I used to save my Tavern Brawl standard packs but Blizzard turned them into current expansion packs. So now I get cheap dust each week instead of saving them for future expansions.
This is actually a very good change for people that don't want to spend gold/money on mini sets
Just save those packs until the mini set releases and then open them, if you already have a decent collection in the current expansion, there is a high chance of getting mini set cards thanks to no-duplicate rules
you people are saying you've been playing since beta, yet you still haven't learned that there was literally at least one broken deck at the release of every expansion
the meta is unrefined, the decks are unrefined, every deck is in a testing phase
at the same time I'm not saying quasar rogue isn't dumb as shit, ofc it is, just saying that complaining about it now, 2 days after expansion release, makes no sense (also the deck doesn't even have a 50% winrate) and we know that if it actually becomes too oppresive they will nerf it to the ground
no it's not, i think there was only one or two times for special reasons in the past(like blizzcon or smth) that we got the last expansion of the year before december
two years ago it was early december
last year mid-november
this year early november
I think it's pretty clear now that we'll be getting 4 expansions next year
last year's last expansion was released in mid-November iirc so if it's the same plan this year around it could make sense to open preorders a month before
also if that's the case again it's only convincing me more and more that we might see 4 expansions a year next year already
I think I saw a similar thread on reddit (99% sure it was reddit) not so long ago
Some guy got banned and had to appeal like 3 times (first few times they only respond with AI on the side of blizzard) until he got to a human and then after some time he actually got unbanned
I'll try to find the thread when I have some time, but a quick google/reddit search should help you too
Yeah I was thinking the same, slowly moving the expansions tighter together, started with the last expansion previous year imo
And now if they indeed release the miniset 2 weeks earlier than normal, we might be getting next expansion early November/late October this year with rotation happening in January/February and 4 expacs next year
And that could explain no new board for PiP, everyone so busy with 4 expacs + 4 mini-sets that they couldn't even spare ANY time from artist(s) to make the board.
This is actually a very good change for people that don't want to spend gold/money on mini sets
Just save those packs until the mini set releases and then open them, if you already have a decent collection in the current expansion, there is a high chance of getting mini set cards thanks to no-duplicate rules
as a side note, remember to use the 'extra' keyword
this will show you every card that you have more than 3 copies of but will count all the versions - normal, golden, diamond etc
the dust button only counts the stacks of cards that are 2+, normal and golden are considered separate stacks in this case
you people are saying you've been playing since beta, yet you still haven't learned that there was literally at least one broken deck at the release of every expansion
the meta is unrefined, the decks are unrefined, every deck is in a testing phase
at the same time I'm not saying quasar rogue isn't dumb as shit, ofc it is, just saying that complaining about it now, 2 days after expansion release, makes no sense (also the deck doesn't even have a 50% winrate) and we know that if it actually becomes too oppresive they will nerf it to the ground
you have to open them from your packs first
nah, they never are immediately one after another, and they never start an event track with the release of the expansion
the event always starts around a week after the expansion release and iirc it was actually planned for the next one to start on the 12th
so this time around one will end and the new one will start immediately(unless they postpone the new one by a little)
the same thing that happened to new game boards
no it's not, i think there was only one or two times for special reasons in the past(like blizzcon or smth) that we got the last expansion of the year before december
two years ago it was early december
last year mid-november
this year early november
I think it's pretty clear now that we'll be getting 4 expansions next year
last year's last expansion was released in mid-November iirc so if it's the same plan this year around it could make sense to open preorders a month before
also if that's the case again it's only convincing me more and more that we might see 4 expansions a year next year already
I think I saw a similar thread on reddit (99% sure it was reddit) not so long ago
Some guy got banned and had to appeal like 3 times (first few times they only respond with AI on the side of blizzard) until he got to a human and then after some time he actually got unbanned
I'll try to find the thread when I have some time, but a quick google/reddit search should help you too
I think this was the thread I was thinking aobut - https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1ef5cey/wrongful_account_ban/
although it seems it's about a different kind of ban
Yeah I was thinking the same, slowly moving the expansions tighter together, started with the last expansion previous year imo
And now if they indeed release the miniset 2 weeks earlier than normal, we might be getting next expansion early November/late October this year with rotation happening in January/February and 4 expacs next year
And that could explain no new board for PiP, everyone so busy with 4 expacs + 4 mini-sets that they couldn't even spare ANY time from artist(s) to make the board.
still works in 2023
the only thing you're forgetting is that they want as many people as possible to actually play this brawl
it's no coincidence it's always live a couple weeks before mini-set releases
they want people to throw away gold so that those people will buy the mini-set or the packs with real money, and an average player WILL lose that gold
thanks for letting us know