I’m just tired of the broken shit that this card allows. Should probably be in the salt thread but they just keep avoiding nerfing this card despite the call out for nerfs since release. Make the hero power cost 3 maybe that’ll help. Just stop doing nothing.
Well they should revert the last change and than read its flavor text. Like several times.
To make it balanced they just need to make both battlecry and heropower affect both players.
Shadowjeweler hangar is good craft and secret rogue + thief rogue have good synergy. You can play with spectral cutlass and weapon buffs. Pure secret could be annoying but it has no pressure on enemy.
0 mana is ok but he should play for board - give him 2 uses of hero power every turn that will refresh if he kills enemy minion notg on casting spell. also 0 mana hero power should cary over if he swaps the hero power.
and make stage 1 require killing enemy minion with a spell rather dealing damage with spells so he cant point face and get a progress on quest.
The big issue is you are punished for playing minions since they can trade board into them and there is only few counter cards- polymorphs + devolution or possibly steal the minion and these tools are not accessible to all classes. And then its race to either kill them but priest has a lot of control tools so you cannot guarantee success on that note.
So you cannot interact with them unless you are hyper aggressive.
But ress priest as archetype would deserve some nerfs. Mainly some changes like I cannot summon myself for blood,catrina, some nerf to Vargoth - stats may be enough, and nerf neptulon so it cannot attack same target twice. Last may be stat cap on some ressurect spells.
I agree on apprentice unnerf. It did killed mage. But you need to nerf flamewaker to one dmg per spel or fire spells only.
Incanters flow should remain at 4 mana however discount all cards by 1 rather just spells.
And mozaki should lose 2 health.
But the most broken mage card we had and was killed is tortollan pilgrim.
Another thing is change open the waygate to require spend mana on spells that did not start in deck rather number of spells. And buff timewarp to 4 mana. It will kill those parrots
Kazakus should learn to behave like one other dragon. You may have heard about Galakrond.
Blizzard should assign rarities to his treasures and you get to pick better rarity ones as you play more dragons. We do have treasures that do not win game on their own. And than you have rager, wand, queldallar and book. Give him more depth.
And miracle growth is overpriced. It should be 5 mana draw 1 summon elemental with taunt and stats equal to your hand size. (Dark alley pact from Stormwind)
And maybe replace mana Crystals for empty ones on Guff Hero card.
Kaelthas was also hit too hard. They could change him to 7 and 1 cost but let him have old effect via corruption
switcheroo cannot be abused hard if you swap stats between your and your opponent's minions. But 2 mana. But I do agree there is a card that does deserve a ban from priest. It a boar. Elwyn one at that.
Control doesn't have tools to beat this deck with how much removal priest has access to.
Control has some chance against quest rogue (caverns) although nerfs to sap,vanish and Scabbs would be handy.
With the amount of support pirates have gotten they should lose their southsea captain.
make Mr. Smite battlecry ALL minions have rush. And to be honest we need effect like this in the game to make the game feel better.
I would also like to propose 2 nerfs to mechs click cloker 2 health but no divine shield and security automaton 4 health but only gains attack.
And possibly nerf sweeper to deathrattles instead of battlecries
Recently I dealt like 4k dmg as warrior in single minion swing. Although the minion was only around 250 attack. But oh well cleave stacks
Very good 5*
Cutlass rogue never fails me. Pirates + weapon buffs
Unless you are like me and have all wild cards it's better to buy new expansion packs.
Shaman: stonewrigh, granite forge born
Mech discounts
Paladin 2 mana draw 5.
Warlock chum bucket
Well they should revert the last change and than read its flavor text. Like several times.
To make it balanced they just need to make both battlecry and heropower affect both players.
I hope for new symmetrical battlecry that makes both hero powers 1 mana.
But I hope they buff the questline so you keep the discount if you swap hero power.
5/5 lifesteal deal 5 split between enemy minions excess damage becomes armor.
Shadowjeweler hangar is good craft and secret rogue + thief rogue have good synergy. You can play with spectral cutlass and weapon buffs. Pure secret could be annoying but it has no pressure on enemy.
0 mana is ok but he should play for board - give him 2 uses of hero power every turn that will refresh if he kills enemy minion notg on casting spell. also 0 mana hero power should cary over if he swaps the hero power.
and make stage 1 require killing enemy minion with a spell rather dealing damage with spells so he cant point face and get a progress on quest.
they should make guff 5 mana battlecry set maximum mana to 20 this game. yes it will take some time but you could have both players with 20 mana.
The big issue is you are punished for playing minions since they can trade board into them and there is only few counter cards- polymorphs + devolution or possibly steal the minion and these tools are not accessible to all classes. And then its race to either kill them but priest has a lot of control tools so you cannot guarantee success on that note.
So you cannot interact with them unless you are hyper aggressive.
But ress priest as archetype would deserve some nerfs. Mainly some changes like I cannot summon myself for blood,catrina, some nerf to Vargoth - stats may be enough, and nerf neptulon so it cannot attack same target twice. Last may be stat cap on some ressurect spells.
I agree on apprentice unnerf. It did killed mage. But you need to nerf flamewaker to one dmg per spel or fire spells only.
Incanters flow should remain at 4 mana however discount all cards by 1 rather just spells.
And mozaki should lose 2 health.
But the most broken mage card we had and was killed is tortollan pilgrim.
Another thing is change open the waygate to require spend mana on spells that did not start in deck rather number of spells. And buff timewarp to 4 mana. It will kill those parrots
Kazakus should learn to behave like one other dragon. You may have heard about Galakrond.
Blizzard should assign rarities to his treasures and you get to pick better rarity ones as you play more dragons. We do have treasures that do not win game on their own. And than you have rager, wand, queldallar and book. Give him more depth.
And miracle growth is overpriced. It should be 5 mana draw 1 summon elemental with taunt and stats equal to your hand size. (Dark alley pact from Stormwind)
And maybe replace mana Crystals for empty ones on Guff Hero card.
Kaelthas was also hit too hard. They could change him to 7 and 1 cost but let him have old effect via corruption
switcheroo cannot be abused hard if you swap stats between your and your opponent's minions. But 2 mana. But I do agree there is a card that does deserve a ban from priest. It a boar. Elwyn one at that.
Control doesn't have tools to beat this deck with how much removal priest has access to.
Control has some chance against quest rogue (caverns) although nerfs to sap,vanish and Scabbs would be handy.
With the amount of support pirates have gotten they should lose their southsea captain.
make Mr. Smite battlecry ALL minions have rush. And to be honest we need effect like this in the game to make the game feel better.
I would also like to propose 2 nerfs to mechs click cloker 2 health but no divine shield and security automaton 4 health but only gains attack.
And possibly nerf sweeper to deathrattles instead of battlecries
Ban kaelthas in druid.
Remove switcheroo, add new card 3 mana draw 2 minions, set their attack equal to their health. For flavor purposes
Nerf pirate stats accros the board.
Hunter can use hero power 2 times per turn refreshing on killing enemy minion.