Maybe but I used to play a lot control priest so I should know how to pivot this deck. 5-9 at diamond 10. Most decks I was playing against was too fast or I was super unlucky with drawing.
after playing 5 games with your deck I will say is painful to play control priest on this meta XD literally all meta deck destroying me. Please cry more about control priest lol
played 20 games this new expansion and no even one opponent playing something different than aggro warlock,zilliax warrior or dragon druid. people are fck idiots,how you even have a fun playing this meta bullshit? you all are part of problem,playing all day long vs same decks ffs
Playing since beta and used to buying every expansion but stopped buying last year. Price is crazy for a game with bots. I feel like there is no longer player base like it was few years ago.
Battletag: evelil#2374
Region: EU
Trade only? : Yes
Battletag: evelil#2374
Region: EU
Trade only? : Yes
Maybe but I used to play a lot control priest so I should know how to pivot this deck. 5-9 at diamond 10. Most decks I was playing against was too fast or I was super unlucky with drawing.
even worst than I think,even tier 2-3 is mostly lose ffs
after playing 5 games with your deck I will say is painful to play control priest on this meta XD literally all meta deck destroying me. Please cry more about control priest lol
give me deck,let make priest great again
what are you talking about? I don't remember when control priest was in meta last time lol
yeah very fun deck. you got answer for everything,fun as fck.
played 20 games this new expansion and no even one opponent playing something different than aggro warlock,zilliax warrior or dragon druid. people are fck idiots,how you even have a fun playing this meta bullshit? you all are part of problem,playing all day long vs same decks ffs
Playing since beta and used to buying every expansion but stopped buying last year. Price is crazy for a game with bots. I feel like there is no longer player base like it was few years ago.
Battletag: evelil#2374
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.
Battletag: evelil#2374
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.
80 packs-
11 legendary
Not even one for free? Greddy bastards
fuck you druid player. I had enough. This class should be send to hell.