Cheat out Kazakusan by turn 5 using coins from Loan Shark and Sketchy Information :). And yes, i'll continue making fun decks like this. Not because of subscribers or views or likes or anything (that just comes as a bonus) but to give people something new and fun to play, especially when it gets more boring close to a rotation
Sounds like someone with experience on their services.
Well I guess this is it for me and Hearthstone I guess. Kinda sad but it is fine. I played since Naxx and only played BG for over the last 2 years. I am way to old anyway (29) for this game now anyway. Like a lot of others in here I am not mad in anyway. Back in the day I played Runescape and they also ruined that one at some point for me. Its fine, and HS it was a beautiful run!
This is not going to work. There are a lot of decks that are very strong but have one weakness. If you can eliminate that weakness you have decks with winrates up to 70%
I am not a wild player, but I am pretty show I saw a lot of anger at this forum about secret Mage. And that already at 3 mana.
Why in beast lobbies? Because the easy triples with the Alleycat?
Well if the 1 in 20 games comes out in this way then atleast it is a short game. Then you have plenty of time to, yanno actually play the game
There were a few turning points for me. The first one was Jade Idol, terrible card. The second one was The Demon Seed, also awful. Beside that, i have a lot of fun mostly. BG gives a lot of diversity in the game.
With the lifesteal spells + this this could be a very interesting combo against aggro.
This combined with the hunter quest makes it impossible to compete against.
In our country there is a hard lockdown as we speak. Because of that in combination with my vacation I played a shit ton of BG the last two weeks. The first few days i struggled to climb from 6700 to above 7000. Then began to understand the meta a bit better and currently i am 8500. The game is not rigged, you just need to learn the meta and use common sense.