I never saw it happen personally. I think it's not very common you get it. And if it was stealth nerfed, that's a good thing. It's an exploit and spells weren't intended to break lobbies.
- earlofmott
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Last active Wed, Feb, 19 2025 02:22:25 -
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SunEscanor8 posted a message on Optimal Cutlass RoguePosted in: Optimal Cutlass RogueNo secret with halar, no deathrattle with sketchy information??????
sipiwi94 posted a message on #1 Wild Quest Mage - detailed guidePosted in: #1 Wild Quest Mage - detailed guidePirate Warr or KB Rogue. Maybe new DH lock is also tough
kiwiinbacon posted a message on Star-Aligner Res PriestPosted in: Star-Aligner Res Priestthis is pretty impressive! people definitely do not see this coming and it's quite refreshing to see this working in the current meta!
I had a ton of fun so I made a video showcasing the deck in action, I hope you all enjoy -
TheOriginalSandbass posted a message on [#18 Legend] Tess Rogue (MrsKagomechanM)Posted in: [#18 Legend] Tess Rogue (MrsKagomechanM)Wanna get destroyed by every net deck in the game right now? Play this deck.
ispannka posted a message on Rise of Shadows Official Launch Times Announced!Posted in: NewsAfter every new expansion came out i always have a wild Renounce Darkness deck to have fun :D
kEraMiK posted a message on Now we are EVEN!Posted in: Now we are EVEN!...and not even ^^
Fishtard posted a message on Now we are EVEN!Posted in: Now we are EVEN!I think he means Violet Illusionist, and sadly that card is in wild.
Durono posted a message on 4uck Da Police Yogg Mill DruidPosted in: 4uck Da Police Yogg Mill DruidTime to Mill !
kuuy posted a message on issue with innkeeper not knowing hearthstone is runningPosted in: Innkeeper Feedback & SupportSwitching back to Uther from Sir Annoy-O fixed it for me. That's an odd bug.
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cutlass rogue has been my main deck for years now, dont enjoy playing much else. i really love this new variation of it, will be tinkering it a little for wild but thank you for the inspiration and happy hunting my dude
Sketchy Stranger instead of Wildpaw Gnoll for Shadowjeweler Hanar
& Envenom Poison to remove big threats
8-0 so far at gold 5. nice fun deck, well done
If the aim is to ALWAYS draw deathwing dragon lord before necrium then i have fully mastered this deck
Thank you thank you thank you. been so jaded with Hearthstone recently and this deck is uber fun :-)
dude, what deck do you struggle against most? Looking for tips to hard counter this god awful abomination
Really love this deck, you get to copy lots of yogg's quite regularly, and 9 times out of ten he kills you for your opponent. Praise god
How do you play Dreampetal on turn 1?
renounce darkness is a great fun deck. actually the first deck i managed to get to rank 5 with too
great idea, well done