• 1

    posted a message on Geosculptor Yip

    Probably. I mean the text says equal to your Armor, so if you have 0 Armour then you'd logically summon a 0-cost, right?

    Posted in: Geosculptor Yip
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    posted a message on Kathrena Winterwisp

    First Big Druid, then Big Priest, now Big Hunter?

    Posted in: Kathrena Winterwisp
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    posted a message on Kathrena Winterwisp

    I doubt Midrange would rather run Deathstalker over this though, and the chances of running Deathstalker (for serious play) is kinda low already. Maybe in the not so distant future we could actually see a Control meta with a Hunter deck slow enough to run both cards (MAYBE).

    Posted in: Kathrena Winterwisp
  • 8

    posted a message on Kathrena Winterwisp

    As you can see, the Can't attack portion is a Battlecry, so if it is summoned, in other words put directly into the battlefield without a player playing it, it will always be able to Charge face.

    Posted in: Kathrena Winterwisp
  • 3

    posted a message on Rattling Rascal

    Even better when comboed with Umbra and Rivendare! Wait...

    Posted in: Rattling Rascal
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    posted a message on Rattling Rascal

    Maybe I like that, you don't know me

    Posted in: Rattling Rascal
  • 2

    posted a message on Saronite Chain Gang

    Stat wise? Definitely a power creep. Practical applications? Depends. You'd still run Infested Tauren as a cheap Deathrattle with Taunt. If you're looking for a small solution against aggro or to combo with evolve effects, Saronite Chain Gang is obviously the go to.

    Posted in: Saronite Chain Gang
  • 0

    posted a message on Saronite Chain Gang

    The quest states "play" so no, since that would be summoning. Like how if it were a Murloc, then it would trigger the Shaman quest. No to that otherwise.

    Yeah I can see the Shambler potential as well, but if Handlock will be a viable deck to run, it would be in a control dominated meta, so you might as well run Shambler. Not that this card isn't a decent Handlock tech against aggro.

    Posted in: Saronite Chain Gang
  • 5

    posted a message on Saronite Chain Gang

    You see the buffadin value, I just keep thinking about buff warrior!

    Stolen Goods ez gege ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Posted in: Saronite Chain Gang
  • 4

    posted a message on Webweave

    At first glance, this card is ridiculously underpowered. Playing this would mean passing 5 mana off just to summon two slightly better Pit Snakes instead of investing that mana on a Druid of the Claw, Nourish, or even a Verdant Longneck. But the more I think of this card, the more balanced it is. Comparing it to Assassinate, this card is theoretically better than that since it removes two minions instead of one for the cost of having to remove those minions a turn later. Also worth mentioning this could be better than playing two Deadly Shots. We can't forget that Druid has a ton of board-buffing abilities. Playing Mark of the Lotus alone is equivalent to summoning two Emperor Cobras, so if this card costed any less, aggro druid may go out of hand. Overall I'm not complaining that this card is so underpowered and that Blizzard is actually paying attention to these kinds of things, so don't go all "wtf is team 5 doing?" when we see another card like this, they know what they're doing. All that being said, this card is insta dust it tho lmao.

    Posted in: Webweave
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    posted a message on Bone Drake

    Amazing addition to Dragon Priest, especially since some decks are cutting Lyra the Sunshard, so this is an additional and possibly more reliable way to maintain card advantage. Heck, who's up for the return of N'zoth Priest? With the addition of Obsidian Statue, I think we can expect N'Zoth Priest with a Dragon and Resurrection shell to make a comeback to at least as a Tier 2-ish deck.

    Posted in: Bone Drake
  • 2

    posted a message on Desperate Stand

    On one hand, I'll defend this card for being a worse Ancestral Spirit since Ancestral Spirit would be bonkers in Paladin due to it's sheer amount of good Divine shield minions (ahem Tirion), but on the other hand, the minions you want target with Desperate Stand either already have psuedo-Taunt or just Taunt, so they have no choice but to proc your Redemption off of those minions anyways. Not to mention transform effects counter this card even harder. At least you still get a 1/1 sheep after your opponent pings it off. Transform or silence just completely nullifies this card. The only advantage Desperate Stand has over Redemption is that you secure the minion you want to resurrect, so you won't get punished by accidentally summoning a recruit. 

    Posted in: Desperate Stand
  • 5

    posted a message on Bolvar, Fireblood

    Bolvar, Fireblood isn't as bad of a card it may seem. At his worst, he's a 5 cost 3/7 with Elven Archer's Battlecry. May not be incredible, but it's something. Not to mention Paladins don't have a consistent 5-drop. The only exceptions being Finja, the Flying Star but he's only run in one or two decks and Stampeding Kodo but it's more situational. We also have to bear in mind the amount of good minions that are run in most decks that have Divine Shield, most notable examples would be Wickerflame Burnbristle and Tirion Fordring. I will admit though that he seems pretty easy to build around, but he probably won't make it into an aggro Divine shield deck as he's too slow, but I'm sure we can find some room (or at least some experimentation) for him in a mid-range or even control deck. Even if Bolvar does turn out to be a bad or sub par card, that's easily justifiable since Paladin has been getting insanely good legendaries since Old Gods. 

    Posted in: Bolvar, Fireblood
  • 7

    posted a message on Breath of Sindragosa

    "I bring life, and BRARGGGH"

    Posted in: Breath of Sindragosa
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