- Queues flooded with bots (probably by Blizzard to pad out their queues because of not enough players, IMO)
- it takes a minute+ to find a match (used to take like 3-5 seconds if that)
- 3 million players (if that statistic is to be trusted) vs 100 million+ in 2016-2017,
- I remember back in 2016 this forum used to be so active, now it’s almost dead
- All the big HS streamers / YouTubers are quitting
- Etc…
This game is 100% dead, just take a look at 2016 vs today, the difference is astronomical. I wouldn’t be surprised if queues were more bots than players TBH, i watch HS YouTubers (whom are usually at minimum in diamond) and i feels like almost every game they play is vs an obvious bot.
Dead game…
It's interesting that if you increase this by 1 mana,
it becomes a 3/10 and finds a legendary and removing 2minions.
Maybe warrior still dead.
I want warrior to join the game
warrior completely unplayable.
nice winrate
please give up hand buff
Dont make extreme mana cost reduce cards
many many card games messed up
none of your business
wtf blizzard push so many OTK in this expansion