People complained it is no fun because rogue did not interact with the opponent but just bounced his minions and then went face + it felt oppressive to control decks. Quest Rogue wasn't OTK but shared some of its qualities - little interaction and having no way to counterplay are definition of OTK decks and Blizzard doesn't like it
Lol no buff for meme 4 mana 4-4 combo deal 4 damage to an undamaged minion
Hoping for something like cannot cost less than 5. Stop 0 mana reshka reborn bullsit
gonna be paladin Vs DK meta
Rogue will be dead class after expansion, desperates will still play mech rogue, after 2 weeks Quasar buffed to 5 mana
Unkilliax still dodging nerf, full-healing to 40hp and saving noobs no matter how many miss-plays they do
I like it
People complained it is no fun because rogue did not interact with the opponent but just bounced his minions and then went face + it felt oppressive to control decks. Quest Rogue wasn't OTK but shared some of its qualities - little interaction and having no way to counterplay are definition of OTK decks and Blizzard doesn't like it
Quest Rogue had something around 42% winrate and got nerfed because of obvious reasons. This one will not be different, mark my words :)
Quest Rogue had something around 42% winrate and got nerfed because of obvious reasons. This one will not be different, mark my words...
Quest Rogue had something around 42% winrate and got nerfed because of obvious reasons. This one will not be different, mark my words :)
Huskys are the best but I can't imagine what hard synergy would Blizzard have to force to make this weapon playable
What about Poisoned Blade
I agree that absurd amount of irony and sarcasm is the only thing left for us, rogue players