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    posted a message on The state of bots in Standard is absolutely pathetic.

    There are so many bots because the top decks are auto-pilot, skill-less Bull crap.   This is a FACT.  Druid, Warlock and Warrior along with Mech Rogue are the easiest decks to play in the  history of CCGs.  Hence, you can bot them easily.   If theyd fix the game then bots wouldnt be so prevalent  and do so well.  Another FACT.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Pro Tip - Druid players are BAD and suck at the game.  Facts.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Control priest is garbage, LOL....
    Quote from Xauriel >>

    Control priest has plenty of win cons. More then anyone else...

    The win con is either stolen,  or copied, or generated. That's how Ctrl priest is mostly. 

    Though the current meta is not that great for priest cuz we have to much out of hand stuff right now and that is suposed to counter control. 


     The issue is that the stolen or generated stuff tends to be iffy.  If you dont get a copy of a good Titan or super powered minion, your win con options drop like a rock off a cliff.  Still major issues with too many cards in hand also.  The removal can be frustrating also - too many that dont hit enough enemies or cost too much.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Druid players are clearly:

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Control priest is garbage, LOL....

    If you want the ultimate in frustration playing hearthstone, please do try Control Priest.  Lets review:

    1. The removal is all too situational and doesnt hit enough minions due to health or attack restrictions.
    2. There is NO finisher or end game.  How is this deck supposed to "win"?
    3. Your minions suck.
    4. You usually overdraw or have to not use or play your Titan due to overdraw.
    5. Your health cant keep up with the damage, regardless of whatever healing you think you have.
    6. Your Titan generates what usually is a garbage minion that  just clogs your hand up even further.

    Games take 20 minutes and you lose most of them anyways to ANY other control deck or ANY deck that isnt pure aggro.  What a joke.  Make priest good again.  Give them real board wipes that dont cost 8 mana & arent heavily handicapped. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on incredible run to legend!! 74% win rate
    Quote from tchobo >>

    i would like to see your win rate with this decks... why so mad? ahah

    And exists others broken decks like SIF mage, drum druid, treant druid, control warlock, thaddius warlock, aggro paladin, totem shaman, mech rogue (that win games by  turn 4 and 5 pretty often)... its only a question of matchups and how you played against others decks...

    i would say i had really difficult matchups with warrior... yes is good, great board clears but its not allways easy to pull the combo specially against warlock and priest and somefast decks that can put pressure on you, and if you fail to have your board clears you lose.

    anyway dont understand that hate... lol "golf clap"

     Its just silly to me to post how great a run went when people use insanely broken decks to get there.  Its like cheering because you won a drag race using a top fuel dragster and won against a Honda Accord.  Nice work.  C'mon.

    Even prop players know how dumb this meta is right now.  Standard is so obnoxious.  Zero variety.  You have two choices:

    1. Run a hyper aggro deck and pray you can draw well and go wide enough early.
    2. Run Warrior, Druid or Warlock and sit there until you play your "sorry I win combo/OTK cards"

    Thats it.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    This meta sucks leather elephant cock. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Mini-Set Meta First Impressions?

    Confirmed unplayable.  Shuffling copies of cards when played?  Changing my hero power?  What. The. #$%^. Is this garbage?  When is this crap over?  Seven days?  Time to take a break then.  They can shove this special anomaly mode up their a$$.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on incredible run to legend!! 74% win rate

    ** Golf Clap **.  You took broken stuff and climbed.  Excellent work. 


    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Mini-Set Meta First Impressions?
    Quote from YourPersonalGuru >>

    Warrior seems very strong...

     No, its broken beyond belief.  100%, hands down, no debate.  Needs to be nerfed back to oblivion.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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