• 11

    posted a message on Festival of Legends Live - Animated Musical Set on Twitch - With Drops!

    Do you know that all audio devices, even those made like 80y ago, have a volume bar :o. You can even press a button to mute it in our days. The technology is here.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Deathwing, Dragonlord

    Most people think this will be a great card but ... we will have to wait and see.

    1) 1st you have to survive till turn 10 to play this card. With healbot and belcher gone it might be an issue. Aggro decks also lost some good cards but aggro always finds a way. 

    2) As many other big cards, it does nothing the turn it comes into play. Your opponent can hex it, polymorph it ,  hide behind taunts or even completely ignore it if he is high on health (and  silence it). People might say tirion also does nothing the turn it comes into play but people vote tirion as one of the best legendaries in the game. True but tirion has taunt and divine shield. You can't simple ignore him or hide behind taunts  and go face. You need silence to do that.

    3) It has too much health for a minion with deathrattle . Sneeds, wobbling runs have the same problem, insane value but they must die first. For this to happen your opponent must kill them. And because you play  a card like Deathwing dragonlord in your deck , it means you are playing a control deck. So 99% of the times by turn 10 your opponent will be at 20+ and you will be at 10 (if you are alive) . So your opponent will ignore it (or it will make it follow the rules :p)

    4) As a control player most of the times you have 1-2 minions on board. You do that because a) you don't have enough mana to play more minions :P and because you want to make your opponent board clears useless. You don't want at any point to get hit by an equality, lightbomb or the new warlock spell for more than 2 minions. You don't need more minions on board. As a control player your minions are very threatening. Why risk a board clear? 

    So let's say your opponent isn't high enough on health so he is forced to clear your deathwing. we have 2 scenarios.  You have a lot of dragons in your hand so you summon 3-4 minions on board now. Your opponent plays a board clear and you lose the game. I wrote the same things for varian. VS aggro decks if you are alive on turn 10 you don't need a card like varian or deathwing. You need a card that has an impact on board. If you stay alive for 1-2 more turns you will win the game anyway. Vs control decks you risk a board clear. Varian was even worse because you were getting closer to fatigue as well.

    The 2nd thing that might happen is to have only a big dragon in your hand (or 2 doesn't really matter). People dream is to play deathwing, deathwing summons malygos, ysera etc. But here we come to a win more situation. If your opponent doesn't have any hard removal for your deathwing, it means it doesn't have hard removal for your malygos. If he clears deathwing  it means he can't kill you next turn. it also means he doesn't have much power on board anymore because he traded most of his minions for deathwing. So just play your malygos for 9 mana. no big deal.

    Once again we are missing more than half of the cards from the new set. We also don't know about the upcoming nerfs. So deathwing dragonlord might see play after all. But from my experience in HS for 2.5 years unless meta changed by a lot i don't see this card in any competitive deck. People will try it like varian but it will be too slow

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Hammer of Twilight

    It's too early to say if this card is good or bad. Many people compare it with arcanite reaper or death's bite but..

    1) Different classes have different needs.If muster for battle was a mage card, for example, it wouldn't have been that great. Warriors can afford controlling the board with weapons because he can get armor. 

    2) When you play a 3/2 weapon on turn 2, you can kill almost all 2 drops in the game, On turn 4 playing a 4/2 weapon can kill a lot of turn 4 minions . If not the WW effect from Death's bite will finish them off  and paladins most of the time will have a token . Arcanite reaper still kills most of turn 5 minions. My point is what will a 4 attack weapon do on turn 5?

    We also have to wait and see how many good 5 mana cost cards we will have in wild format. Don't get me wrong. I am not say it's a bad card. In arena, like all weapons, will be almost an auto pick. But we have to wait and see all the cards first before we can say anything about constructed (standard format mostly)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Cult Apothecary

    From arena point of view this card is mediocre. Healbot is mediocre in arena and most of the times this card will be worse than healbot.

    In constructed now. This card won't see play in wild format. That's for sure. Healbot and belcher are much better turn 5 defensive cards. But in standard ... well we don't know yet. Naxx and GVG had some really powerful cards but... they are gone now. People compare this card with belcher  and healbot and they say it won't see play in standard format. This is completely wrong. Aggro decks are also losing many good cards. Cult Apothecary might be the best turn 5 play for defensive decks in standard. 

    Unless a card is really really bad (tentacles for arms i am looking at you!) or really really good, you can't say if it will see play in standard or not. It is not just another expansion (and don't forget how many times we were wrong in the past about the new cards. People thought healbot will be bad for example). This time we will have 1 expansion and 1 adventure removed from the game plus many cards getting nerfed. It's too early to say anything

    Posted in: Cult Apothecary
  • 2

    posted a message on New Warrior Card - N'Zoth's First Mate

    Great arena card. It is better than light's justice (and light's justice is good in arena) for 4 reasons:

    1) You almost never use all 4 charges of light's justice 

    2) The 1/1 body can help you clear a 3/2 on turn 2. With light's justice you need to take 9 damage from it and play nothing on turn 2 (else your opponent will just trade), or play a stealth 2 drop. Now if your opponent plays a 3/2 on 2 you can simple clear it and play your 2 drop. Or even later on. Your opponent plays a sunwalker . You can clear the shield with your weapon bring sunwalker down to 4 health and kill it with either your yeti (if you have one on board) or a kor'kron elite

    3) The 1/1 body can be used for buffs. You are on the coin. You play this card. Your opponent doesn't play anything on turn 2 because he either doesn't have something or he thinks is better to save his 3/2. Your opponent isn't a druid/mage/rogue (ping class), You coin shattered sun cleric and now you have an 1/3 weapon,  a 3/2 and a 2/2 on board.

    4) Not every class is the same. Muster for battle, for example, is an insane card. The best arena card tbh. But why is that? Because it's a paladin card.  It gives paladins a ping + dudes to buff. IF muster was a rogue card it would still be good but not insane because rogues wouldn't be able to buff those dudes and it will lock rogues hero power. It will still be a good card just not insane. So if light's justice was a warrior card it would have been better because warriors needs that ping more. So that new card, which is better than light's justice, is very good for warriors.

    For constructed now. It is very hard to tell what cards will be good in constructed when you don't know all cards of the set yet. IT was hard in the past and it's even harder now because some cards will be nerfed  and 2 expansions will be removed from standard. No one knows what decks will be good in about a month. I am pretty sure this card won't see play in wild, but i can't say anything about standard yet. One thins is for sure. This is a powerful arena card and as an arena player i am happy.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Times when rag won you the game

    I was one win before legend with ramp druid. Final boss was also a ramp druid. My version was running 1 combo 2 yetis 2 senjins 1 sunwalker 1 bgh 2 argent commanders and the rest was normal staff. His version was full of legendaries but as i found out later he didn't run the combo. Anyway

    He first drops cairne. I didn't have silence so to kill him required a lot of effort. Then he drops his 2 ancient of lores gaining even more card advantage. He had 10 cards in hand while i had 3 or 4 and an argent commander + azure on the board. At round 9 he drops Ysera so i burn my savage roar to kill her with the argent and azure and then i innervate ragnaros.

    At that point the board/life is like: Me 15 life (thinking i am dead because of the combo which i didn't know he didn't have) and a ragnaros on board and he was and 22 life with an ancient of lore on board. I was praying for ragnaros to hit his ancient so i won't die from combo but my rag went for the face. So he is now at 14 life. He attacks my face with his ancient bringing my down to 10 and the he drops an azure and a bear. He could have killed my rag but then he was dead to my combo which he didn't know i don't run a 2nd version ( i already used savage roar to kill Ysera).

    I was with 2 cards on hand. 1 was FoN and the 2nd i can't remember. Not something useful. I draw a keeper of the grove so i silence the bear and attack him for 6 with my FoN bringing him down to 8. And that was my trip to legend. Ragnaros ignores the 3 minions and hits face again. Was pretty nice because i was on a 9 wins streak and i know from previous seasons that 1 lose can destroy you. You might need hours to reach legend again :<

    Forgot to mention that at round 3 he dropped bgh on empty board :P


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Sick of zoo

    Zoo is fine. I started playing during beta and i have an 7.42 win ration in arenas. So guess what. I have all cards to make whatever deck i want. But not everyone is like me. They other started late or they don't have time to play so many arenas, or they don't like arena, or they are bad at arena.

    So they have 2 options. Either pay a lot of money to get the cards they need or play a cheap deck. The BEST cheap deck atm is zoo like hunter was before  uth nerf, They don't play it because zoo is easy (if it was everyone playing zoo would have reached legend). They play it because it's the only deck they can make.

    If you want to blame someone blame blizzard . Game is free to play only to those who started during beta and have a lot of time to play. New players must pay a lot of money and packs are really expensive imo. You can also donate money to those playing zoo so they can play something else.

    PS:If zoo controls meta why i am playing only against druids and miracle rogues? It might control the meta bellow rank 5 but i haven't been there from day 1 of the season so i really don't know

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Ridiculously BAD cards in packs - Am I the only one!?

    I have opened a total of 347 Packs  (all from arenas). I should have 16.5 legendaries (347/9) . I got only 9 with one double. Actually the only good i had was leeroy and ragnaros. Another example of my great luck is... on monday i was looking at my epics and saw that the only one i don't have X2 was shield slam. Played some arenas from monday. Today i have 6 shield slams :D


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Rank 5+ Druid vs Miracle and Handlock

    As the above posters have said: 

    Remove :Mark of the wild + 2 ancient of wars and one of the : Ragnaros/cenarius/faceless  and add 2 yeti's and 1 FoN + 1 savage roar. You can also remove 2 of the things i wrote and add an argent commander. Or 1 sunwalker. 

    With those changes handlock will be impossible to win you. You will have bgh/black knight for his big threats, silence for the drakes and 2 combos to finish him off. Ancients of war are not good vs handlocks. They can silence them and by the time you drop them they have kill them with SS. Yeti's will give you the early pressure you need.

    As for miracle rogue the changes serves the same purpose. 2 combos and yeti's are there to finish him off before he will do it.

    Posted in: Druid
  • 0

    posted a message on 12 Win Decklists.

    I recently started saving my arena decks so here are my latest 12 wins arena runs.

    12-0 Paladin EU

    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck

    12-2 Mage US

    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck

    Arenavalue went offline so i can't see the rest of the decks . Another time


    Posted in: The Arena
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