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Whizbang's Workshop Mini Set Cards List & Guide
Not every person can be a winner. Keep trying and one day you might make it close to the top. You can do it!
Youtube is a competitor so probably not.
People need to realize its a new meta...and your net deck from last week is no good here.
Interesting...minions that can't even attack are broken. Go figure.
Cheaters finally feel like they can win legit.
Also, Hysteria disenchants as rare while visually it is an epic.
I just realized Rally! is disenchanted as a rare, so I'm guessing its just a visual bug.
I got all commons.
I hope they unlock everything in Duels soon. I wasn't expecting Duels to have such a meta-oriented gameplay with everyone playing the same decks so soon. Variety is what is gonna make this mode shine.
How about at the beginning of the battlegrounds, instead of saying which tribes are in the game you just say,
" X is banned this game."
Sometimes I will stare at the tribes they say are available and my brain can't figure out which one is actually banned.
What are you afraid of?
Cultrus is right. I don't play tier one or net decks.
Do they have MMR in arena? This is where I would prefer the chaos.
MMR in casual.
I would be saying the same thing, no matter what I rank I get. Yes, that is what I'm saying.
I would rather win 80 percent of the time, rather than 49.9% of the time. Because against the masses, that would probably be the case.
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Not every person can be a winner. Keep trying and one day you might make it close to the top. You can do it!
Youtube is a competitor so probably not.
People need to realize its a new meta...and your net deck from last week is no good here.
Interesting...minions that can't even attack are broken. Go figure.
Cheaters finally feel like they can win legit.
Also, Hysteria disenchants as rare while visually it is an epic.
I just realized Rally! is disenchanted as a rare, so I'm guessing its just a visual bug.
I got all commons.
I hope they unlock everything in Duels soon. I wasn't expecting Duels to have such a meta-oriented gameplay with everyone playing the same decks so soon. Variety is what is gonna make this mode shine.
How about at the beginning of the battlegrounds, instead of saying which tribes are in the game you just say,
" X is banned this game."
Sometimes I will stare at the tribes they say are available and my brain can't figure out which one is actually banned.
What are you afraid of?
Cultrus is right. I don't play tier one or net decks.
Do they have MMR in arena? This is where I would prefer the chaos.
MMR in casual.
I would be saying the same thing, no matter what I rank I get. Yes, that is what I'm saying.
I would rather win 80 percent of the time, rather than 49.9% of the time. Because against the masses, that would probably be the case.