• 1

    posted a message on The fun of thoughtsteal!

    I have had lots of fun with Thoughtsteal.  I have a Priest deck that, more than winning, I just try to use as much of the opponent's deck against them as possible.  Shadow Madness, Mindgames, Mind Vision, Thoughtseal, MInd Control, Cabal... it *CAN* randomly win against pretty much any deck, because you never know when you're going to get just a bonkers combo, but it's not very reliable.  Damn good fun tho.

    Posted in: Priest
  • 2

    posted a message on MMORPG Hearthstone Developer Interview: Expansion? "It’s going to be over 100 cards"

    2v2: yes!  More filtering options for your collection: yes!

    Also I'd also really like an option to set to count goldens towards my deck limit when autodusting.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on MMORPG Hearthstone Developer Interview: Expansion? "It’s going to be over 100 cards"

    Do we know if there will be any new mechanics added?  I could see something like minions with piercing to make them more effective vs armor, or spells that produce an effect for a number of turns before going away, like maybe a bleed for 1 damage over 3 turns or something like that.

    Posted in: News
  • 9

    posted a message on Can Magma Rager be good?

    OMG I am dying this is the best deck write up ever.  Like, EVER.

    Posted in: Can Magma Rager be good?
  • 7

    posted a message on Shadow of Nothing

    I just got this because Mind Games was the last card in my deck and his was empty - but then at the end of my turn the Shadow of Nothing died.  While it is an almost entirely useless card, I didn't see anywhere in the text that it should die on its own at the end of the turn.  What if I wanted to give it a PW: Shield and then Inner Fire it?  I mean, I didn't want to do that, but I had no indication that it was going to just keel over on me lol.  Has anyone else had this experience?  Has it stuck around?  Is its auto-death a function of a recent patch?  And if so, why has the card text not changed?

    Posted in: Shadow of Nothing
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