I've had phenomenal success with this deck this month. I swapped out Harrison Jones for Nexus-Champion Saraad which improves the matchup vs Priest and Druid in particular. It's amazing how often he will hand out something like a Power Overwhelming to help fuel Grommash :)
Without tools like Shrinkmeister, this deck will likely struggle versus other Priests. I hit rank 3 on NA this season playing the following Priest deck exclusively (was 2 x Shrinkmeister, subbed one for Acidic Swamp Ooze to improve some matchups).
I play priest almost exclusively, and I have to say that, in my experience, laddering had never been tougher. Lots of decks do well against priest, shaman is often too fast with good reach, midrange paladin has sustained threat and equality wrecks deathlord, Renolock also is too threatening long term, rogues have oil burst and death rattle, both good vs priests. Even the occasional otk murloc deck is tough. I hate losing, but I love the diversity that's now present on ladder, it's challenging and fun again.
If I just cared about winning, take me back a month where secret paladin and zoo were rampant, the priest feast was never better.
I relate - having predominantly played as Priest since Beta it feels like an awkward time for the class right now. Earlier this month I was crushing with a Zeta Entomb variant, but the meta has been quick to shift and I'm struggling to find a consistent build again at the moment (at rank 6).
Heroic Baron Geddon is pretty straightforward and also hilarious using Randuin Wrynn. The AI is especially stupid for all bosses when Lorewalker Cho is dropped, and similarly overly profligate with unnecessary spells when Millhouse is played.
Heh, just lost an arena game playing paladin vs warlock. I had *five* weapons in my deck. Ended up with 13 cards left before finally drawing my first truesilver. Opponent dropped Ysera turn 9, and proceeded to get two Emerald Drakes.
In other salty news, I played two games in a row against mages yesterday (one ladder, one arena) where they each got Tirion Fordring through unstable portal. :D
I agree, to me this is bugged. If you buff it with something like a Shattered Sun Cleric to make it a 1/2, it still instantly dies at the end of the turn. Doesn't make sense at all.
I had almost the exact same issue yesterday after finishing an Arena with a similar win ratio (was either 7 - 3 or 8 - 3). I had the inverse behavior though - the pack I won was instantly visible, but the gold plus the golden card I won did not show up at all. I was kinda demoralized for a while. 5 minutes later I logged out completely and then back in again, and the gold + golden card both appeared. I strongly suggest restarting the game if you haven't tried that already.
"Fun" and "Interactive"
I've had phenomenal success with this deck this month. I swapped out Harrison Jones for Nexus-Champion Saraad which improves the matchup vs Priest and Druid in particular. It's amazing how often he will hand out something like a Power Overwhelming to help fuel Grommash :)
Without tools like Shrinkmeister, this deck will likely struggle versus other Priests.
I hit rank 3 on NA this season playing the following Priest deck exclusively (was 2 x Shrinkmeister, subbed one for Acidic Swamp Ooze to improve some matchups).
12 wins on NA with this ridiculous draft
Nerf to Grand Crusader. Kappa.
Heroic Baron Geddon is pretty straightforward and also hilarious using Randuin Wrynn. The AI is especially stupid for all bosses when Lorewalker Cho is dropped, and similarly overly profligate with unnecessary spells when Millhouse is played.
Heh, just lost an arena game playing paladin vs warlock. I had *five* weapons in my deck. Ended up with 13 cards left before finally drawing my first truesilver. Opponent dropped Ysera turn 9, and proceeded to get two Emerald Drakes.
In other salty news, I played two games in a row against mages yesterday (one ladder, one arena) where they each got Tirion Fordring through unstable portal. :D
I agree, to me this is bugged. If you buff it with something like a Shattered Sun Cleric to make it a 1/2, it still instantly dies at the end of the turn. Doesn't make sense at all.
I am thinking a Darkbomb or Shadow Bolt equivalent.
An inverse Auchenai Soulpriest would be hilarious too (i.e. Your cards and powers that deal damage now restore health instead).
12 - 1 Paladin today with a very heavy 4-slot.
Influenced by spell damage?
I had almost the exact same issue yesterday after finishing an Arena with a similar win ratio (was either 7 - 3 or 8 - 3). I had the inverse behavior though - the pack I won was instantly visible, but the gold plus the golden card I won did not show up at all. I was kinda demoralized for a while. 5 minutes later I logged out completely and then back in again, and the gold + golden card both appeared. I strongly suggest restarting the game if you haven't tried that already.