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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Spirit Echo

    I know it looks like members of the community are excited for this card, but I can tell you that this card right now will see virtually no play outside of some non-competitive decks. Midrange won't play it and aggro won't play it because not only is the cost too high for what they're looking to achieve (yes, 3 mana in an aggro and a midrange deck is pretty steep for what those decks are looking to do), the effect isn't strong enough for them to give this card a deck slot. This card may see play the first week or two of the new expansion, specifically in elemental shaman decks,  but once decks become refined this card will get cut quickly.

    Interesting idea, but will see about as much play as Confuse did.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Quest - The Caverns Below (Crystal Core)

    RIP Rogue...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Gentle Megasaur

    Is it just me, or does this card appear to be overly broken? Giving even 2-3 murlocs divine shield or deathrattle (or any of the other adapt effects) on top of putting a 5/4 for 4 on the board seems a bit nuts to me... 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Does anyone else think small time bucc is NOT OP?

     Image result for family guy maid no

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on When will people realize that there'll always be something to bitch about?

    How many people do Hearthstone forums represent, 10% at best? If Blizzard felt forums were a major representation of the broad Hearthstone community, we would see nerfs every two weeks. Fact of the matter: Blizzard has the raw data in front of them and understand that people upset about the game take to forums 100000x more than people who are happy with it. Blizzard isn't making nerfs constantly because the forum community is simply wrong.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why community is so toxic?

    This is not a purely Hearthstone problem, but a problem with internet forums in general: the people that have issues will take to forums and be vocal FAR MORE than people that are satisfied. Ben Brode has come out an said feedback on forums only makes up about 10% of the Hearthstone base, yet that 10% is the percentage constantly spamming flak on the forums. It's never going to change.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard can't win can they?

    I think people forget that Blizzard needs to actually make money on these games... People complaining about the dust cost for these high-end decks need to remember this before complaining about the cost. If you're a pure f2p player you can still win, but you're supposed to only be f2p for a limited amount of time. Once you reach the point where you want to play the game at a higher level, you spend some money on packs and craft the deck that fits your play-style and strategy. People can win as f2p, it just takes longer and requires a higher skill cap.

    In terms of the meta, people will ALWAYS complain because you can never please everyone. What I love about Blizzard's balancing of Hearthstone is how they rely on the numbers they get to dictate balances and use balance as a last resort to allow the meta to correct itself. Does it necessarily mean they always get it correct? No. But does there always have to be a strongest and weakest deck? Absolutely. No matter what the meta shifts to, people will always complain about it either being too fast or too slow and unless every single player is consistently winning, they'll always take to the forums to moan about the deck or card that's causing them to lose...

    Simple fact: people need to grow up and consider that a. maybe you need to spend a little more money on this game, and b. maybe you're just not good and need to be patient in order to get better.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Worst expansion?

    So many viable decks in this meta, more than there have ever been before. How is this NOT the best expansion? Does anyone really miss the meta a week ago where you either played midrange shaman or sat at rank 15 forever?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Worst expansion?
    Quote from hart7668 >>
    Quote from tonys202 >>

    in terms of balance It Is The WORST Expamsion Ever Made. its kinda.

    Blizzard created cards that are even stronger than on the GvG/Naxx era But they didn't gave us any good answers for the relased cancer. Even if GvG and Naxx were bad because of its crazy RNG and Agro but We didn't die to the strongest Face deck... ON TURN 5 (that means face hunter weren't that cancerous like the pirate warrior now). Also most of the jade cards are insane and the fact that this archetype exist makes Control decks not existing in the card game anymore. 

    If blizzard would want to balance this cardgame there should be a extremly high list of cards nerfed like the warrior's Direct DMG cards. some jade cards nerf like jade idol (1 mana 10/10... and its a spell... and instawins the fatuigue wars)


    I think blizzard should make card balances more often to make realy feel like the meta would be constantly changing

     Few things:
    • Mistress of Mixtures wishes it were Zombie Chow
    • Infested Tauren wishes it were Piloted Shredder
    • Pirates wish they were Mechs
    • Jade Golems wouldn't stand a freaking chance against pre-nerf Abusive Sergent and Leper Gnome (both were 2/1s). I'm saying the old aggro decks would make Jade Golems (and current control decks) a laughable archetype.
    • Face Hunter pre-TGT was almost a regular Turn 5 kill. Even still, I remember a vid where Kripp and Artosis played a Gang Up Rogue and played five Antique Healbots and still lost to the Face Hunter, because it packed that much damage.
    • Nothing is even close to Dr. Boom, and it is a card that would still be slammed in all decks today.

    The standard split happened for a reason. GvG/Nax cards would still dominate the meta and the staleness would continue. 

    As I see it, the meta goes like this: Kazakus-based control decks will combat the Pirate aggro decks. Jade Golem will outgreed and out value those control decks, and the Pirates keep the Jade Golems honest.

    It's a rock-paper-scissors format right know which isn't completely excluding lizard or Spock. If anything, this has been the most interesting expansion yet (opinion me).


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Zoolock in this meta

    Zoolock does well against pirate warrior, so in terms of meta break, you may be right. Right now, however, the reno matches have gotten much tougher and even against jade druid it isn't the auto win it used to be against this class. Jade rogue is pretty close also, which makes playing zoolock a bit rougher unless you draw very well. I'm very curious to see if pirate warrior sticks around and, if so, whether people will begin playing more zoolock to feast on it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reno Lock - Standard - With Krul the Unshackled. Looking for opinions on the deck.

    I like the creativity dude! I will say that playing Krul and Jaraxxus in a deck gets tough and I would probably consider dropping Jaraxxus altogether since he doesn't interact well with the deck. 

    Also: you have a lot of early drops that do a great job with competing against aggro decks, but they may prove detrimental later game, particularly with your board clears. I would recommend dropping Thalnos and potentially even Forbidden Ritual for Sylvanas and another demon-interacting board clear like Demonwrath? 

    Otherwise, solid deck!

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Freeze Mage rant

    I'm an avid zoolock player and I absolutely HATE playing freeze mage, but let's be real about something: if there were more freeze mage on ladder, maybe midrange shammy wouldn't exist in literally 1 out of every 3 damn matchups on ladder (sometimes even higher). The deck is incredibly difficult to play and anyone who says it isn't can PLEASE try laddering up consistently with it. FM keeps certain deck archtypes in check and, while auto losing to Control Warrior, helps to balance against all midrange decks in the meta. Does anyone else here know of a better deck to counter against the brainless midrange shammys all over ladder? FM has its place in Hearthstone and people getting salty over it need to take a step back and play 50 games with it.

    The people complaining about the deck are saying it takes no skill, is a losing deck, yet are still losing to it... I don't get it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Backroom Bouncer

    Potential zoolock card???

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Blowgill Sniper

    This game has become more and more defined by inexpensive, tempo-gaining cards exactly like one. If murloc continues to trend with this expansion, this card will be particularly valuable. Will definitely see play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Paladin officially the dumpster class of the game now?
    Quote from TallAr92 >>

    Im not sure about the balance statement. Im pretty sure game was more balanced in terms of class equality before WOG was released. Just prior to WOG hunter was the worst class but it was definately competetive so was priest with lightbomb and much more stable early game.

    And now? You cant really treat priest as competitive class even with karazhan adventure. Warlock is falling behind aswell but zoo is still viable. Above all the final wing of Karazhan hasnt been released yet and Karazhan itself is still fresh so time will show.

    I think your analysis is definitely fair. I will say that outside of Lightbomb, control priest was so-so at best and there was no other version of priest that was outstanding. Entomb is as broken a card as Hearthstone has today and resurrect priest has definitely found a great niche that will only grow once it has some tournament success. Particularly the early game presence and strong control makes it a viable deck for sure, one that earlier versions of control priest lacked. I'm sure we will see it in upcoming tournaments now that Kara is allowed.
    Outside of priest and paladin, Hunter has seen a very significant power creep and Zoolock is still a tier 1 deck. Renolock could definitely use some improvement, but I'm convinced we have yet to see the best version of Renolock yet. Once someone comes out with a premiere version with a shored up early game and more burst damage resistance, that deck will move higher up in the tier 2 structure.
    Overall I think every class out there now has at least 1 version of a viable deck for ladder and tourney play. Yeah Shaman, Warrior, and Warlock are at the top, but I don't think you can look at any class anymore--outside of priest--and say they don't have a single deck that's capable of being favored against other decks anymore. Time will definitely tell, but I'm happy with where Hearthstone is now and, more importantly with the tons of salt poured on Blizzard after Purify, the direction of class balance to come.
    Posted in: Paladin
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