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    posted a message on Time to see some new heros?
    Quote from Protar »

    Introducing Death Knights and Monks is pretty much confirmed I believe.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on City cards

    Majority of these high-cost city cards are too slow and easily removable; therefore making little to no use for the idea of 'cities' unless theres a new concept added into the game [battlecry, deathrattle, taunt, silence, etc]

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Cards you still havent gone against
    Quote from DrScarcasm »

    Mimiron's head is basically Voltron, and mr. Nesingwary just varies too much to be relevenat.

    the point being not only have i not gone against Voltron yet but not even Mimiron's head. Its not about why i never see those cards. I'm aware why those cards are barely played and that relevance goes hand in hand

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cards you still havent gone against

    For the most part I still havent gone against Mimiron's Head and V-07-TR-0N and Hemet Nesingwary. Can be any expansion

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is recycle a card?

    Druids are not known for their hard removals which is why Naturalize and Poison Seeds have high consequences which is why the other hard removal spells you mentioned are better quality

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Tree of Life - Funnest card of GVG

    I've been looking for some wild/unique/themed decks to play since being bored of the typical meta decks [i.e. Priest Thief, Draw/Troll Rogue, winfury shaman, all-spell mage, etc] and came across what is possibly my favorite so far. It's fatigue druid, already known, but themed around Tree of Life probably the wildest card released for GvG

    The idea is to kill your opponent with fatigue. The games always last a long time but the wins are very satisfying. Using Naturalize when your opponent is out of cards makes it much better than pyroblast.

    For example if its already been a couple of fatigued turns. Two Naturalize played = 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18 damage and another 7 when you end your turn. Another grove tender or coldlight of oracle or one more turn basically finishes off your opponent. The most important thing is to just clear the board, ignore attacking your opponent's hero unless theres no other move.

    Like I said, its just a fun deck, definitely not competitive. I win 60-70% of my games usually losing to mech mages

    Kripp calling it the most innovative deck:


    The guy who posted it:


    His details on how to play the deck and why each card is important and why others arent needed.


    Every card is a necessity including that one innervate which best pairs with Wild Pyromancer as you will be clearing boards early on game with your low cost spells. All your heals as well and most importantly, the card that is the cherry on top, Tree of Life. Tree of LIfe can change the game from black to white, so many concedes after playing this card. 

    Let your opponent draw cards if its not a zoo-type deck. If its a priest who plays northshire cleric, attack into it to allow your opponent to heal and draw ESPECIALLY if they summon two northshire cleric which is jackpot for you

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What is the most complex effect in hearthstone?

    The Shrinkmeister > Shadow Madness > Youthful Brewmaster/Recombobulator is what usually comes to mind but have been more frequent since.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does Dr. Boom Need to be Nerfed?

    I have the card and even I'm saying it could use a small nerf, not to its cost,health, or damage, just purely the bombs. It's helped change numerous games for me and secure my win and its useful in almost all type of decks compared to some other legendaries. And it has nothing to do with it being a badass legendary; only its rarity, how often you see them with an unique ability as well as how it should be situational.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Does Dr. Boom Need to be Nerfed?

    Keep his attack at 7 so its still prone to Big Game Hunter.

    If it's changed from battlecry to deathrattle, its going 2 steps down as silence becomes so much more valuable while not having to deal with two extra minions and its deathrattle or the need to use some aoe silence/dmg spell. 

    In the end they should just nerf the amount of damage done by the bombs and reduce the attack to 0.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Deathwing

    Destroyer of Worlds

    Posted in: Deathwing
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    posted a message on Why is Reynad portrayed as Salty Dog?

    Never watched Reynad's videos, just know of him that he streams HS. I was just curious what this whole "salt" thing is with him and why everytime the HS Card "Salty Dog" is mentioned it's paralleled to him?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Naxxramas Release Discussion
    Quote from TheRealHigh »

    Are you not able to run 2 of each card (other than legendaries obviously)???

    what makes you think you cant?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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