I'm just saying.... I want Reno un-nerfed please :)
Its not that I hate starships, I just have this thing about being held hostage while they have 200 armor. its just not for me.
I'm just saying.... I want Reno un-nerfed please :)
Its not that I hate starships, I just have this thing about being held hostage while they have 200 armor. its just not for me.
Loose to aggro, loose to some control(quest priest, blood dk, control paladin). Never Vandar.
With my luck gameplay with this deck looks like: pass, pass, pass, pass, Harkener of Dread, you dead.
there's a HUGE difference between getting 2x 5/4 with rush, no strings attached or getting 1 4/2 with rush, that if you kill it you get another one. That's not alike at all.
I hope there will be some bans in wild otherwise the fun will be ruined for sure for most players
“Let‘s print those colossal minions.“
“You know what? Fuck that.“
My prediction: Leave constructed as it is and not even open the expansion. Don't you guys are not bored and full of these vulgar reprints?
Don't Stand in the Fire! is more or less Volcano
Lightmaw Netherdrake is Duskbreaker
Onyxian Drake is Shield Slam on a drake
Mi'da, Pure Light is somehow Waxadred
Raid Boss Onyxia third Onyxia with similar effect, we will wait the forth Onyxia now. We already had Onyxia and Onyxia the Broodmother
Haleh, Matron Protectorate is a very costly Flamewaker
Scale of Onyxia there are a lot of similar cards, Command the Illidari for example
Lack of creativity is really a major concern. This game is really boring with these vulgar reprints.
none of these are reprints. They have different uses, have different keywords, are in different classes, or have different costs that change how they are built into archetypes. Reprints are 1:1.
Hey, fabjx! Thanks for adding a comment; they all help drive traffic here by promoting the list in the site's algorithm. So, in the article from day 1, under the 'History, Development, Record' spoiler, I fully credited you and your deck list as being what led to this list. I named it, linked to it twice (anyone who clicks your deck's name in that spoiler is taken to your deck list), and credited you for building it.
I even 'hyped it' with a statistically relevant sample showing a 68.3% win rate with it over 41 games. So, I was more than fully transparent, I was appreciative. You are not telling anyone who read my guide anything I had not already shared regarding your deck.
Also on day 1 of posting my list and guide, I commented in your deck that I had done this, providing a link here so you would be aware of it, letting you know where I gave you credit, and thanking you. Your response doesn't sound like one someone who saw that would make.
Not sure what more I could have done than that to be more fair, grateful or transparent. Your comment sounds like its aimed at someone who has done something underhanded. The terms of use here are clear on the need to credit a deck's original author and show that you have played it, and the spirit of the terms imply adding some value as well. I did all of that.
As far as it being a 'carbon copy', not only did I make no claims to originality (doing exactly the opposite), I did change just over 10% of the list (4 cards), which, as the record shows in the same spoiler where I credited you, improved my win % by 15 points in the critical stretch. allowing me to tear off a 10-2 streak to Legend. At both the end of last season and on 2/5, when I was piloting your list at Diamond 5-1, the meta there demanded a few changes. I made the ones that seemed called for. And it worked. And that is all this list is, what got me the rest of the way there. That lesson, too, about not being so overinvested in a list that you can't acknowledge and respond to the shifting demands of your meta at any time, that is also a value added lesson from the many details of my experience with your list and mine.
Again, I thank you for your original contribution; it saved me a lot of time by baselining my list firmly enough to play it long enough to become a good pilot. The quality of your list is probably largely due to your clear and admirable devotion to Shaman. 49 of your 52 deck lists posted here are Shaman decks, so I clearly benefited from your expertise, as the site intends we all do from each other. But to be fair, unlike you, I did spend a couple days writing and editing an actual guide to it after playing it (and then my version) exclusively for weeks, to help others to have a better learning curve than I did. Effort counts for something, I think.
As for your comments on Platebreaker... that is in your list, and I thought it was brilliant. More than once I stripped over 3k of a Druid's armor and won an otherwise unwinnable game. In my list, the Bolner Hammerbeak/Armor Vendor combo makes him more valuable than in your list. Not sure why you would be critical of a card in your own list.
On why I removed Taelan Fordring, Shudderwock is not a card I found that I wanted or needed on turn 6. Its not a OTK list, the type that really does benefit and is ready for a turn 8 or 9 Shudderwock drop. Highlander decks have too much variability to wok out a OTK, and the longer you wait to play it, the better it is. After playing your list for over 40 games, I found that Taelan Fordring just exposed Shudder to hand disruption more frequently. The deck can win without him, he is more of a last resort, or superswing play after whittling your opponent's resources down through attrition.
I swapped him for Skulking Geist, just one more to cast. I don't know what meta you are in, but I saw a lot of Quest Hunter/Odd Hunter, and still do. Plus its good against a lot of Mage lists, helpful against several Warlock lists (because of Mortal Coil and Plague of Flames at a minimum), and invaluable preventing umpteen Coldlight Oracles from milling you out in Rogue (Togwaggle's Scheme). And those are just some of the common 1 cost threats it deals with. Calling it 'hardly ever useful' is a disservice. Having some of these cards, yours and mine, is about accepting the tradeoffs of their downsides for the big upside in other matches.
Of all the cards of yours I removed that I missed the most, it was probably Far Watch Post...its the first of the four I removed that I would put back in. I lost it for Hungry Crab as an experiment, which proved useful against the full meta due to the prevalence of Mutanus, the eagerness of all opponent's to play it against an obvious Shudderwock deck, and the deck's lack of much outright destruction.
I liked Sandbinder and Instructor Fireheart, too (although claiming it is cheaper than Geist when its clearly best played with as much extra mana as possible is misleading), but your list has too much draw in it. I often had trouble not overdrawing, with turns I could play nothing or overdraw without the help of my opponent, thus three of the four removed were draw related. That was a big vulnerability against Rogue's bounces, Mill (any class) and Mage and even Druid, who would occasionally Naturalize something with an extra one. I swapped three of your draw cards out in favor of two cards that specifically addressed the deck's weaknesses at that spot in the Diamond 5-1 meta without adding draw., and one versatile Legend that has a lot of impact, Bolner Hammerbeak which let me choose when to use it for draw or for other battlecries.
But you know, like you said in your guide, '...there are so many recipes out there. I guess to each their own".
Well, hey, let's not be mean. Lets quote Buckeroo! "Buckaroo Banzai: You can check your anatomy all you want, and even though there may be normal variation, when it comes right down to it, this far inside the head it all looks the same. No, no, no, don’t tug on that. You never know what it might be attached to."
Well thanks for that reply, fabjx! I am glad it was a misunderstanding and apologize for taking it a little too personally. Bolner will probably work better with the non-draw cards in your list, as it already has so much, you dont want more... that may be why it underperformed for you before. Me, having taken three draws out, I have room to double and triple some of them off him. Another thing about him, you have to be willing to let him die young if you keep or get him to start. Early in fast games, his butt is a lot better on the ground to die soon than in your hand and not soft taunt protecting your hand or your next plays. Let em kill him without getting his ability off. Similar to how if you only get one trigger off Far Watch Post, you really don't care because they turn their Sauron Eye to the Watch Post and let you and Sam sneak a little closer to Mt. Doom, lol. I get it on Geist... he is great one game and terrible the next two or three, little in between.
Wow such huge nerf for pirate warrior that deck is obviously doomed KAPPA.
I had no idea that so many different words rhymed with "nerf".
Well done.
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Really? Huge discounted minions that do tons of face damage? What in the world is this BS?
They are shot or they have rush? What's the difference if there is one?
Exactly for this reason
On what planet do you live?
A tweak to keep paladin in check maybe? It’s getting obnoxious both in standard and in wild
Pirate DH is the fastest killing deck at the moment. I don’t think it’s going to be missed
We are now at the point when you can’t play any control deck without this card both standard and wild otherwise you will lose versus any other control deck.
If you HAVE to include a card in your deck that’s already a sign that here is a problem. It means that card makes you immeasurably stronger than your opponent.
Not to mention that certain interactions are totally idiotic, for example warlocks being able to play wheel without any consequences.
I would definitely nerf that endless effect somehow.
Same thing happens when you summon Golganeth with Cliff Dive. I just lost because of this. Almost smashed my computer out of rage.
Honestly I could totally counter this deck with Kobold Monk and Spellward Jeweler while vs Questlock it is still always insta concede
Really? And you know why so many aggro decks swarm wild? Guess. Because decks like quest warlock shuts every control deck out. No control deck? Enjoy the retarded aggro feast.