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    posted a message on Teching for Murloc Shaman and then never see them!

    THIS is what happens, explaining why people see this phenomenon over and over:

    Deck X (enemy deck you can't beat much, e.g. Murloc Shaman) is popular in rank n

    You lose to it a couple of times, you are now rank n + 1.

    You lose to it a couple more times, you are now rank n + 2.

    You decide to tech against it.

    Deck X is not popular in rank n +2. You now face decks who are in rank n + 2. You may or may not be good against them. You do not see that old deck because they are popular at A DIFFERENT RANK. Also, because they are doing well at that rank, they are moving to rank n - 1, and then n - 2. You do not see Deck X at your rank n + 2. You do not see Deck X at n + 1. You also don't see Deck X at rank n, where you were before, because they are now ahead of you.

    You face a bunch of different decks, who you are not teched against. You adjust your deck to face them, and then move on to rank n - 1, and perhaps to n - 2. You then see a bunch of those decks again, and then come here and complain because you see a bunch of that deck again once you removed the tech cards.

    It is NOT a feature of matchmaking designed to screw YOU (Blizzard doesn't care), it is the meta at a micro level with a shifting balance over time. Anything else is just natural statistical variation within ranks.

    There is NO conspiracy. Get over yourself. Play to beat whatever you're facing, and you'll rank up if you pilot the deck well.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on For people who think Casual sucks...

    if you want to play a bad deck for "fun". expect to lose, and have your fun.

    if you want to win, play a good deck.


    If you are complaining about losing with your crap deck, then your expectation is that everyone will just play an even worse deck so you can win with your deck, which is just not what's going to happen. Be honest about what you want. No one is going to lie down and lose for you. There's a reason your crap deck is not in the meta, and that's because people who want to win (which includes you, clearly) will play better ones.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Do you consider this BM?

    what's with the doublespeak?

    "I won't concede because maybe they won't notice they have lethal"

    well, if that's the case, maybe they keep playing cards because they don't know they have lethal. And if you think they do know, then go ahead and concede, because you're going to lose eventually. No gain in staying beyond when you know that they know.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Let's make all Classic Cards F2P

    omg i can't believe this game is $10 now, i paid $60 for it when it came out!

    this is ridiculous! I want a refund!



    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Mana Cost Nerfs are Lazy and Bad Game Design

    Hmm, I'd say 5 for the first (3-6 is 4 mana, and add 1 for an effect that is really good, but not reliable).

    Second one is hard to say. It's reliable for 4 damage, but can sometimes get 8 damage (rarely more). Perhaps has some utility with your own deathrattles if you're useful. I'd say...4 mana maybe? (average of 6 damage or so, but not as useful as fireball they still get attack(s), but you do get added utility.

    Third one, I'd say maybe 5 mana. (Stats are worth around 3 mana as its a class card, and then 2 more for the effect which is quite powerful if you have a lot of beasts and can keep them from being cleared).

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Rate this card effect: (Start of Game: Draw an extra card.)

    Let's say attach it to a 5 mana 4/5 body.

    Would this see play? How would you modify it to make it work, if not?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on should blizzard bring back adventures? why or why not?

    simple, change the adventure structure to one where you can pick wings to buy. and you need to buy/beat all to fight the main boss.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Buy singles?

    steps to buy a card.

    1. buy packs.

    2. dust.

    3. craft card. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on What if all cards were unlocked for 3 days after an expansion

    People would get to experiment, and a cool meta would evolve. People now don't have the cards to try different things. Now, they just craft the best meta deck they can afford and play that.

    People would try new things, and then more creative decks would be out there. Also, people would get to see what cards actually work and craft based on that, rather than crafting whatever has the most upvotes because they can't try anything else.

    People would still buy/craft after because they'd find the things that they wanted after the 3 days passed.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on People dont experiment with new exp

    no one  likes to lose. period.

    this will never change.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blood Troll Sapper

    what about after the guy who fills your board (if board doesnt get cleared)

    Posted in: Blood Troll Sapper
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    posted a message on Halazzi, the Lynx

    this looks super good for a number of synergies, including quest.

    Posted in: Halazzi, the Lynx
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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary - Hakkar, the Soulflayer

    Take that, jade druid!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Weapon - Sul'thraze

    whirlwind effect x2 + this = bye bye Spreading Plague

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Worst meta that there has ever been

    meta is unhealthy if there's one deck dominating

    meta is unhealthy if there are a few good decks

    what makes a meta good then? all decks are equally good and deck selection doesn't matter?


    the whole point is that some decks are supposed to have advantages over others. I don't get what meta people will actually be happy with.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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