visuals and explosive moments, and that's something that even the biggest Esports have problems delivering. I should really try Gwent though, been seeing a lot of content about it crop up lately.
Fudgemuch posted a message on Tyrande for other regionsPosted in: General ChatYeah I would really like that Cardback and Hero as well, I'm actually a little disappointed they haven't said anything more.
Bloodmoth posted a message on Tyrande for other regionsPosted in: General ChatDoes ANYONE have a clue if Blizzard are going to ever make it available for poeple like myself that weren't eligible for Twitch prime? They said they would through a blue post but no news since.
At this point, I'm starting to think it was a typical Blizzard cheapshot like the one they always pull when they want time to pass so that people forget a crisis.
silvsilvsilv posted a message on C'Thun Priest is still the best priest, NOT dragon or N'zothPosted in: PriestThanks for the constructive analysis on the two decks. I especially like your arguments in paragraphs 3 and 4, but have to disagree with the entirety of paragraph 6. Furthermore, your analogy of linking Priest decks to the game of cricket was simply put, quite brilliant. Thank you for taking the time to make such an in-depth and interesting post. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and digesting all of it.
destrev posted a message on Team 5 should feel bad that even after 2 years they failed to make priest class viable.Posted in: PriestI've played several hundred (thousands?) of games as priest. There is a slight element of suprise with priest right now as people don't really know what's in your deck. But after it's all said and done, I believe priest is the weakest it has been in my history of playing hearthstone (1.5 yrs). However, is it still viable, yes. Will you crush a lot of opponents, yes. Will you lose several games by turn 5/6, yes. So iIs priest good? That largely depends on your opponent's deck and your draws, more now than ever before.
ximionx posted a message on Meta is going to be slower they saidPosted in: General DiscussionFace Shaman and Zoo are as fast as they were before WotOG hit. But all the other archetypes have become more control'ish, so yes, the meta IS slower. C'thun druid is slower than combo, C'Thun priest is slower than dragon, N'zoth Rogue is slower than oil, N'Zoth/Midrange Hunter slower than Face Hunter, N'zoth Pala is slower than Secret.
I´d wait til the meta settles a little, but at this point, yes, the meta IS slower. -
layrit posted a message on Meta is going to be slower they saidPosted in: General DiscussionIf you think this is the fastest meta then you haven't played against pre-nerf Undertaker. THAT meta was fast.
igniteice posted a message on Let's balance Hearthstone! Here's my shot at it...Posted in: General DiscussionI'll walk through each card.
I think a lot of players were expecting Alexstrasza to be targeted in the last balance patch. She wasn't. However, I think doing an instant 15 damage to a specific source can be too punishing for something that also puts an 8/8 body out. This of course is an indirect buff as well for recovery, but I think with the loss of some heal cards like Antique Healbot in standard, it's needed.
I didn't waste any time with this one. I increased his base stats, but brought him better in line with other cards that can do immediate damage. Given that you can play just 3 minions early game and give him +6/+6, he was already doing 12 damage with little to no effort. Players who actually get him buffed are putting out 20+ damage. I think putting out even half of that damage is pretty good, because you're also putting out a huge minion.
It seems odd that you can play the common Ironbark Protector at 8 mana, and get +3/+1 in stats. But for just two less mana, you also buff your C'Thun by +3/+3. I think this card is why Druid decks seem to be one of the go-to for C'Thun. It's a superior card as it is. I don't think every C'Thun related card needs to have amazing stats and abilities ON TOP of buffing C'Thun, especially by +3/+3.
Everyone was wondering where the nerf was for this monstrosity. When Paladins can empty their hand and draw upwards of 7+ cards (especially against more control oriented decks), it really highlights how broken this card is. Starving Buzzard is a very similar card, or at least used to be. Combined with Unleash the Hounds, you could draw a ridiculous number of cards for relatively little mana (more than Divine Favor, but you were also getting charge minions). And both of those cards revolved around enemy factors -- Unleash required a board presence from your opponent. Divine Favor just requires that your opponent is playing slower than you. Even at a limit of 4 (which could mean your opponent has 4 cards and you have 0, or you have 4 and they have 8, etc.), 3 for 4 is HUGE. Rogue pays 7 for Sprint or has to use an additional card to get it down to 4 cost.
I think this little change would still make Entomb an incredibly viable card, but it would also keep it rather in check. Right now Entomb is the best single target removal. It ignores Deathrattle, it removes it from the board, it gives you an extra card in your deck, and it allows you to play a specific minion of your choice later on. It also doesn't consume your entire turn like Mind Control. But, having it trigger Deathrattle would at least give minions some counter-play to it.
As others have pointed out, Evolve can be a godly card for trading -- it's like a Circle of Healing. You trade all your minions into enemy minions, and so long as they survive with even 1 health, you get a full board of new minions, most costly minions, at full health. And that's for 1 mana. It's a ridiculous tempo swing, especially given how easily Shamans create board presence.
This card just didn't make any sense to me. Fireguard Destroyer was a VERY good card. You got a 4/6 up to a 7/6 for 4 mana and 1 overload. But why would you ever play that now when you can get a 7/7 for the same cost? Overload isn't about not being able to use mana next turn -- it's about "borrowing" mana FROM the next turn to make a better play THIS turn. Nobody says "I better hold off on playing Feral Spirit on turn 3, because I'll only have 2 mana then on turn 4!" The benefit outweighs the cost. Reducing the attack and further increasing the overload puts it more in line with Earth Elemental. For 1 less mana, you get 1/1 less stats without the taunt. But 6/7 on turn 4 is still very, very good.
Just how good is it currently? Well, Validated Doomsayer is also a 7/7 at the start of your next turn. It costs 1 more. It's an epic. Flamewreathed Faceless costs 1 less and comes out as a 7/7, which makes trading into him quite expensive, whereas Validated Doomsayer comes out a turn later and could die to any 4 + 3 attack minions/weapons with impunity.
This may be the most controversial. I reduced the cost by 1, but now it only targets minions. Here's why: Emperor Thaurissan was already reducing the cost of Ice Lance to 0, and thus for 1 mana (Frostbolt), players could put out a burst of 11 damage. Yes, that's 4 cards, but Mage has more than enough tools to draw cards efficiently and get a combo in their hand. Players already do 13 damage with just two fireballs and hero power. I never understood why Ice Lance functioned the way it did. If mages want that huge damage against face, they should be using the tools they already have, like Fireball and Pyroblast and Roaring Torch. Having 0-1 mana spells doing 4+ damage just trivializes the game. Consider that Force of Nature + Savage Roar did 12 damage but cost 9 mana and had to go through taunts and THAT was nerfed.
I think some players will look at this card and ask "What's the difference?" and others will immediately see the impact the difference has. This forces a player to commit 1 mana to gain the same amount of mana they would have previously. In other words, if you've already used 10 mana, you wouldn't be able to cast this. It basically makes the card require a little more thought process in playing.
Reduced the health by 1. If you don't kill this the turn after it's summoned, it's an Arcane Intellect. However, it's also a totem and can be summoned and buffed just like every other totem. I think shamans should care about buffing their totems to keep them alive, and 3 health is one of those steps along the 'within reach' stairs. Like the difference between a 2 and 1 health minion is a hero power. The difference between 5 and 6 health on a minion is huge as well, or 3 and 4.
This never sees any play, and for good reason, it's pretty awful. 6 mana for a 5/4 (terrible health, because it trades into a lot of 4 cost minions) that only restores 4 health. No one should ever play it when there are cards like Refreshment Vendor instead. Vendor comes out two turns earlier, has 1 more health, and restores the same amount of health to your hero. That said, I think restoring 5 health to hero is very appropriate, and, although I didn't do it, I wouldn't even mind seeing it be a 5/5.
Did I say Ice Lance would be controversial? I meant this would be. Except I think most people know exactly why it should be this way. In its current form, Rockbiter Weapon is used for clutch removal (hit a minion with your face or a random totem or what have you), OR used to buff Doomhammer. The problem with Doomhammer is that it has Windfury. This isn't really an issue at 2 attack. It's a VERY good card. You're paying 5 mana to deal 16 damage over 4 turns. But when you combine it with Rockbiter Weapon, suddenly you're paying just ONE mana to do an extra 6 damage. 6 mana for 10 damage burst with just 2 cards is a pretty good deal. Rather than lower how much Attack it provides or increasing the cost, I think having it only target minions be just be a better solution.
Increased the cost by 2. Here's why: At 10 mana, there only needs to be 5 minions on the board for this to cost 5 mana. This would be more than reasonable IF it said "for each other FRIENDLY minion..." But it doesn't. By turn 5 there can easily be a 3 vs 2 or 1 vs 4 or whatever situation, if not more, which just reduces the cost even further. Now, if it said "Costs (1) less for each other friendly minion on the battlefield", then I would say you could get away with reducing the base cost to 8. But because it factors in enemy minions, it's a trivially easy 8/8 to play that has no drawbacks.
Last one. I thought about the affect of increasing its attack or durability, but either of those looked weird. If you increase its attack even by 1, it becomes too overpowered, even at 5 mana. If you increase its durability, it just means spreading the cost out further, which is enticing, but on turn 5, attacking for 2 isn't all that great, especially since next turn it's going to break if you attack and you definitely don't want to equip it again on turn 6. That's awkward. I do think it's a really interesting concept of a card -- and in fact in a control warrior vs control warrior match, having that two extra damage EVERY turn when you have no other cards to play actually puts you ahead, nullifying their hero power. But at 5 mana, it just costs too much.
I hope my suggestions made sense and were at least a little practical. Hope it was fun reading ;-)
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"Fun" and "Interactive"
I've had phenomenal success with this deck this month. I swapped out Harrison Jones for Nexus-Champion Saraad which improves the matchup vs Priest and Druid in particular. It's amazing how often he will hand out something like a Power Overwhelming to help fuel Grommash :)
Brilliant update - I can finally ditch my collection spreadsheet :>
Nerf to Grand Crusader. Kappa.
Heroic Baron Geddon is pretty straightforward and also hilarious using Randuin Wrynn. The AI is especially stupid for all bosses when Lorewalker Cho is dropped, and similarly overly profligate with unnecessary spells when Millhouse is played.
I agree, to me this is bugged. If you buff it with something like a Shattered Sun Cleric to make it a 1/2, it still instantly dies at the end of the turn. Doesn't make sense at all.
Influenced by spell damage?