You are confusing this brawl with the one where a present gets dropped on each side of the field every couple turns. In that brawl, whoever destroys the present gets the reward. In this brawl it has always been that the rewards go to the opponent of the destroyed present.
Titans (and "Choose" cards) are currently bugged. If you mulligan one away, the game will lock up if you play it later in the game. Workaround is to either keep it in your opening hand or mulligan it away, play your first turn and then restart the client before you hit End Turn. That will give you the time you need to get back in the game and will allow you to play the Titan without a freeze.
Except it is a bug, as class cards that would offer you no discoverable cards due to the class that you are in will instead offer you three options from the class of the card itself. This type of situation can happen in regular Hearthstone due to randomly generated cards or in dual class Arena. As an example, if you are playing Priest main and Hunter secondary in Arena right now, and cast Titanforged Traps, you will get offered three Hunter secrets, as Priest doesn't have any secrets. However, if you cast it while Mage is your main class, you will get offered Mage secrets.
The other oddity that can happen is when a class has three or fewer options, and then you will get the same options every time. This happens frequently now with cards that discover demons (Blind Box, Demonic Dynamics, Window Shopper) when played by a class that doesn't have any class demons. In that case you always get offered the same three options-Adaptive Amalgam, Observer of Mysteries, and The One-Amalgam Band.
These probably aren't actually bots, they are most likely throwaway accounts. Basically people make accounts and draft Arena until they get an insane deck (retiring any other deck on the way), then sell the account to a streamer who can then stream with an insane deck, drawing more viewers. This has been huge amongst Chinese streamers for a while now.
Blizzard said they addressed this several patches back by forcing accounts that have retired repeatedly into their own matchmaking queues, but clearly that plan isn't working.
No, it means it deals 8. If the Octo-masseuse is 3/8, and attacks a 1/1, it deals lethal damage to the 1/1 (1), and 2 to face from ABJ. The 1 damage to the minion is then octupled to 8.
On his turn eight he ended his turn with Infinitize the Maxitude, and then attacked into your Fate Splitter on turn nine before playing any other cards.
But playing this straightforward deck that is the same every game for so many games, I almost feel sorry for you. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy that. You must be a masochist lol.
You are so right. Once I hit my 1000th win, I dropped the deck like a hot potato. It's not really my style, but DH has been miserable lately so I took the opportunity to get my wins and get out.
Since I needed about 60 more wins to get to 1000 with DH, I have been playing nothing but Shopper DH this month, and hit legend today with it. 49-20 record, for a 71% winrate.
While Mags is the best choice (especially when he brings along a twin), both Illidari Inquisitor and Abyssal Bassist are also excellent hits, and there are other ways to get value as well.
Have I been frozen out by Quartzite Crusher for turn after turn? Yep.
Have I been outarmored by both Warrriors and Mages? Yep.
Have I blown out innumerable opponents by killing them on turn 5 or 6? Yep.
I have a positive winrate vs every major deck, and the Warlock (86%) and Warrior (70%) matchups are especially favorable.
The deck is busted, as evidenced by a 70% winrate in a field where most decks seem to be targeting it.
They won't, because Amani Berserker's bonus isn't quite the same as Frenzy. Frenzy is "If this minion survives damage, do X". Amani Berserker's bonus only lasts while he is damaged, healing him back to full health makes the bonus go away, and reinjuring him brings it back. Frenzy is a one shot deal, healing a Frenzy minion and reinjuring it will not trigger the Frenzy again. There was a separate keyword for this, "Enrage", but it was so seldom used they removed it.
It is a non-functional change. The game already treats those cards as though the targeted minion has a deathrattle. Baron Rivendare doubles it, play dead triggers it, etc. This change just formalizes it.
Sooo, I have seen reno, lone ranger absolutely ruin sargeras, the destroyer.
A. Why does reno have the ability to destroy and prevent portals? (Rhetorical for the try-hards who inevitably will raise the following point)
Why not? Why does any card do what it does? Because that's how the designers made it.
B. Why are portals treated like minions?
They aren't.
C. This mechanic needs a fix...portals should be portals and classified distinctly from minions. No other cards can interact with portals using "minion" mechanics but suddenly reno, can?
Not sure what a "minion mechanic" is (a mechanic on a minion? one that affects minions?) but this statement is confusing. Portals are portals and are classed distinctly from minions. Can you Arcane Bolt a portal? No. Why? Because it targets minions. Can you Life Sentence a portal? No. Why? Because it targets minions. Does Reno's battlecry affect portals? Yes. Why? Because that is the intent of the card, as stated by the designers when it was revealed. The card doesn't say "Make all minions disappear. *Poof!*", the card says "empty the enemy board". It is pretty clearly *not* restricting itself to minions only.
Azerite gets a quick fix but not this broken mechanic?
Now comes the potentially valid part of your argument, whether or not the card is too powerful. That's open to discussion, I think the better question would revolve around what meta the card would or wouldn't be too powerful in, and which of those are the preferable play experience. In an strong aggro or combo heavy meta, this card is probably not too powerful, as the native inconsistency of highlander decks probably makes it too difficult for Reno decks to get to eight mana alive. And combo decks probably ignore this card. A meta where midrange decks are strongest? Reno probably looks pretty OP there. And in a control heavy meta, Reno may be one of the prime determinants of who wins in control on control matchups.
The other question could be, why print such a clearly powerful (possibly OP) card which ruins some of the previously powerful strategies? I think there we can look to the desire of Blizzard to create must-have cards to encourage more spending on the game.
TLDR: Reno's current effect is not in any way misrepresented by the card text, but it is strong. possibly too strong, and it wouldn't surprise me to see a nerf in its future.
You are confusing this brawl with the one where a present gets dropped on each side of the field every couple turns. In that brawl, whoever destroys the present gets the reward. In this brawl it has always been that the rewards go to the opponent of the destroyed present.
Titans (and "Choose" cards) are currently bugged. If you mulligan one away, the game will lock up if you play it later in the game. Workaround is to either keep it in your opening hand or mulligan it away, play your first turn and then restart the client before you hit End Turn. That will give you the time you need to get back in the game and will allow you to play the Titan without a freeze.
Look at post 24 in this thread, OP explains.
I'd say so...since they accidentally leaked the whole expansion.
Except it is a bug, as class cards that would offer you no discoverable cards due to the class that you are in will instead offer you three options from the class of the card itself. This type of situation can happen in regular Hearthstone due to randomly generated cards or in dual class Arena. As an example, if you are playing Priest main and Hunter secondary in Arena right now, and cast Titanforged Traps, you will get offered three Hunter secrets, as Priest doesn't have any secrets. However, if you cast it while Mage is your main class, you will get offered Mage secrets.
The other oddity that can happen is when a class has three or fewer options, and then you will get the same options every time. This happens frequently now with cards that discover demons (Blind Box, Demonic Dynamics, Window Shopper) when played by a class that doesn't have any class demons. In that case you always get offered the same three options-Adaptive Amalgam, Observer of Mysteries, and The One-Amalgam Band.
TLDR, report the bug.
These probably aren't actually bots, they are most likely throwaway accounts. Basically people make accounts and draft Arena until they get an insane deck (retiring any other deck on the way), then sell the account to a streamer who can then stream with an insane deck, drawing more viewers. This has been huge amongst Chinese streamers for a while now.
Blizzard said they addressed this several patches back by forcing accounts that have retired repeatedly into their own matchmaking queues, but clearly that plan isn't working.
No, it means it deals 8. If the Octo-masseuse is 3/8, and attacks a 1/1, it deals lethal damage to the 1/1 (1), and 2 to face from ABJ. The 1 damage to the minion is then octupled to 8.
You need to read Fate Splitter. It gives you a copy of the last card the opponent played (which was Infinitize the Maxitude), not the card that killed Fate Splitter.
On his turn eight he ended his turn with Infinitize the Maxitude, and then attacked into your Fate Splitter on turn nine before playing any other cards.
You are so right. Once I hit my 1000th win, I dropped the deck like a hot potato. It's not really my style, but DH has been miserable lately so I took the opportunity to get my wins and get out.
Since I needed about 60 more wins to get to 1000 with DH, I have been playing nothing but Shopper DH this month, and hit legend today with it. 49-20 record, for a 71% winrate.
While Mags is the best choice (especially when he brings along a twin), both Illidari Inquisitor and Abyssal Bassist are also excellent hits, and there are other ways to get value as well.
Have I been frozen out by Quartzite Crusher for turn after turn? Yep.
Have I been outarmored by both Warrriors and Mages? Yep.
Have I blown out innumerable opponents by killing them on turn 5 or 6? Yep.
I have a positive winrate vs every major deck, and the Warlock (86%) and Warrior (70%) matchups are especially favorable.
The deck is busted, as evidenced by a 70% winrate in a field where most decks seem to be targeting it.
They won't, because Amani Berserker's bonus isn't quite the same as Frenzy. Frenzy is "If this minion survives damage, do X". Amani Berserker's bonus only lasts while he is damaged, healing him back to full health makes the bonus go away, and reinjuring him brings it back. Frenzy is a one shot deal, healing a Frenzy minion and reinjuring it will not trigger the Frenzy again. There was a separate keyword for this, "Enrage", but it was so seldom used they removed it.
It is a non-functional change. The game already treats those cards as though the targeted minion has a deathrattle. Baron Rivendare doubles it, play dead triggers it, etc. This change just formalizes it.
Not a bug. Since you didn't play Sargeras, there's no portal for his abilities to interact with. Copying Sargeras is useless.
Sooo, I have seen reno, lone ranger absolutely ruin sargeras, the destroyer.
A. Why does reno have the ability to destroy and prevent portals? (Rhetorical for the try-hards who inevitably will raise the following point)
Why not? Why does any card do what it does? Because that's how the designers made it.
B. Why are portals treated like minions?
They aren't.
C. This mechanic needs a fix...portals should be portals and classified distinctly from minions. No other cards can interact with portals using "minion" mechanics but suddenly reno, can?
Not sure what a "minion mechanic" is (a mechanic on a minion? one that affects minions?) but this statement is confusing. Portals are portals and are classed distinctly from minions. Can you Arcane Bolt a portal? No. Why? Because it targets minions. Can you Life Sentence a portal? No. Why? Because it targets minions. Does Reno's battlecry affect portals? Yes. Why? Because that is the intent of the card, as stated by the designers when it was revealed. The card doesn't say "Make all minions disappear. *Poof!*", the card says "empty the enemy board". It is pretty clearly *not* restricting itself to minions only.
Azerite gets a quick fix but not this broken mechanic?
Now comes the potentially valid part of your argument, whether or not the card is too powerful. That's open to discussion, I think the better question would revolve around what meta the card would or wouldn't be too powerful in, and which of those are the preferable play experience. In an strong aggro or combo heavy meta, this card is probably not too powerful, as the native inconsistency of highlander decks probably makes it too difficult for Reno decks to get to eight mana alive. And combo decks probably ignore this card. A meta where midrange decks are strongest? Reno probably looks pretty OP there. And in a control heavy meta, Reno may be one of the prime determinants of who wins in control on control matchups.
The other question could be, why print such a clearly powerful (possibly OP) card which ruins some of the previously powerful strategies? I think there we can look to the desire of Blizzard to create must-have cards to encourage more spending on the game.
TLDR: Reno's current effect is not in any way misrepresented by the card text, but it is strong. possibly too strong, and it wouldn't surprise me to see a nerf in its future.