Some stinky kids downvoting facts, I don't get it.
The game has way more cards than before, and most of time we can't use them due 30cards limitation. We now have a chance to have more fun and actually use these cards (even constructed homebrew decks will be better now).
I guess the average mind can't deal with changes, be good or not.
Snowflake generation is ruining the world indeed
- dragonsdemesne
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Pr1ncipe4i20 posted a message on Hottest 40 Card Hearthstone Decks with Prince RenathalPosted in: News -
Thanatos2k posted a message on Balance Changes Coming Tomorrow - 8 Changes In Total!Posted in: NewsThis did nothing to Warlock in Wild. The current Hearthstone team is not competent.
SRB posted a message on Balance Changes Coming Tomorrow - 8 Changes In Total!Posted in: NewsWild is still unplayable, only demonist netdeckers, those nerfs haven't done shit.
3nnu1 posted a message on Honestly, nerfs don't matter at this pointPosted in: General DiscussionI bothered with making 1 comment on reddit regarding this expansion. I said that team 5 has broken this game the same way they broke Demon Hunter last year. Just piles of OP shit all over the place. Of course I was downvoted to hell, just like I was when I called demon hunter before release.....well 20 nerfs later it turns out I was dead on about DH.
Now I will tell you that this expansion is completely broken. People are trying to call it combo, it is not a combo if it is 1 card and you start with it in your hand. They accelerated the pace of the game and built the set to so even the most braindead can lock the game by turn 4-5. So just stand back in awe and witness what unrestrained powercreep and appealing to the lowest denominator has created. Play your turbo boosted rock paper scissors and realize that this is what team 5 thought the public wanted.......the funny part is....they are likely right.
But don't try to fix it with nerfs, for every deck you knock down, another will pop up in it's place. I have never seen OP nonsense like this.
Talesusde posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionFuck ques warlock and quest mage and fuck illidari inquisitor. What was blizzard thinking? Stupid company
Zangoosed posted a message on Expansion is great! Don’t believe the cry babysPosted in: General DiscussionI'm seeing mostly decks with very little interaction and not much counter play.
Great meta...
AntonydusWurm posted a message on Should Coin finally be nerfed?Posted in: General Discussionyup, just make it cost 1 mana instead
Microbio posted a message on We need to talk about secret mage!Posted in: Wild FormatFor the second time I come to make this post, I ask that anyone who comes to comment, to make constructive comments instead of saying that I am crying or that enough discussions like this, if you don't know, the function of a forum is to enrich the debate on a certain subject , please comment and give your opinion!
Let's talk about secret mage!
Please be smart and don't talk to use cards that destroy secrets, I know they exist but the question here is different.
According to HSReplay, secret mage is up to the day and time of this post with 68.4%, what do you think about it? Is it acceptable for a deck to have this win rate?
The deck has approximately 13 spells and 16 minions, of which 10 are secrets. Of these spells we have 12 damage with fireballs + 18 damage with forgotten torch (adding 30 damage with only 4 +2 cards generated by torches). Within the 16 minions we have 12 damage with Cloud Prince + 6 damage with Medivh's Valet adding 18 damage with 4 minions.
With 8 cards the deck has the potential to deal 48 damage. These damage points can be increased in the best possible scenario +12 damage with the duplicate secret and we still have explosive runes damage.
The deck has 4 cards that filter your deck buying the secrets and 2 of them leave the secret costing zero.
We also have Mad Scientist who puts a secret of his deck directly on the field.
And finally, we have 4 cards that have as a battle cry leaving the secret costing zero.Now let's talk about 3 secrets of the mage.
Explosive runes, if played in turns 1-3, we have very few minions capable of absorbing 6 damage and we also lose the turn, which gives the mage more advantage since, for him, but a turn did not enter the minion on the board, giving on average, according to the life of your minion 5-3 points of damage to you.
We also have counter spell, if you are low on health (let me remember that the deck can deal 48 points of damage) and need to heal but there is no other spell in hand to burn the secret, you died!
Ah but I can beat the secret mage by making a big board full of minions, then the secret Flame Ward comes in, that if you attack the opponent you lose the board and we are back to square one. With all this, if you have no cards in hand, you still have the legendary weapon that, despite losing a turn to equip it, in the next turn you already have all the gas back.For the smart ones who will speak to use cards that destroy secrets. We have 2 cards that destroy all the opponent's secrets, 1 that destroys just a random secret and 1 that you take control, if you are going to use all these cards to counter the secret mage, you would need to release 8 slots in your deck to be able to fit them, currently one or two are rotated which is not enough to soften the strength of the deck.
So, dear companions, do you think this win rate is fair? Or do you play mech pala or have an entire deck of healing to beat secret mage, why did you complain so much about Galakrond Shaman but accept this mage win rate?
The game has become extremely frustrating for those who play wild, or you hope the mage buys extremely badly and has a chance or just makes the combo esc + concede. -
Live4vrRdieTryn posted a message on F*ck wilDPosted in: General DiscussionThere's always some rampant deck that abuses efficiency and just wipes away most of the decks out there.
Blizzard should really do a better job in adjusting it. These are cards $ was spent on.
I just faced a druid that used the new free legendary and cycled through deck to get Maly and cheap spells to blow me to smithereens.
The sad part is most ppl will read this post and jump on that deck.
Wild is a sad scene. They really need to do biweekly updates to it. It just is not fun to play.
Get with the broken crap or get beat down by it.
That is not good gaming.
Live4vrRdieTryn posted a message on F*ck wilDPosted in: General DiscussionYOU use the salt thread.
There was no beating him. Branching paths and Ferocious Scream armored himself into the 40's.
Not fair. Blizzard do yr job plz.
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I'm the happiest with Hearthstone in years since the early release of Prince Renathal. I'm doing nothing but 40 card pile memes, and I see a lot of other people doing the same thing. It helps that since I mostly play Magic now that my Hearthstone rank is in the toilet, hehe.
Why do so many druid 'choose one' cards get costed as if it's a penalty to the card?
Almost want to boycott this one just to protest The Demon Seed bullshit.
So where are the real balance changes? Heck, some of these cards weren't even being played, and they didn't touch the warlock, mage, or hunter new quests. Conviction was in need of a nerf, but it should've been something like +2 attack instead.
Almost certainly going to be quest related. I've dropped constructed completely for now, just playing all the other modes.
Well, OP has described the ladder very accurately, and I haven't been touching it beyond the shitty 2500xp quests that force it. I've been playing Duels, Arena, and Battlegrounds, roughly in that order of frequency. Duels still has a lot of quest cancer, but it's nowhere near as bad as constructed.
Why is every quest deck straight up gay solo play? I want to play hearthstone, not watch you beat off.
Stealer of Souls. That is all.
Gwent did this (haven't played it in years so not sure if it still does) and I thought it was a really good way to show someone you had a good game, or didn't.
I don't know anything about Warcraft lore, but I really hope this lady is Reno Jackson's wife.